Time stamps are saved, via postgresql, as: "1991-12-02 01:11:00.000000000 +0100"
时间戳通过PostgreSQL保存为:“1991-12-02 01:11:00.000000000+0100”。
However, there are a number of records that were created with elements of data that are off and the console returns timezone adjusments as
LMT +00:49
There is no clue why an offset ended up being +00:49
How can these records be queried and subsequently adjusted so that the time is the existing value + 1 hour AND showing the timezone as CET +0100 ?
The attribute is of datatype datetime
, whereas LMT is GMT + 0100
What is the data type (timestamp without time zone or timestamp with time zone). BTW Postgres does not store timestamps in any year:month:day... format; they are stored in an internal structure. Further the UTC offset/Timezone is not stored, it is retrieved from the server. LMT is GMT?
Postgres does not have a data type datetime must be a Rails datatype. Sign-in directly to your database from a console and enter command \d+ tablename
. It will show the complete table description. Post that description, as text - not an image.
@Belayer The rails schema type datetime
corresponds to timestamp
in Postgres. The OP here is falling for the age old trap of thinking that a timestamp and its original timezone can be stored in a single column.
@Belayer Rails模式类型DateTime对应于Postgres中的时间戳。这里的操作正在陷入一个古老的陷阱,即认为时间戳及其原始时区可以存储在单个列中。
PostgreSQL (with the default config) does not know a timezone abbreviated 'LMT'. Either you have a weird compilation/configuration of PostgreSQL. or this is something Ruby is foisting onto you.
You can't actually store a timestamp and its original timezone in a single column.*
This is a pretty common source of confusion but Postgres (and many other databases) actually store dates/time as an internal number-y type. In previous versions the default varied between a double precision float or a 8-bit integer (it's not stated in the current version of the docs).
Neither time
, date
, timestamp
or timestamp with zone
(despite the confusion caused by the name) store any information about the original timezone - it merely changes how the input is coerced into the database timezone or UTC.
TIME、DATE、TIMESTAMP或TIMESTAMP WITH ZONE(尽管名称引起混淆)都不会存储有关原始时区的任何信息--它只是改变了强制输入到数据库时区或UTC的方式。
To be able to implement this feature you'll need to store the original timezone in a separate column and then convert the stored time into the original timezone. Depending on your needs this can either be done in Rails or in Postgres with AT TIME ZONE
* Of course its possible to use a something like a text column or that someone has written a Postgres extension with a custom type that does this.