gpt4 book ai didi

PostgreSQL poor performance in LEFT JOIN + IS NOT DISTINCT FROM(PostgreSQL在LEFT JOIN+中的低性能与)

翻译 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-26 21:48:12 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I'm dealing with JOIN two tables as follows:


 SELECT count(*) FROM (
FROM (SELECT * FROM lines_stats_process limit 800) lsp
LEFT JOIN lines l ON

(lsp.id_data_source_connection = l.id_data_source_connection) AND
(lsp.id_sys_country IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.id_sys_country) AND
(lsp.advertiser_name IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.advertiser_name) AND
(lsp.size_name IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.size_name) AND
(lsp.dsp IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.dsp) AND

(lsp.id_advertiser IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.id_advertiser) AND
(lsp.id_placement IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.id_placement) AND
(lsp.id_site IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.id_site) AND
(lsp.id_campaign IS NOT DISTINCT FROM l.id_campaign)
) test;

NOTE: I'm using count and limit 800 just for testing purposes. Without limit, the query never ends to execute.

注意:我使用Count and Limit 800只是出于测试目的。如果没有限制,查询将永远不会结束执行。



    CREATE TABLE public.lines
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lines_seq'::regclass),
id_account integer NOT NULL,
id_data_source integer NOT NULL,
id_data_source_connection integer NOT NULL,
id_client integer,
id_advertiser bigint,
advertiser_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_campaign bigint,
campaign_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_group bigint,
group_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_ad bigint,
ad_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_site bigint,
site_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_placement bigint,
placement_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_format bigint,
format_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_size bigint,
size_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
created_at timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date,
updated_at timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date,
id_ds_advertiser integer,
id_ds_campaign integer,
id_ds_group integer,
id_ds_ad integer,
id_ds_site integer,
id_ds_placement integer,
id_ds_format integer,
id_publisher integer,
id_country integer,
dsp character varying(45) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
country_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_ds_country integer,
id_sys_country integer,
CONSTRAINT lines_id_check CHECK (id > 0)
ALTER TABLE public.lines
OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.lines TO postgres;

-- Index: public.data_source_connection_lines

-- DROP INDEX public.data_source_connection_lines;

CREATE INDEX data_source_connection_lines
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.id_data_source_connection211

-- DROP INDEX public.id_data_source_connection211;

CREATE INDEX id_data_source_connection211
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_advertiser_name

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_advertiser_name;

CREATE INDEX lines_advertiser_name
ON public.lines
USING btree
(advertiser_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

-- Index: public.lines_countries

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_countries;

CREATE INDEX lines_countries
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_dsp

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_dsp;

CREATE INDEX lines_dsp
ON public.lines
USING btree
(dsp COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

-- Index: public.lines_id_advertiser

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_id_advertiser;

CREATE INDEX lines_id_advertiser
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_id_campaign

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_id_campaign;

CREATE INDEX lines_id_campaign
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_id_data_source_connection

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_id_data_source_connection;

CREATE INDEX lines_id_data_source_connection
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_id_placement

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_id_placement;

CREATE INDEX lines_id_placement
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_id_site

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_id_site;

CREATE INDEX lines_id_site
ON public.lines
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_lsp

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_lsp;

CREATE INDEX lines_lsp
ON public.lines
USING btree
(id_data_source_connection, advertiser_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", size_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", dsp COLLATE pg_catalog."default", id_advertiser, id_placement, id_site, id_campaign, id_sys_country);

-- Index: public.lines_lsp2

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_lsp2;

CREATE INDEX lines_lsp2
ON public.lines
USING btree
(id_data_source_connection, id_country, advertiser_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", size_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", dsp COLLATE pg_catalog."default", id_advertiser, id_placement, id_site, id_campaign);

-- Index: public.lines_size_name

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_size_name;

CREATE INDEX lines_size_name
ON public.lines
USING btree
(size_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

-- Table: public.lines_stats_process

-- DROP TABLE public.lines_stats_process;

CREATE TABLE public.lines_stats_process
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lines_stats_process_seq'::regclass),
id_line integer,
id_line_stat integer,
id_account integer NOT NULL,
id_data_source integer NOT NULL,
id_data_source_connection integer NOT NULL,
id_client integer,
id_advertiser bigint,
advertiser_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_campaign bigint,
campaign_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_group bigint,
group_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_ad bigint,
ad_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_site bigint,
site_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_placement bigint,
placement_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_format bigint,
format_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_size bigint,
size_name character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
created_at timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date,
updated_at timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date,
id_ds_advertiser integer,
id_ds_campaign integer,
id_ds_group integer,
id_ds_ad integer,
id_ds_site integer,
id_ds_placement integer,
id_ds_format integer,
id_publisher integer,
id_country integer,
dsp character varying(45) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
date date NOT NULL,
country_name character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
id_sys_country integer,
id_ds_country integer,
budget numeric(10,2) DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
bid numeric(10,2) DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
CONSTRAINT lines_stats_process_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT lines_stats_process_id_check CHECK (id > 0)
ALTER TABLE public.lines_stats_process
OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.lines_stats_process TO postgres;

