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c++ - 我应该如何制作功能 curry ?

转载 作者:IT老高 更新时间:2023-10-28 12:58:00 27 4
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在 C++14 中,柯里化(Currying)函数或函数对象的好方法是什么?

特别是,我有一个重载函数 foo 有一些随机数量的重载:一些重载可以通过 ADL 找到,其他的可能在无数地方定义。


static struct {
auto operator()(Args&&...args)const
-> decltype(foo(std::forward<Args>(args)...))
{ return (foo(std::forward<Args>(args)...));}
} call_foo;


如果我想 curry foo,我应该怎么做?

由于 curry 和部分函数应用程序经常可以互换使用,curry 我的意思是如果 foo(a,b,c,d)是一个有效的调用,那么 curry(call_foo)(a)(b)(c)(d) 必须是一个有效的调用。



#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>

SFINAE 实用程序助手类:

template<class T>struct voider{using type=void;};
template<class T>using void_t=typename voider<T>::type;

一个特征类,它告诉你 Sig 是否是一个有效的调用——即,如果 std::result_of<Sig>::type是定义的行为。在某些 C++ 实现中,只需检查 std::result_of已经足够了,但这不是标准要求的:

template<class Sig,class=void>
struct is_invokable:std::false_type {};
template<class F, class... Ts>
struct is_invokable<
>:std::true_type {
using type=decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<Ts>()...));
template<class Sig>
using invoke_result=typename is_invokable<Sig>::type;
template<class T> using type=T;

Curry 助手是一种手动 lambda。它捕获一个函数和一个参数。它没有写成 lambda,因此我们可以在右值上下文中使用它时启用正确的右值转发,这在柯里化(Currying)时很重要:

template<class F, class T>
struct curry_helper {
F f;
T t;
invoke_result< type<F const&>(T const&, Args...) >
return f(t, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
invoke_result< type<F&>(T const&, Args...) >
return f(t, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
invoke_result< type<F>(T const&, Args...) >
return std::move(f)(std::move(t), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

肉和土 bean :

template<class F>
struct curry_t {
F f;
template<class Arg>
using next_curry=curry_t< curry_helper<F, std::decay_t<Arg> >;
// the non-terminating cases. When the signature passed does not evaluate
// we simply store the value in a curry_helper, and curry the result:
template<class Arg,class=std::enable_if_t<!is_invokable<type<F const&>(Arg)>::value>>
auto operator()(Arg&& arg)const&
return next_curry<Arg>{{ f, std::forward<Arg>(arg) }};
template<class Arg,class=std::enable_if_t<!is_invokable<type<F&>(Arg)>::value>>
auto operator()(Arg&& arg)&
return next_curry<Arg>{{ f, std::forward<Arg>(arg) }};
template<class Arg,class=std::enable_if_t<!is_invokable<F(Arg)>::value>>
auto operator()(Arg&& arg)&&
return next_curry<Arg>{{ std::move(f), std::forward<Arg>(arg) }};
// These are helper functions that make curry(blah)(a,b,c) somewhat of a shortcut for curry(blah)(a)(b)(c)
// *if* the latter is valid, *and* it isn't just directly invoked. Not quite, because this can *jump over*
// terminating cases...
template<class Arg,class...Args,class=std::enable_if_t<!is_invokable<type<F const&>(Arg,Args...)>::value>>
auto operator()(Arg&& arg,Args&&...args)const&
return next_curry<Arg>{{ f, std::forward<Arg>(arg) }}(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<class Arg,class...Args,class=std::enable_if_t<!is_invokable<type<F&>(Arg,Args...)>::value>>
auto operator()(Arg&& arg,Args&&...args)&
return next_curry<Arg>{{ f, std::forward<Arg>(arg) }}(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<class Arg,class...Args,class=std::enable_if_t<!is_invokable<F(Arg,Args...)>::value>>
auto operator()(Arg&& arg,Args&&...args)&&
return next_curry<Arg>{{ std::move(f), std::forward<Arg>(arg) }}(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

