I would like to open the WebView from my callback. But I am getting the following error
@Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function
This code snippet is the issue
onNewsLinkedClicked = { newsLink ->
WebViewScreen(webLink = newsLink)
I did try and declare my lambda in the NewsScreen function like this.
onNewsLinkedClicked: @Composable (newsLink: String) -> Unit
That solved the issue below. But then I got another issue, as I launch the callback from a Button onClick event which started to give me an error.
这就解决了下面的问题。但后来我遇到了另一个问题,因为我从一个Button onClick事件启动回调,它开始给我一个错误。
Is there any way of doing this for my code below?
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
val newsViewModel: NewsViewModel = hiltViewModel()
val newsHeadLines = newsViewModel.newsPager.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
BeerPagingTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
val scrollBehavior = enterAlwaysScrollBehavior()
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
) {
newsPagingData = newsHeadLines,
modifier = Modifier
.nestedScroll(connection = scrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection),
topAppBarScrollBehavior = scrollBehavior,
onNewsLinkedClicked = { newsLink ->
WebViewScreen(webLink = newsLink)
fun WebViewScreen(webLink: String) {
factory = { context ->
WebView(context).apply {
this.layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
} },
update = { webView ->
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize())
You probably want to look at a navigation solution, whether you use the official Navigation for Compose or Appyx or compose-destinations or Voyager or any of the couple of dozen other third-party navigation libraries. Alternatively, your button should mutate some state that causes you to show WebViewScreen()
instead of NewsScreen()
@CommonsWare I am not sure what you mean by this Alternatively, your button should mutate some state that causes you to show WebViewScreen() instead of NewsScreen()
Can you give an example?
You can use navigation solution.
Alternatively, your button should mutate some state that causes you to show WebViewScreen()
instead of NewsScreen()
as below:
var clickedLink by rememberSavable { mutableStateOf("") }// state for saving clicked link
if (clickedLink.isEmpty) {
newsPagingData = newsHeadLines,
modifier = Modifier
.nestedScroll(connection = scrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection),
topAppBarScrollBehavior = scrollBehavior,
onNewsLinkedClicked = { newsLink ->
clickedLink = newsLink // changing clicked link address
} else {
WebViewScreen(webLink = clickedLink)
For scalability, I recommend using one of the many navigation solutions available for Compose UI. That could be Navigation for Compose, if you want a purely official solution. If you want a wrapper over that, consider compose-destinations. If you want something fully independent, there are Appyx and Voyager and many others.
为了提高可伸缩性,我推荐使用Compose UI可用的众多导航解决方案中的一个。如果你想要一个纯粹的官方解决方案,那可以是合成的导航。如果您想要一个封装器,可以考虑组合目的地。如果你想要完全独立的东西,有Appyx和Voyager和许多其他的。
Tactically, you could do something like:
BeerPagingTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
val scrollBehavior = enterAlwaysScrollBehavior()
var newsLink by remember { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
) {
if (newsLink == null) {
newsPagingData = newsHeadLines,
modifier = Modifier
.nestedScroll(connection = scrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection),
topAppBarScrollBehavior = scrollBehavior,
onNewsLinkedClicked = { newsLink = it }
} else {
WebViewScreen(webLink = newsLink)
(note: I'm doing this from memory, so there may need to be some adjustments)
Compose is a declarative reactive framework. You declare "this is what I want the UI to be, based upon the current state". In this case, the current state is newsLink
. You react to changes in that state. So, your onClick
lambda updates the state (newsLink = it
), causing Compose to re-run all of setContent()
and update the UI based upon a fresh declaration.
Compose是一个声明性反应性框架。在本例中,当前状态为新闻链接。你会对这种状态的变化做出反应。因此,onClick lambda更新状态(新闻链接=it),导致Compose重新运行所有setContent()并基于新的声明更新UI。