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Can New Relic Java agent miss sending last one minute metrics data in case of JVM crash?(在JVM崩溃的情况下,New Relic Java代理会错过发送最后一分钟的指标数据吗?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-28 21:02:14 25 4
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New Relic has a Java agent which can be added as a dependency to the application. The agent does instrumentation as part of the running JVM I believe. And that instrumented data is sent to New Relic server every one minute from the Java agent.

New Relic有一个Java代理,它可以作为依赖项添加到应用程序中。我相信,该代理作为正在运行的JVM的一部分进行检测。检测的数据每隔一分钟从Java代理发送到New Relic服务器。

In case JVM crashes/exits (for any reason) before agent gets a chance to send last minute interval data, will the metrics be lost? Or does data get persisted in disk from where agent can read & send it when the JVM is up again? But that might be delayed & not real time. So we will miss vital data that can help in debugging the crash.


May be I am missing something. If anyone has more insight about how New Relic Java agent handles this scenario, please answer.

也许我错过了什么。如果任何人对New Relic Java代理如何处理此场景有更多的了解,请回答。


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