I have an array of points [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3]...]
using which I want to render a curved line chart.
I tried this curve fitting solution which gives an accurate curve like this-
The above curve is smooth and mathematically precise but I need an altered curve fitting solution that generates a curve that passes through all the points without going above or below them. This means that the crests and troughs of the curve should coincide with points. something like this- 
Thanks @enxaneta This link provides a function that returns curved svg path from array of points. But in some cases, the curve does not meet my requirement. See this screenshot. It has unnecessary bulge, where it should have been a straight line.
Don't put additional details in comments, put them in your post. Also the curve you're showing in that new image is pretty much what things have to look like, unless you can come up with additional rules based on a sequence of neighbours, rather than just the direct neighbours. But on an SO note: SO is not for asking folks to supply you with code, it's for getting help fixing your code, so what have you tried already? (and please put what you've tried already in your post, of course).
Thanks @Mike'Pomax'Kamermans I have updated my question.
Thanks. The second point still stands though: that's what things have to look like if you're using a spline interpolation, because the only direction you can go from the first point is towards the second point, and the only way to not have any bulge is if, at the second point, you abruptly change direction towards the third point, which isn't a curve, that's just a polygon. You're showing the exact data example where curve fitting is universally going to look weird. In fact, spline interpolation looks downright "nice" compared to regular polygonal interpolation, which will "wave".
After some research, I found a way to generate the svg path of the curve using the given array of points. This solution generates a smooth curve whose crests and troughs coincide with the points.
const svgQuadraticCurvePath = points => {
let path = 'M' + points[0][0] + ',' + points[0][1];
for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {
const xMid = (points[i][0] + points[i + 1][0]) / 2;
const yMid = (points[i][1] + points[i + 1][1]) / 2;
const cpX1 = (xMid + points[i][0]) / 2;
const cpX2 = (xMid + points[i + 1][0]) / 2;
path +=
'Q ' +
cpX1 +
', ' +
points[i][1] +
', ' +
xMid +
', ' +
yMid +
(' Q ' +
cpX2 +
', ' +
points[i + 1][1] +
', ' +
points[i + 1][0] +
', ' +
points[i + 1][1]);
return path;