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这仅出现在我网站上带有 Google +1 框的页面上:
似乎每次鼠标移动都会触发一个事件。有谁知道它在做什么?我在谷歌上搜索(也许我应该在这个上尝试一次 Bing!)但似乎没有人写过它。它是否记录了有关我的访问者浏览习惯的信息?是否是某种 CAPTCHA 来检测类似人类的行为?
示例 URL,在 chrome 中按 F12,转到时间线并按记录,然后在此页面上移动鼠标(它加上这个问题,不用担心):
Google +1 隐私政策
Google +1 Button Privacy Policy
June 28, 2011
The Google Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use Google’s products and services, including information provided when you use the Google +1 button. In addition, the following describes our additional privacy practices specific to your use of the +1 button.
Information we collect and how it is shared
The Google +1 button is a way for you to share information publicly with the world. The Google +1 button helps you and others receive personalized content from Google and our partners. The fact that you +1’d something will be recorded by Google, along with information about the page you were viewing when you clicked on the +1 button. Your +1’s may appear to others as an annotation with your profile name and photo in Google services (such as in search results or on your Google Profile) or elsewhere on websites and ads on the Internet.
We will record information about your +1 activity in order to provide you and other users with a better experience on Google services.
In order to use the Google +1 button, you need to have a public Google Profile visible to the world, which at a minimum includes the name you chose for the profile. That name will be used across Google services and in some cases it may replace another name you’ve used when sharing content under your Google Account. We may display your Google Profile identity to people who have your email address or other identifying information.
Use of the collected information
In addition to the above-described uses, the information you provide to us is used subject to our main Google Privacy Policy.
We may share aggregate statistics related to users’ +1 activity with the public, our users, and partners, such as publishers, advertisers, or connected sites. For example, we may tell a publisher that “10% of the people who +1’d this page are in Tacoma, Washington.”
Your choices
You may view the list of items you have +1’d on the +1 tab on your Profile. You can remove individual items from that list.
You may opt out of seeing +1 recommendations on third-party websites (including on ads on third-party sites) from people you know.
We will store data (such as your recent +1’s) locally in your browser. You may be able to access and clear this information in your browser settings.
More information
Google adheres to the U.S. Safe Harbor privacy principles. For more information about the Safe Harbor framework or our registration, see the Department of Commerce’s website.
var b = ((event.X << 16) + event.Y) * (new Date().getTime() % 1000000);
c = c * b % d;
if (previousMouseMoveHandler) previousMouseMoveHandler.call(arguments);
是(screen.width * screen.width + screen.height) * 1000000
是一个变量为 1。
var b = c;
b += parseInt(hash.substr(0,20), 16);
hash = MD5(hash);
return b / (d + Math.pow(16, 20));
,顺便说一句,是一个变量,它以页面 cookie、位置、new Date().getTime()
的 MD5 哈希开始,以及 Math.random()
(当然,请注意,Google 可能会随时更改返回的脚本,从而使该分析无效)
关于javascript - 为什么 Google +1 会记录我的鼠标移动?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6667544/
只是想知道 Jquery Mobile 是否足够稳定以用于实时生产企业移动应用程序。 有很多 HTML5 框架,因为我们的团队使用 JQuery 已经有一段时间了,我们更愿意使用 Jquery 移动框
关闭。这个问题需要details or clarity .它目前不接受答案。 想改进这个问题吗? 通过 editing this post 添加细节并澄清问题. 关闭 3 年前。 Improve t
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Git 基于内容而不是文件,所以我目前理解以下行为,但我想知道是否有特殊选项或 hack 来检测此类事情: git init mkdir -p foo/bar echo "test" foo/a.tx
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