// The terminating cases. If we run into a case where the arguments would evaluate, this calls the underlying curried function:
template<class... Args,class=std::enable_if_t<is_invokable<type<F const&>(Args...)>::value>>
auto operator()(Args&&... args,...)const&
return f(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<class... Args,class=std::enable_if_t<is_invokable<type<F&>(Args...)>::value>>
auto operator()(Args&&... args,...)&
return f(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<class... Args,class=std::enable_if_t<is_invokable<F(Args...)>::value>>
auto operator()(Args&&... args,...)&&
return std::move(f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template<class F>
curry_t<typename std::decay<F>::type> curry( F&& f ) { return {std::forward<F>(f)}; }


请注意,没有进行类型删除。另请注意,理论上的手工解决方案可以少得多move s,但我认为我不需要在任何地方复制。


static struct {
double operator()(double x, int y, std::nullptr_t, std::nullptr_t)const{std::cout << "first\n"; return x*y;}
char operator()(char c, int x)const{std::cout << "second\n"; return c+x;}
void operator()(char const*s)const{std::cout << "hello " << s << "\n";}
} foo;


int main() {
auto f = curry(foo);
// testing the ability to "jump over" the second overload:
std::cout << f(3.14,10,std::nullptr_t{})(std::nullptr_t{}) << "\n";
// Call the 3rd overload:
// call the 2nd overload:
auto x = f('a',2);
std::cout << x << "\n";
// again:
x = f('a')(2);

live example

生成的代码有点困惑。许多方法必须重复3次才能处理& , const&&&最佳情况下。 SFINAE 条款冗长而复杂。我最终同时使用了可变参数 可变参数,其中可变参数确保方法中不重要的签名差异(我认为优先级较低,并不重要,SFINAE 确保只有一个重载永远有效,this 限定符除外)。

curry(call_foo) 的结果是一个对象,可以一次调用一个参数,或者一次调用多个参数。你可以用 3 个参数调用它,然后是 1,然后是 1,然后是 2,而且它大部分都是正确的。除了尝试向它提供参数并查看调用是否有效之外,没有任何证据可以告诉您它需要多少参数。这是处理重载情况所必需的。

多参数情况的一个怪癖是它不会将数据包部分传递给一个curry。 ,并将其余部分用作返回值的参数。我可以通过更改相对轻松地更改:

    return curry_t< curry_helper<F, std::decay_t<Arg> >>{{ f, std::forward<Arg>(arg) }}(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

    return (*this)(std::forward<Arg>(arg))(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

还有另外两个类似的。这将阻止“跳过”原本有效的重载的技术。想法?这意味着 curry(foo)(a,b,c)逻辑上等同于 curry(foo)(a)(b)(c)这看起来很优雅。


最新版本。它使 (a,b,c)行为很像 (a)(b)(c)除非它是直接起作用的调用。

#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

struct voider { using type = void; };
using void_t = typename voider<Ts...>::type;

template<class T>
using decay_t = typename std::decay<T>::type;

template<class Sig,class=void>
struct is_invokable:std::false_type {};
template<class F, class... Ts>
struct is_invokable<
>:std::true_type {};

#define RETURNS(...) decltype(__VA_ARGS__){return (__VA_ARGS__);}

template<class D>
class rvalue_invoke_support {
D& self(){return *static_cast<D*>(this);}
D const& self()const{return *static_cast<D const*>(this);}
auto operator()(Args&&...args)&->
RETURNS( invoke( this->self(), std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )

auto operator()(Args&&...args)const&->
RETURNS( invoke( this->self(), std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )

auto operator()(Args&&...args)&&->
RETURNS( invoke( std::move(this->self()), std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )

auto operator()(Args&&...args)const&&->
RETURNS( invoke( std::move(this->self()), std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )

