Based on OP's updated HTML, here's a way to extract the data into a table.
Inspired by @hrbrmstr's post here.
html <- read_html("~/Desktop/GenderStats.html")
xml_find_all(html, ".//br") %>% xml_add_sibling("p", "$$$")
xml_find_all(html, ".//br") %>% xml_remove()
tbls <- html_table(html)
^The first key is to replace <br>
tags with some distinct delimiter. Here I've chosen '$$$'
but you can use anything unlikely to appear normally in the text you're scraping.
The reason for this is html_table()
converts into nondescript whitespace - which becomes indistinguishable from whitespace within valid strings and then impossible to split on.
tbls[[1]] |>
rename(values_pct = `Values, n (%)`) |> # just for ease of typing
filter(values_pct != "") |> # drop "spacer" row entries
# :Characteristics: values are now separated by $$$, split on that delimiter
patterns = c(var = ".*?", " \\$\\$\\$", category = ".*")) |>
group_by(var, category) |>
# now :values_pct: has entries like: $$$69 (68.3) $$$19 (18.8) $$$9 (8.9) $$$4 (4.0)
# however, some values for :var: have multiple rows already, like Sex
# so we create a list column of :values_pct: , then expand into columns
# with unnest_wide()
# then remove leading $$$ values with str_replace()
# finally expand each value into a column with separate()
# then convert to long format with pivot_wider()
summarise(values_pct = list(values_pct)) |>
unnest_wider(values_pct, names_sep = "_") |>
mutate(values_pct_1 = str_replace(values_pct_1, "^\\$\\$\\$", "")) |>
separate_wider_delim(values_pct_1, "$$$", names_sep = "__",
too_few="align_start") |>
pivot_longer(-c(var, category)) |>
filter(!is.na(value)) |> # drop empty values
# now split :category: into one row per value, splitting on the delimiter
separate_longer_delim(category, " $$$") |>
# the trick is to align each category with its associated value
# do this by enumerating categories and values in the order they appear
group_by(var, value = fct_inorder(value)) |>
mutate(value_id = cur_group_id()) |>
group_by(var, category = fct_inorder(category)) |>
mutate(cat_id = cur_group_id()) |>
ungroup() |>
# now reduce to just those entries where category ID and value ID match
filter(cat_id == value_id) |>
select(var, category, value)
# A tibble: 27 × 3
var category value
<chr> <fct> <fct>
1 Age <70 years of age "63 (62.4) "
2 Age ≥70 years of age "38 (37.6)"
3 Brain metastases Yes "16 (15.8) "
4 Brain metastases No "85 (84.2)"
5 CCI 0–2 "91 (90.1) "
6 CCI ≥3 "10 (9.9)"
7 Disease stage IIIB "2 (2.3) "
8 Disease stage IV "86 (97.7)"
9 ECOG PS 0 "20 (19.8) "
10 ECOG PS 1 "43 (42.6) "
11 ECOG PS 2 "30 (29.7) "
12 ECOG PS 3 "8 (7.9)"
13 Frailty Scoring System Low "28 (27.7) "
14 Frailty Scoring System Intermediate "41 (40.6) "
15 Frailty Scoring System High "32 (31.7)"
16 Histology Adenocarcinoma "69 (68.3) "
17 Histology Squamous "19 (18.8) "
18 Histology NSCLC poorly differentiated "9 (8.9) "
19 Histology Others "4 (4.0)"
20 NLR ≥4 "58 (57.4) "
21 NLR <4 "43 (42.6)"
22 PD-L1 TPS% <90% "74 (73.3) "
23 PD-L1 TPS% ≥90% "27 (26.7)"
24 Sex Male "75 (74.3)"
25 Sex Female "26 (25.7)"
26 Smoking history No "93 (92.1) "
27 Smoking history Yes "8 (7.9)"
Note: This still feels like a brittle solution and will almost certainly not generalize well. Also verging on more suitable for Data Science Stack Exchange than SO, as it's less about coding (IMO) and more about thinking creatively through a data organization problem. Keeping it here in the spirit that it may be helpful to others learning to code in R/tidyverse.
Here's a solution that pulls out each value in List
and gives it its own row in the data frame that comes out of tbls
. Then just drop the row with an empty Value
tbls[[1]] |>
rownames_to_column() |>
rowwise() |>
mutate(List = str_split_1(List, " ")[[as.numeric(rowname)]]) |>
filter(`Values, n (%)` != "") |>
# A tibble: 2 × 2
# Rowwise:
List `Values, n (%)`
<chr> <chr>
1 Male 75 (74.3)
2 Female 26 (25.7)
Thanks you, this worked for above table. However it does not work when I try to scrap table from this URL as there are no spaces: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9953107/table/…
Can you update your post with example data that reflects the actual data you want to scrape? As I noted in my comment, the html in your example data doesn't have a reliable structure and so solutions may not generalize well. The more your example covers the actual use case, the better others can help you.