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java - 如何使用 java 和 spring 3.0 同时处理来自 JMS 主题(不是队列)的多条消息?

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 13:55:14 24 4
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spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer 似乎只支持 JMS 队列的并发。

我需要实例化多个 DefaultMessageListenerContainers 吗?


ListenerA reads msg 1        ListenerB reads msg 2        ListenerC reads msg 3
ListenerA reads msg 4 ListenerB reads msg 5 ListenerC reads msg 6
ListenerA reads msg 7 ListenerB reads msg 8 ListenerC reads msg 9
ListenerA reads msg 10 ListenerB reads msg 11 ListenerC reads msg 12

感谢@T.Rob 和@skaffman 的反馈。

我最终做的是使用 concurrency=1 创建多个 DefaultMessageListenerContainers,然后将逻辑放入消息监听器中,以便只有一个线程可以处理给定的消息 ID。


您不想要多个 DefaultMessageListenerContainer 实例,不,但您需要将 DefaultMessageListenerContainer 配置为并发,使用 concurrentConsumers property :

Specify the number of concurrent consumers to create. Default is 1.

Specifying a higher value for this setting will increase the standard level of scheduled concurrent consumers at runtime: This is effectively the minimum number of concurrent consumers which will be scheduled at any given time. This is a static setting; for dynamic scaling, consider specifying the "maxConcurrentConsumers" setting instead.

Raising the number of concurrent consumers is recommendable in order to scale the consumption of messages coming in from a queue. However, note that any ordering guarantees are lost once multiple consumers are registered. In general, stick with 1 consumer for low-volume queues.


Do not raise the number of concurrent consumers for a topic. This would lead to concurrent consumption of the same message, which is hardly ever desirable.

这很有趣,并且在您考虑时很有意义。如果您有多个 DefaultMessageListenerContainer 实例,也会发生同样的情况。

我认为也许你需要重新考虑你的设计,虽然我不确定我会建议什么。 pub/sub 消息的并发消费似乎是一件非常合理的事情,但是如何避免将相同的消息同时传递给所有消费者呢?

关于java - 如何使用 java 和 spring 3.0 同时处理来自 JMS 主题(不是队列)的多条消息?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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