namespace curryDetails {
// Curry helper is sort of a manual lambda. It captures a function and one argument
// It isn't written as a lambda so we can enable proper rvalue forwarding when it is
// used in an rvalue context, which is important when currying:
template<class F, class T>
struct curry_helper: rvalue_invoke_support<curry_helper<F,T>> {
F f;
T t;

template<class A, class B>
curry_helper(A&& a, B&& b):f(std::forward<A>(a)), t(std::forward<B>(b)) {}

template<class curry_helper, class...Args>
friend auto invoke( curry_helper&& self, Args&&... args)->
RETURNS( std::forward<curry_helper>(self).f( std::forward<curry_helper>(self).t, std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )

namespace curryNS {
// the rvalue-ref qualified function type of a curry_t:
template<class curry>
using function_type = decltype(std::declval<curry>().f);

template <class> struct curry_t;

// the next curry type if we chain given a new arg A0:
template<class curry, class A0>
using next_curry = curry_t<::curryDetails::curry_helper<decay_t<function_type<curry>>, decay_t<A0>>>;

// 3 invoke_ overloads
// The first is one argument when invoking f with A0 does not work:
template<class curry, class A0>
auto invoke_(std::false_type, curry&& self, A0&&a0 )->
RETURNS(next_curry<curry, A0>{std::forward<curry>(self).f,std::forward<A0>(a0)})

// This is the 2+ argument overload where invoking with the arguments does not work
// invoke a chain of the top one:
template<class curry, class A0, class A1, class... Args>
auto invoke_(std::false_type, curry&& self, A0&&a0, A1&& a1, Args&&... args )->
RETURNS(std::forward<curry>(self)(std::forward<A0>(a0))(std::forward<A1>(a1), std::forward<Args>(args)...))

// This is the any number of argument overload when it is a valid call to f:
template<class curry, class...Args>
auto invoke_(std::true_type, curry&& self, Args&&...args )->

template<class F>
struct curry_t : rvalue_invoke_support<curry_t<F>> {
F f;

template<class... U>curry_t(U&&...u):f(std::forward<U>(u)...){}

template<class curry, class...Args>
friend auto invoke( curry&& self, Args&&...args )->
RETURNS(invoke_(is_invokable<function_type<curry>(Args...)>{}, std::forward<curry>(self), std::forward<Args>(args)...))

template<class F>
curryNS::curry_t<decay_t<F>> curry( F&& f ) { return {std::forward<F>(f)}; }

#include <iostream>

static struct foo_t {
double operator()(double x, int y, std::nullptr_t, std::nullptr_t)const{std::cout << "first\n"; return x*y;}
char operator()(char c, int x)const{std::cout << "second\n"; return c+x;}
void operator()(char const*s)const{std::cout << "hello " << s << "\n";}
} foo;

int main() {

auto f = curry(foo);
using C = decltype((f));
std::cout << is_invokable<curryNS::function_type<C>(const char(&)[5])>{} << "\n";
invoke( f, "world" );
// Call the 3rd overload:
// testing the ability to "jump over" the second overload:
std::cout << f(3.14,10,nullptr,nullptr) << "\n";
// call the 2nd overload:
auto x = f('a',2);
std::cout << x << "\n";
// again:
x = f('a')(2);
std::cout << x << "\n";
std::cout << is_invokable<decltype(foo)(double, int)>{} << "\n";
std::cout << is_invokable<decltype(foo)(double)>{} << "\n";
std::cout << is_invokable<decltype(f)(double, int)>{} << "\n";
std::cout << is_invokable<decltype(f)(double)>{} << "\n";
std::cout << is_invokable<decltype(f(3.14))(int)>{} << "\n";
decltype(std::declval<decltype((foo))>()(std::declval<double>(), std::declval<int>())) y = {3};
// std::cout << << "\n";

live version

关于c++ - 我应该如何制作功能 curry ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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