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Generating a form with several long select elements is slow in Svelte(在Svelte中,生成包含多个长选择元素的表单的速度很慢)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-27 20:02:31 33 4
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I'm writing an app in Svelte, and I have a page on which there is a list of values displayed as a table. I want to be able to edit these values, and one of the values is chosen by a select element with about 100 possible values.


There is a button that toggles the display between table display and form edit mode (with the select elements).


The problem is that if there are several lines that create select items each with the same 100 possible option values, it takes Svelte a very long time to generate the form (about a full second to switch to edit mode when there are about 15 select elements). I didn't have this problem with React on the same app (I'm porting most of the app from React to Svelte) so I suppose there's something I'm doing wrong or that there is a suble way of making things faster...


Here's a small working example to illustrate :


const pokemonList = ["bulbasaur", "ivysaur", "venusaur", "charmander", "charmeleon", "charizard", "squirtle", "wartortle", "blastoise", "caterpie", "metapod", "butterfree", "weedle", "kakuna", "beedrill", "pidgey", "pidgeotto", "pidgeot", "rattata", "raticate", "spearow", "fearow", "ekans", "arbok", "pikachu", "raichu", "sandshrew", "sandslash", "nidoran-f", "nidorina", "nidoqueen", "nidoran-m", "nidorino", "nidoking", "clefairy", "clefable", "vulpix", "ninetales", "jigglypuff", "wigglytuff", "zubat", "golbat", "oddish", "gloom", "vileplume", "paras", "parasect", "venonat", "venomoth", "diglett", "dugtrio", "meowth", "persian", "psyduck", "golduck", "mankey", "primeape", "growlithe", "arcanine", "poliwag", "poliwhirl", "poliwrath", "abra", "kadabra", "alakazam", "machop", "machoke", "machamp", "bellsprout", "weepinbell", "victreebel", "tentacool", "tentacruel", "geodude", "graveler", "golem", "ponyta", "rapidash", "slowpoke", "slowbro", "magnemite", "magneton", "farfetchd", "doduo", "dodrio", "seel", "dewgong", "grimer", "muk", "shellder", "cloyster", "gastly", "haunter", "gengar", "onix", "drowzee", "hypno", "krabby", "kingler", "voltorb", "electrode", "exeggcute", "exeggutor", "cubone", "marowak", "hitmonlee", "hitmonchan", "lickitung", "koffing", "weezing", "rhyhorn", "rhydon", "chansey", "tangela", "kangaskhan", "horsea", "seadra", "goldeen", "seaking", "staryu", "starmie", "mr-mime", "scyther", "jynx", "electabuzz", "magmar", "pinsir", "tauros", "magikarp", "gyarados", "lapras", "ditto", "eevee", "vaporeon", "jolteon", "flareon", "porygon", "omanyte", "omastar", "kabuto", "kabutops", "aerodactyl", "snorlax", "articuno", "zapdos", "moltres", "dratini", "dragonair", "dragonite", "mewtwo", "mew"];

let team = [

let isEditing = false;

{#if isEditing}
{#each team as teamMember}
<select bind:value={teamMember}>
{#each pokemonList as pokemonName}
<option value={pokemonName}>{pokemonName}</option>
{#each team as teamMember}
<button on:click={() => (isEditing = !isEditing)}>Toggle</button>

Note that all the select that are generated have exactly the same list of options, so is there a way to generate the element once and reuse it each time? Or any other solution that would make this much more responsive? In the example, if I only keep one line then toggling to editing mode is almost instantaneous, but it takes significantly longer as more lines are added.



I wonder if the performance hit is also seen in Vanilla JS. I think it would be worth creating a Vanilla JS project that does the same and see if this is a Svelte problem or not. If Vanilla JS exhibits the same problem, I guess you're stuck with this.

我想知道在Vanilla JS中是否也看到了性能的冲击。我认为有必要创建一个Vanilla JS项目来做同样的事情,看看这是不是一个Svelte问题。如果Vanilla JS表现出同样的问题,我猜您就只能这样了。


Note that there are various builds and that a development Svelte build will perform worse that a production build. Also SSR vs CSR can have different performance characteristics and different browsers handle large HTML fragments differently.


Your machine might be a bit underpowered or your browser might perform particularly badly; your code in the REPL takes ~25ms on mine in Chrome or Firefox.


Still, this scenario can be optimized in at least two ways:


  • Only show the select when interacting with that one specific item (e.g. on clicking on it) - should be straightforward, not great UX

  • Only generate the items in the lists, when they become relevant, i.e. focus is on the element

For the latter approach, you can separate the generation of the options into a separate component, e.g.


<select bind:value={teamMember}>
<LazyOptions list={pokemonList} value={teamMember} />

<!-- LazyOptions.svelte -->
export let list;
export let value;

let focused = false;

function checkFocus(node) {
const select = node.closest('select');

const update = () => focused = document.activeElement == select;

select.addEventListener('focus', update);
select.addEventListener('blur', update);

return {
destroy() {
select.removeEventListener('focus', update);
select.removeEventListener('blur', update);

<!-- Makes sure that the currently selected value always exists.
Also provides an entry into the DOM to find the select. -->
<option style:display="none" use:checkFocus>{value}</option>

{#if focused}
{#each list as o}



There are other ways of doing this, like passing in the focus state, but this way it is a bit more neatly encapsulated.



It turns out that it was a problem with a Chrome extension that was slowing down the appearance of forms (a password manager that parses each form field apparently). If I disable this extension there is no problem at all. Thanks for the detailed answer with interesting pointers to different improvement techniques.


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