gpt4 book ai didi

Add New Data in Text File by ASM 8086 (Dosbox)(用ASM 8086在文本文件中添加新数据(DOSBOX))

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-28 09:45:48 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

Yo Guys, i want a data added in a text file by ady be create and also some previous data in the text file. The tutorial that i found are just replace the front word/data.


i want to add a new data in the text file that the new data is after the previous data. After the program , the new data must at the last line of the text file and the previous data are still there.


My idea is to use int 21h,42h to hold the buffer when reading the file and int 21h ,40h to write the data in text file. But i still not idea how to do. Is it use those both function ? If yes then how to do it ?

我的想法是在读取文件时使用INT 21h,42h来保存缓冲区,使用INT 21h,40h来将数据写入文本文件。但我还是不知道该怎么做。它使用的是这两种功能吗?如果是,那么怎么做呢?

Example :


Before (test.txt):




After Program (if i want add "Banana" in):




Thanks and hope u guys have a great day !



Service 42h, int 21h moves file pointer inside a file. So move file pointer to the end of a file and append new data. ah = 42h, mov al,2, mov cx,0, mov dx,0, int 21h.

服务42h,int 21h在文件内移动文件指针。因此,将文件指针移动到文件末尾,并追加新数据。Ah=42h,mov al,2,mov Cx,0,mov dx,0,int 21h。


So, I had a little bit fun today with this assignment. ;) I applied few file services int 21h:


5bh - Create file for reading or writing

3dh - Open file

42h - Move file pointer to calculate file size

40h - Write to file and screen

3eh - Close file


.model small
.stack 0ffh

file_name db 'file.txt',0 ; The name of the file

inputSize db 11 ; buffered input, ah = 0ah, int 21h, size 10 characters + enter
inputChars db 0 ; how many characters user inputed
inputBuffer db 11 dup(0) ; space for characters

buffer db 30 dup(0) ; read from file and write data here

buffer_size dw 30 ; append up to 30 bytes
memory_left dw 30 ; do we have more space for data?
file_handle dw 0
file_size dw 0
array_4_value db 5 dup('x')

file_status_msg db "File status: ",'$'
before db "Data inside file: ",13,10,'$'
file_error db "<< Something is wrong with the file (ax = 2,3,4 or 5).",13,10,13,10,'$'
file_exists db "<< File already exists (ax = 80) >>",13,10,13,10,'$'
file_success db "<< File successfuly created >>",13,10,13,10,'$'
file_open_error db "<< Error opening the file (ax = 2,3,4,5,12) >>",13,10,13,10,'$'
hdd_error_msg db "Not enough memory. Sorry, can't append new data.",13,10,13,10,"Press any key to quit.",'$'
free_mem db "Free memory : ",'$'
bytes db " byte(s) left.",13,10,13,10,'$'
line_30 db "------------------------------",13,10,'$'
data_added db 13,10,"Data added successfuly. ",13,10,13,10,'$'

append_msg db "Add text to file (max 10 characters): ",'$'

new_line db 13,10,'$'

mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax

;; Create the file for reading/writing

mov ah,09h ; Print message "File status: "
lea dx, file_status_msg
int 21h

mov ah, 5bh
lea dx, file_name ; file name asciiz
mov cx,0 ; normal attributes
int 21h
jc create_error ; error ?

mov ah,09h ; Print message "<< File successfuly created >>"
lea dx, file_success
int 21h

;; Open the file for reading/writing

mov ah, 3dh
lea dx, file_name ; file name asciiz
mov al,2 ; read/write permission
int 21h
jc open_error ; error ?

