hourArray = []
var hour9 = $("#9").attr("id") var hour10 = $("#10").attr("id") var hour11 = $("#11").attr("id") var hour12 = $("#12").attr("id") var hour13 = $("#13").attr("id") var hour14 = $("#14").attr("id") var hour15 = $("#15").attr("id") var hour16 = $("#16").attr("id") var hour17 = $("#17").attr("id")
var hour9N = parseInt(hour9) var hour10N = parseInt(hour10) var hour11N = parseInt(hour11) var hour12N = parseInt(hour12) var hour13N = parseInt(hour13) var hour14N = parseInt(hour14) var hour15N = parseInt(hour15) var hour16N = parseInt(hour16) var hour17N = parseInt(hour17)
hourArray.push(hour9N) hourArray.push(hour10N) hourArray.push(hour11N) hourArray.push(hour12N) hourArray.push(hour13N) hourArray.push(hour14N) hourArray.push(hour15N) hourArray.push(hour16N) hourArray.push(hour17N)
for (i = 0; i < hourArray.length; i++) {
if (hourArray[i] === hour) {
var color = $(hourArray[i]).toString();
$(color).removeClass("row time-block")
else if (hourArray[i] < hour) {
var color = $(hourArray[i]).toString()
else {
var color = $(hourArray[i]).toString()
I am trying to convert my integers back into string data so that I may target the appropriate members of the array. It works fine when I console log the data (console logs the appropriate message for the proper number of members of said array for each condition). But when I try to put the variable in the add/remove class method, it throws up an error saying unrecognized expression [object OBJECT]. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
我正在尝试将我的整数转换回字符串数据,以便我可以针对数组的适当成员。当我通过控制台记录数据时,它工作得很好(对于每个条件,控制台为适当数量的所述数组成员记录适当的消息)。但是,当我尝试将变量放入Add/Remove类方法中时,它抛出一个错误,说无法识别表达式[Object Object]。有谁能给我指个方向吗?
Ive attempted to convert the integers back to strings but it does not seem to work for the add/remove class method.
With this you are taking an integer and passing it to the jQuery constructor.
I assume you meant to concat it with a '#' in order to get a CSS selector for the id (see http://api.jquery.com/id-selector/). I don't know what you're trying to achieve with toString
. You are converting the jQuery element which is pointing at the DOM element and throwing it away and replacing it with a String. A string is fine for logging, but no good for calling jQuery methods on.
var color = $(hourArray[i]).toString();
Probably want:
var color = $('#' + hourArray[i]);
color.removeClass("row time-block")
You could also simplify this if you wanted by using a class on all your objects and going through them with each loop. Also, keep in mind that an ID that is just a number isn't considered valid if you're trying to meet HTML standards. if you want to store info on an element a custom data attribute might be your ideal solution.
Check this: Use data attributes
const hourArray = $('.hour');
hourArray.each(function (index) {
var offset = index + 9; //this is only needed because you start at nine
if (offset === hour) {
$(this).removeClass("row time-block");
} else if (offset < hour) {
//offset will be your color
} else {
//else stuff
That is exactly what I am trying to do. Thank you for the clarification. I completely forgot to add back the #. If that is the case, I dont need to string it, do i? Or can I string it, then add the #. Or would it be better to just concat the # to the integer.
Thank you. I just saw the second added part. Thank you very much!!!