-- Index: public.data_source_connection_lsp

-- DROP INDEX public.data_source_connection_lsp;

CREATE INDEX data_source_connection_lsp
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.id_data_source_connection21

-- DROP INDEX public.id_data_source_connection21;

CREATE INDEX id_data_source_connection21
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_advertiser_name

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_advertiser_name;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_advertiser_name
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree
(advertiser_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_countries

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_countries;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_countries
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_dsp

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_dsp;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_dsp
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree
(dsp COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_id_advertiser

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_id_advertiser;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_id_advertiser
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_id_campaign

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_id_campaign;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_id_campaign
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_id_data_source_connection

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_id_data_source_connection;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_id_data_source_connection
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_id_placement

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_id_placement;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_id_placement
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_id_site

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_id_site;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_id_site
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_lsp

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_lsp;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_lsp
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree
(id_data_source_connection, advertiser_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", size_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", dsp COLLATE pg_catalog."default", id_advertiser, id_placement, id_site, id_campaign, id_sys_country);

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_lsp2

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_lsp2;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_lsp2
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree
(id_data_source_connection, id_sys_country, advertiser_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", size_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default", dsp COLLATE pg_catalog."default", id_advertiser, id_placement, id_site, id_campaign);

-- Index: public.lines_stats_process_size_name

-- DROP INDEX public.lines_stats_process_size_name;

CREATE INDEX lines_stats_process_size_name
ON public.lines_stats_process
USING btree
(size_name COLLATE pg_catalog."default");



The lines_stats_process has 60K rows. I'm limiting it to 800 in order to have a reasonable execution time.


I've made several test, I've disabled the following options:


SET enable_nestloop =off;
SET enable_material = off;
SET enable_seqscan = off;

But never gets a better performance.


The only change that has some effect was to replace IS NOT DISTINCT FROM for =. After change that, the execution takes less than a second.
Of course, that operator isn't correct for my logic, so I need to use IS NOT DISTINCT FROM because I need null-safe comparison.
After made all the replaces, I started to put back IS NOT DISTINCT FROM one by one. When I put back the last IS NOT DISTINCT FROM the query takes too long to execute.

唯一有一些影响的更改是替换,这与for=没有区别。更改后,执行所需时间不到一秒。当然,该操作符对于我的逻辑是不正确的,所以我需要使用IS NOT DISTINCT FOR,因为我需要空安全比较。做完所有的更换后,我开始把没有区别的一件件放回去。当我放回最后一个不同于查询的时候,执行时间太长了。

I put the = in any other condition with the same effect. With 8 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM takes too long. With 7 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM it executes with less than a second.


Sorry for my english, is not my native language.



The link to the plan is not working (at least for me)


IS NOT DISTINCT FROM can not use an index, see e.g. the discussion on the mailing list:… the recommendation there is to rewrite that to ((a IS NULL AND b IS NULL) OR (a = b)) instead of a is not distinct from b - for that Postgres could use an index


Note: all your fields look like foreign keys into separate domains ("dimensions") Are they? what is their cardinality? Are your two tables fact tables ?


Why do you have 5 indexes on id_data_source_connection? That is a total waste of space and time.


They are not duplicated; they appear twice in the lines table (probably), and you asked for them.



The problem is that IS NOT DISTINCT FROM is not indexable*, which leads to sequential scans, which becomes terribly slow horribly fast.


The short answer to your problem is: don't use NULL the way you're using it now. Joining on equality of NULL values is A Bad Idea™;


The somewhat longer answer is: You should think of NULL, semantically, as value "non-existent", so the implication is that it does not carry meaning other than the absence of meaning.


However, if you replace all IS NOT DISTINCT FROM with equality plus null check, you should be fine as well, meaning a IS DISTINCT FROM b should be written as (a=b OR (a IS NULL AND b IS NULL)).

然而,如果您用相等加NULL检查替换ALL IS NOT DISTINCT FOR,您也应该没有问题,这意味着a IS DISTINCT FOR应该写成(a=b OR(A IS NULL And B IS NULL))。

*) As a final aside, it appears an implementation detail that IS NOT DISTINCT FROM is not indexable. I'm not sure about the details, but someone might be able to elaborate.



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