;; Save the file handle

mov [file_handle], ax

;; Calculate file size

mov ah,42h ; move file pointer
mov bx, [file_handle] ; file handle
mov al,2 ; move file pointer starting from end of the file
mov cx,0 ; cx:dx = new pointer location, beginning of the file
mov dx,0
int 21h

;; Save file size

mov [file_size], ax ; number of characters in file

;; Reset file pointer to start of the file

mov ah,42h ; move file pointer
mov bx, [file_handle] ; file handle
mov al,0 ; file pointer was at the end of the file now should be at the beginning
mov cx,0 ; cx:dx = new pointer location, beginning of the file
mov dx,0
int 21h

;; Print file content

mov ah,09h ; Print message "Data inside file before modification: "
lea dx, before
int 21h

mov ah,09h ; Print message "------"
lea dx, line_30
int 21h

mov ah,3fh ; read file or device
mov cx, [buffer_size] ; how many bytes to read
mov bx, [file_handle] ; file handle
lea dx,buffer ; where to read
int 21h

mov ah,40h ; write file or device
mov cx, [buffer_size] ; how many bytes to write
mov bx, 1 ; write to screen
lea dx,buffer ; what to write
int 21h

mov ah,09h ; move to new line
lea dx, new_line
int 21h

mov ah,09h ; Print message "------"
lea dx, line_30
int 21h

mov ah,09h ; move to new line
lea dx, new_line
int 21h
;; Print how many more bytes we can add

mov ah,09h ; Print message "Free memory : "
lea dx, free_mem
int 21h

mov ax,[file_size]
mov bx,[buffer_size]
sub bx,ax
mov [memory_left],bx
mov ax,bx
push ax
;; This is probably worst part in the code :D
;; Just calculate how long is value and print digits

mov cl, 5 ; max value is 65535 so we need 5 characters
mov ch, 0
mov bl, 10
mov di,offset array_4_value + 4

div bl
cmp al, 0
jz b2a_show

mov [di],ah
dec di

mov ah, 0
dec cl
jnz bin_2_ascii

mov [di],ah

mov si, offset array_4_value
mov cx, 5

mov dl,[si]
cmp dl,'x'
jz skip
mov ah,2
add dl,30h
int 21h

inc si
dec cx
jnz b2a_print

mov ah,09h ; Print message " byte(s)"
lea dx, bytes
int 21h

pop ax

cmp ax,0
jz mem_error

;; Add new data to file

mov ah,09h ; Print message "Add text to file (max 10 characters): "
lea dx, append_msg
int 21h

mov ah,0ah ; user input
lea dx, inputSize
int 21h

mov ax,[file_size]
add al,[inputChars]
cmp ax,30
jg mem_error

mov ah,40h ; write file or device
xor cx,cx
mov cl, [inputChars] ; how many bytes to write
mov bx, [file_handle] ; write to file
lea dx,inputBuffer ; what to write
int 21h

mov ah,09h ; move to new line
lea dx, new_line
int 21h

mov ah,09h ; Print message "Data dded."
lea dx, data_added
int 21h

mov di, offset array_4_value
mov cx, 5
mov al, 'x'

mov [di], al
inc di
loop array_clear

jmp calculate_file_size

jmp jmp_hlt

mov ah,09h ; move to new line
lea dx, hdd_error_msg
int 21h

mov ah,8
int 21h
jmp closeApp

mov ah,40h ; reading file or device
mov bx,1
mov al,0 ; move file pointer starting from begining of the file
mov cx,[file_size] ; cx:dx, where to move pointer
mov dx,0 ; file_size, number of characters in file
int 21h

cmp ax,80
jz file_already_exists

mov ah,09h ; Print message "<< Something is wrong with the file (ax = 2,3,4 or 5)>>"
lea dx, file_error
int 21h
jmp file_msg_done

mov ah,09h ; Print message "<< File already exists (ax = 80) >>"
lea dx, file_exists
int 21h


jmp open_file

mov ah,09h ; Print message "<< Error opening the file (ax = 2,3,4,5,12) >>"
lea dx, file_open_error
int 21h

mov ah, 3eh
mov bx,[file_handle]
int 21h

mov ax, 4C00h ; exit
int 21h

end main


Nassau Bro, which school or college are u from ?


I finished schools long time ago. Why? I did something wrong?


ohh okkk noting hahaha

Ohh OKKK注意哈哈哈

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