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How to encrypt single column in sqlite database in my Python Flask app?(如何在我的应用程序中加密SQLite数据库中的单列?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-28 10:28:45 30 4
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I want one column in my sqlite database to be encrypted but still visible to my Flask app. When I use the solution below - my Flask app is able to see data in the encrypted column, but when I open the database I see that the data is encrypted.


But I'm not sure if my solution is secure to host publicly on What are the vulnerabilities that I face. Is it safe to keep my 'key' in the code? This is my code below:


from flask import Flask
from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_user, logout_user, login_required
from sqlalchemy_utils import EncryptedType

key = "my_encryption_key_here"

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'hello'
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///db.sqlite'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
login_manager = LoginManager()

class Rx(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
sx_string = db.Column(EncryptedType(db.String, key), nullable=True, unique=False)


I'd suggest putting it into a separate file, which is explicitly ignored in your .gitignore file, and then importing it from there. Alternatively, you could use a .env file containing environment variables that you could load in (there's a help page on the PythonAnywhere website that explains how to do that, just search the front page for "environment".


The reason is that if it's mixed in with the rest of your code, if you have your code in a git repo stored on GitHub or something similar, your encryption key will be on that service -- so in the event of a breach of that service, or if you accidentally make the repo public or something like that, your key will be leaked.

原因是,如果它与你的其余代码混合在一起,如果你的代码存储在GitHub或类似的Git repo中,你的加密密钥将存储在该服务上--所以如果该服务被破坏,或者如果你意外地将repo公开或类似的事情,你的密钥将被泄露。


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