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有没有办法在 mongoose 中对集合进行批量更新?我发现的策略使用原始收集驱动程序如下:
var bulk = Person.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
是未定义的。 mongoose不支持吗?
NOTE: Modern Mongoose releases support
directly on the Model methods. It is preferable to use this method even in direct implementations of the MongoDB API, since it actually "safely downgrades" to use "individual calls" for the methods supplied in the batch in cases where connecting to a MongoDB version that does not support the "Bulk API" itself.It still calls the same underlying "bulk methods" as described, but rather the software makes the decision how to correctly send to the server than your own code needing to make this determination.
Also note: That Ongoing mongoose releases now require you to
in a way that means the connection must be resolved before other actions continue. Using new connection mechanisms ensures that accessors such as.collection
described below are always present when you call them.
您可以这样做,但问题是当从基本驱动程序访问底层集合对象时,没有采取与实现的 Mongoose 模型方法相同的预防措施。
所有模型方法都使用其他功能包装底层方法,但最常见的是在尝试访问该方法之前确保数据库连接已打开。这确保了 Db
实例存在并且可以获取 Collection()
一旦您在模型上使用了 .collection
mongoose.connection.on('open',function(err,conn) {
// now it's safe to use
// { .. } Other code
var bulk = Person.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
至于在不深入底层驱动程序级别的情况下对 Bulk API 方法的 native 支持,是的,目前正在研究中。但是您仍然可以自己实现它,只要您连接到 MongoDB 2.6 服务器实例或更高版本,它就不会破坏代码。
关于javascript - Mongoose 批量更新操作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27783575/
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Mongoose 版本 >= 4.0 有一个时间戳选项,当 timestamps 设置为 时,该选项会为架构创建 updatedAt 和 createdAt 字段正确。 http://mongoose
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许多教程告诉您在您的 userSchema 页面中使用 bycrypt。保存新用户后,它会附带加密密码。伟大的。然而,我想,当我用某些东西编辑用户时,它也会重新哈希密码,导致无法登录。你能给我一个解决