As per Firebase documentation, we should not use incremental values as it may cause hotspots.
I have multiple subcollections and I am only interested in ordering my subcollection, so I want to concat server-side timestamp with a document ID (which represents the document inside which my subcollection exist)
But as the serverside time stamp is calculated at the server level, how can I do it?
You can't - if you must use a server timestamp, you can only write that value to a field by itself using the server timestamp token in your code.
I am having multiple subcollections and I am only interested in ordering my subcollections.
You cannot order subcollections. According to the docs, the ordering refers to documents and not to collections or subcollections.
I want to concat server-side timestamp with a document ID.
You can choose to name the subcollections any way you want, but you won't find a function that will order them.
But as the serverside timestamp is calculated at the server level, how can I do it?
As @DougStevenson mentioned in his comment, if you need to use a server timestamp, then you have to write that value to a field (of the document) using the server timestamp token in your application's code.
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