I am new to stakoverflow and I was hoping to get some help with a python code.
I've written a code that transforms an image from a folder into a 5-second video. The concept involves taking a single image and gradually zooming in as it plays. However, I've encountered an issue where the videos generated initially have black bars around the image. These black bars disappear as the image progressively zooms in and fills the screen. My intention was for the image to occupy the entire screen right from the beginning of the video and then zoom in further from that point onward. I'm struggling to figure out how to achieve this specific effect. Can anyone help?
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import moviepy.editor as mp
def create_zooming_video(image_path, output_path, duration=5, resolution=(1080, 1920)):
img = mp.ImageClip(image_path)
# Calculate the initial and final zoom scales
initial_zoom = 1.0
final_zoom = 1.5
# Calculate the zooming scale for each frame
zoom_scales = np.linspace(initial_zoom, final_zoom, int(duration * 30)) # 30 frames per second
# Calculate the dimensions for the cropped image
cropped_width = resolution[0]
cropped_height = int(resolution[0] * (img.size[1] / img.size[0]))
# Resize the image to fit the cropped dimensions
img = img.resize((cropped_width, cropped_height))
# Create a list to hold each frame of the zooming animation
zooming_frames = []
for scale in zoom_scales:
frame = img.resize(scale)
frame = frame.set_position(("center", "center"))
frame = frame.set_duration(1 / 30) # Each frame lasts 1/30 seconds
# Create the zooming animation clip
zooming_clip = mp.concatenate_videoclips(zooming_frames, method="compose")
# Calculate position to keep the zoomed image centered
position = ("center", "center")
zooming_clip = zooming_clip.set_position(position)
zooming_clip = zooming_clip.set_duration(duration)
zooming_clip = zooming_clip.set_fps(30)
zooming_clip.write_videofile(output_path, codec="libx264")
def main():
output_folder = "output_videos"
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
png_files = glob.glob("*.png")
for png_file in png_files:
filename_without_extension = os.path.splitext(png_file)[0]
output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{filename_without_extension}.mp4")
create_zooming_video(png_file, output_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I'm attempting to make the image begin at 100% scale within the video and then progressively zoom in. It's ok for parts of the image to be outside the video's boundaries by the end of the zooming process.
I ran your code. it does produce video with black margins and incorrect final video resolution (width, height).
Moviepy works well, the problem is in the algorithm.
Firstly, at the very beginning you need to resize the image by different way.
Secondly and most importantly, you are not cropping the image. Although you write about crop in the #reference, there is actually no crop in your code.
Based on your code, I wrote my own version of the code to create one zooming video from one image ( jpg, png etc.). It works well for all source images with different aspect ratios.
import numpy as np
import moviepy.editor as mp
image_file = 'image.jpg'
output_file ='zooming_video.mp4'
def create_zooming_video(image_path, output_path, duration=5, resolution=(1080, 1920)):
img = mp.ImageClip(image_path)
# initial and final zoom scales
initial_zoom = 1.0
final_zoom = 1.5
# Calculate aspect ratio source image and final video
aspect_ratio_final_video = resolution[0] / resolution[1]
aspect_ratio_source_image = img.size[0] / img.size[1]
# Resize the image to fit the final video after crop
# it depending on aspect ratio source image
if aspect_ratio_source_image > aspect_ratio_final_video :
img = img.resize(height=resolution[1])
img = img.resize(width=resolution[0])
# Calculate the zooming scale for each frame
zoom_scales = np.linspace(initial_zoom, final_zoom, int(duration * 30)) # 30 frames per second
# Create a list to hold each frame of the zooming animation
zooming_frames = []
for scale in zoom_scales:
frame = img.resize(scale)
frame = frame.set_duration(1 / 30) # Each frame lasts 1/30 seconds
# Calculate position to keep the CROPPED image centered
frame_center_x = frame.size[0]/2
frame_center_y = frame.size[1]/2
# CROP frame
cropped_frame = frame.crop(x_center=frame_center_x, y_center=frame_center_y,
width=resolution[0], height=resolution[1])
# Create the zooming animation clip
zooming_clip = mp.concatenate_videoclips(zooming_frames, method="compose")
zooming_clip = zooming_clip.set_duration(duration)
zooming_clip = zooming_clip.set_fps(30)
zooming_clip.write_videofile(output_path, preset ='ultrafast',
bitrate='5000k', codec='mpeg4',)
#______ main ____________
create_zooming_video(image_file, output_file)
I tested the code on images with different aspect ratios. here are the results:
variant 1:
source "horizontal" image .jpg
来源“水平”图像.jpg https://imgur.com/PLOd1rA
final zooming video 9:16
最终缩放视频9:16 https://imgur.com/hQVLEx9
variant 2:
source "vertical" image .png
源“垂直”图像.png https://imgur.com/cIoBWMD
final zooming video 9:16
最终缩放视频9:16 https://imgur.com/3fcqEzr
If my answer solves your question, please mark this answer as "solved" ✔ on the left side of this answer. Thanks.
Tip: I found that creating a video from a jpg image is 5 times faster than from a png. For productivity reasons, it makes sense to first convert all png files in your folder to jpg format using a batch converter (not Python).
For HD video (1080 x 1920) the difference is not visible.
That's what I will do personally. For Windows I use this free batch image processing tool https://www.xnview.com/en/xnconvert/
小贴士:我发现用jpg格式的图片制作视频比用png格式的图片快5倍。出于生产效率的原因,首先使用批处理转换器(而不是Python)将文件夹中的所有PNG文件转换为jpg格式是有意义的。对于高清视频(1080 X 1920),差异并不明显。这就是我个人要做的。我在Windows上使用了这个免费的批处理图像处理工具https://www.xnview.com/en/xnconvert/