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What is a non-deduced context?(什么是非演绎的语境?)

翻译 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-26 21:45:39 38 4
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I've stumbled over Why is the template argument deduction not working here? recently and the answers can be summed up to "It's a non-deduced context".


Specifically, the first one says it's such a thing and then redirects to the standard for "details", while the second one quotes the standard, which is cryptic to say the least.


Can someone please explain to mere mortals, like myself, what a non-deduced context is, when does it occur, and why does it occur?



Related: C++, template argument can not be deduced



Deduction refers to the process of determining the type of a template parameter from a given argument. It applies to function templates, auto, and a few other cases (e.g. partial specialization). For example, consider:


template <typename T> void f(std::vector<T>);

Now if you say f(x), where you declared std::vector<int> x;, then T is deduced as int, and you get the specialization f<int>.

现在,如果您说f(X),其中您声明了std::VECTOR x;,那么T将被推导为int,并且您将得到专门化的f

In order for deduction to work, the template parameter type that is to be deduced has to appear in a deducible context. In this example, the function parameter of f is such a deducible context. That is, an argument in the function call expression allows us to determine what the template parameter T should be in order for the call expression to be valid.


However, there are also non-deduced contexts, where no deduction is possible. The canonical example is "a template parameter that appears to the left of a :::


template <typename> struct Foo;

template <typename T> void g(typename Foo<T>::type);

In this function template, the T in the function parameter list is in a non-deduced context. Thus you cannot say g(x) and deduce T. The reason for this is that there is no "backwards correspondence" between arbitrary types and members Foo<T>::type. For example, you could have specializations:

在此函数模板中,函数参数列表中的T处于非演绎上下文中。因此,您不能说g(X)并推导出T。这是因为在任意类型和成员foo ::type之间没有“向后对应”。例如,您可以拥有专业化认证:

 template <> struct Foo<int>       { using type = double; };
template <> struct Foo<char> { using type = double; };
template <> struct Foo<float> { using type = bool; };
template <> struct Foo<long> { int type = 10; };
template <> struct Foo<unsigned> { };

If you call g(double{}) there are two possible answers for T, and if you call g(int{}) there is no answer. In general, there is no relationship between class template parameters and class members, so you cannot perform any sensible argument deduction.


Occasionally it is useful to inhibit argument deduction explicitly. This is for example the case for std::forward. Another example is when you have conversions from Foo<U> to Foo<T>, say, or other conversions (think std::string and char const *). Now suppose you have a free function:

有时,显式地禁止论点演绎是有用的。例如,std::Forward就是这种情况。另一个例子是从foo到foo 的转换,或者其他转换(想想std::string和char const*)。现在假设您有一个免费函数:

template <typename T> bool binary_function(Foo<T> lhs, Foo<T> rhs);

If you call binary_function(t, u), then the deduction may be ambiguous and thus fail. But it is reasonable to deduce only one argument and not deduce the other, thus permitting implicit conversions. Now an explicitly non-deduced context is needed, for example like this:


template <typename T>
struct type_identity {
using type = T;

template <typename T>
bool binary_function(Foo<T> lhs, typename type_identity<Foo<T>>::type rhs)
return binary_function(lhs, rhs);

(You may have experienced such deduction problems with something like std::min(1U, 2L).)


Note: std::type_identity is available in the standard library since C++20.


What is a non-deduced context?

A non-deduced context is a context where template arguments cannot be deduced.
It's not always feasible to deduce template parameters from some construct.
For example:


template <int N>
void foo(int x = N * N); // called like foo()

It's obviously impossible to deduce the non-type template parameter N from the default argument N * N. Not only would the compiler have to take the square root of N, it's also unclear where it would get the value of N * N in the first place.

很明显,不可能从默认参数N * N推导出非类型模板参数N。编译器不仅必须取N的平方根,而且还不清楚它首先从哪里获得N * N的值。

List of non-deduced contexts

In the following list, assume that


  • T is some template type parameter

  • N is some non-type template parameter

template <typename T, int N>

Each heading cites and explains one bullet in [temp.deduct.type] p5.


1. Foo<T>::type

The nested-name-specifier of a type that was specified using a qualified-id.

There is no way to deduce T because type is just an alias such as std::vector<T>::size_type. Knowing only the size_type (which is std::size_t in this case), how could we possibly figure out T? We cannot, because the information isn't contained within std::size_t.

没有办法推断T,因为type只是一个别名,如std::VECTOR ::SIZE_TYPE。只知道SIZE_TYPE(在本例中是std::SIZE_t),我们怎么可能计算出T呢?我们不能,因为信息不包含在std::SIZE_t中。

The most common way that developers run into this problem is by trying to deduce the container from an iterator.


template <typename T>
void foo(typename T::iterator it); // attempt to deduce T from an iterator

int main() {
std::array<int> v;
foo(v.begin()); // error, trying to deduce std::array<int> from int* (probably)
} // which is obviously imposssible

2. decltype(N)

The expression of a decltype-specifier.

template <int N>
void foo(decltype(N * N - N) n);

The expression of decltype can be arbitrarily complex, and a decltype specifier is a type. If N is a non-type template parameter, how could we possibly know the value from just the type (e.g. guess 123 from int)?


