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What is the Record type and How and when to use it in dart?(记录类型是什么,在DART中如何使用以及何时使用?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-27 19:47:46 24 4
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How and when to use the Record type in dart and What is the difference between using it and other collection types like map, list, etc?


Also, In Dart doc it states that records are real values, what does that mean?



A record is not a "collection type". I think that is very misleading.


It is basically a very short and dynamic way to declare a class that holds fields and nothing else.


For example ({int r, int g, int b}) color this is a variable of a type that has three fields of type int, named r, g and b.

例如({int r,int g,int b})COLOR这是一个类型的变量,它有三个int类型的字段,分别名为r、g和b。

You could have made a class:


class Color {
final int r;
final int g;
final int b;

Color({this.r, this.b, this.g});

That would serve the same purpose, it's just a lot more work and a lot more class definitions. Because:


Records automatically define hashCode and == methods based on the structure of their fields.

So it is a very practical and time saving way to use field-aggregates. Or "data holder classes". It is not a replacement for collections. Collections are a varying number of elements of the same type, records are a predefined number of varying types.


       /// this called record type 
/// first you put your record's data types in brackets
/// the order is important
/// [myRecord] is the name of your record variable
/// (1,'kururu' , 28) remember the order (num ID , Object name , num age)
(num , Object , num) myRecord = (1 ,"Kururu" ,28);

void main(List<String> args) {

//using record to initialize multi variables in one line
//remember the order of your record (INT ,STRING ,INT)
// number ,name , age are your variable
// assign them to your record
// and that's it:)
var (number as int, name as String , age as int ) = myRecord;
print(name) ;
print(age) ;


something like this?



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