3. Foo<0 + N>, int(&)[0 + N]

A non-type template argument or an array bound in which a subexpression references a template parameter.

It would be possible to deduce N from just Foo<N> or from an array bound, but when N only appears as a subexpression, it becomes generally impossible. It is theoretically possible for a simple expression such as 0 + N, but this quickly gets out of hand for more complex expressions such as N * N.

可以仅从foo 或从数组边界推导出N,但当N仅作为子表达式出现时,通常就不可能了。从理论上讲,对于像0+N这样的简单表达式是可能的,但对于像N*N这样更复杂的表达式来说,这很快就失控了。

4. void foo(T x = T{})

A template parameter used in the parameter type of a function parameter that has a default argument that is being used in the call for which argument deduction is being done.

If we call such a function like foo(), then deduction would require some circular logic. The type T would be inferred from the default argument T{}, whose type is T, which is inferred from the default argument, ...


Note: this case applies to the motivating example at the start of the answer.


5. void foo(T* function_pointer) with overload sets

A function parameter for which the associated argument is an overload set ([over.over]), and one or more of the following apply:

  • more than one function matches the function parameter type (resulting in an ambiguous deduction), or

  • no function matches the function parameter type, or

  • the overload set supplied as an argument contains one or more function templates.

This may not be so obvious, so I'll provide an example:


void take(int);
void take(float);

template <typename T>
void foo(T* function_pointer) { function_pointer(0); }
// note: T(*function_pointer)(int) would work, and T would deduce to void

int main() { foo(&take); } // error

Both take(int) and take(float) match the function parameter, so it's ambiguous whether T should deduce to void(int) or void(float).


6. std::initializer_list function arguments

A function parameter for which the associated argument is an initializer list ([dcl.init.list]) but the parameter does not have a type for which deduction from an initializer list is specified ([]).

The example in the C++ standard demonstrates this well:


template<class T> void g(T);
g({1,2,3}); // error: no argument deduced for T

Of all the bullets, this restriction is the most artificial. {1, 2, 3} could by considered std::initializer_list<int>, but it was intentionally decided not to make this deduction.

在所有的子弹中,这个限制是最人为的。{1,2,3}可以被认为是std::Initializer_list ,但它是故意决定不进行此推断的。

7. void foo(Ts..., int)

A function parameter pack that does not occur at the end of the parameter-declaration-list.

The template parameter pack Ts... cannot be deduced.
The basic issue is that if we called foo(0) this is ambiguous between providing 0 as an argument to the pack, or to the int parameter.
In function templates, this ambiguity is resolved by interpreting the parameter pack as an empty pack.


Further notes

There numerous rules that need to be followed for deduction to be possible.
Not deducing from a non-deduced context is just one of them.
[temp.deduct.type] p8 lists the forms that a type must have for deduction to be possible.


Another indirect rule related to arrays is this:


template <int N> foo(int(&)[N]); // N can be deduced from array size
template <int N> foo(int[N]); // N cannot be deduced because arrays in parameters
// are adjusted to pointers

Intentionally disabling type deduction

Sometimes developers intentionally disable deduction because they want the user of a function template to provide an argument explicitly.
This can be done with std::type_identity in C++20, or with a user-defined version of it prior to C++20.


template <typename T>
void foo(std::type_identity<T>::type); // non-deduced context in function parameter


So you are referencing the second case described by the standard ("A type that is a template-id in which one or more of the template-arguments is an expression that references a template-parameter."), right? If so, can you make an example of the first one ("The nested-name-specifier of a type that was specified using a qualified-id.")?


Actually, now that I read it carefully, I think it's the opposite.


@Jefffrey: Maybe something like template <std::size_t> struct Bar; template <typename T> void(Bar<sizeof(T)>);?

@Jefffrey:也许类似于template struct Bar; template void(Bar<sizeof(T)>);?

The point is this: There is a one-to-one correspondence between types T and template classes Foo<T>, so you can deduce the former from the latter. But there is no correspondence between types T and arbitrary members Foo<T>::X.


@camino: no, I wouldn't say that -- it's not something technical or mechanical. There's a much more fundamental problem in principle that the mapping from name to type is not invertible, and so it doesn't make sense to take a type and ask for "the" name that defines it, because this very notion does not exist. Deduction only works for the much narrower question of "which type can be substituted into this particular given pattern to form a valid call", which is much more constrained, and hence meaningful.


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