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How to run multi threads in a sequence without tracking or knowing if there any threads existing before starting a new thread(如何在一个序列中运行多个线程,而无需在启动新线程之前跟踪或知道是否存在任何线程)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-26 20:45:43 28 4
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I have a situation where my program performs these two tasks


  1. Fetch data via ODBC for 96 tables one after the other.

    a. Create insert commands sql file.

    b. Execute the inserts-script via SqlCmd command line utility.

I need to enhance this process so as I can utilize the full potential of the CPU via multi-threading


The ideal solution I am trying to implement is as such. The main thread will keep fetching the data via ODBC where as upon each table's data is fetched and stored in a file on disk the main thread then initiates a new Process of SqlCMD utility which inserts the data into SQL server and the main thread goes on to fetching the next table via ODBC.


The problem or the goal that I want to achieve is that I want to make sure that the new Process of SqlCmd start in a queue/sequence only when the prior processese of SqlCMD are finished


This method of exportOdbcToSQLDB is called in an outer loop 96 times.


private void exportOdbcToSQLDB(string tableName, SqlConnection sqlCon, OdbcConnection odbcCon)
InsertAndValidate insertValidateObj = new InsertAndValidate();
insertValidateObj.sqlCon = sqlCon;
insertValidateObj.odcConnection = odbcCon;
insertValidateObj.logTableName = "_Log";

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
String columns = "";
string tmpSelect = "SELECT * FROM [" + tableName + "]";
using (var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(tmpSelect, sqlCon))
using (var builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter))
columns = builder.GetInsertCommand().CommandText;
columns = columns.Split(new String[] { ")" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
columns = columns.Split(new String[] { "(" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
columns = columns.Trim();

int totalCount = 0;
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
string strInsert = "";
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("sql_" + tableName + ".sql", "");

string tableFilePath = Path.Combine(Config.qbTablesDir, tableName + ".sql");
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(tableFilePath, true))
writer.WriteLine("SET NOCOUNT ON" + Helper1.Go());
writer.Write("Update _Log set Remarks = Concat(Remarks, '| Insert Start time ',dbo.dNow())" + Helper1.Go());
string insertTemp = "Insert into [" + tableName + "] (" + columns + ") Values ";
string queryString = @"select " + columns + " from [" + tableName + "]";


OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(queryString, insertValidateObj.odcConnection);
using (OdbcDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
int colCount = reader.FieldCount;
if (reader.HasRows)
while (reader.Read())
writer.Write(insertTemp + this.GenerateInsert(reader, tableName, columns) + Helper1.Go());
catch (Exception ex)
string exception1 = (String.Concat("Row ", totalCount, ex.ToString()));
insertTemp = "Update _Log set Remarks = Concat(Remarks, '| Insert End time ',dbo.dNow())" + Helper1.Go();
insertTemp = "Update _log set SuccessRecords = (Select count(1) from [" + tableName + "]) where TableName = '" + tableName + "'" + Helper1.Go();
DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
insertValidateObj.SetStats(tableName, totalCount, 0, 0, startTime, endTime);

if (totalCount > 0)

This method is called in the above method


public static void ExecuteQbInserts(string tableName)
string tmpPathInput = Path.Combine(Config.qbTablesDir, tableName + ".sql");
string tmpPathOutput = Path.Combine(Config.qbSqlInsertsLogsDir, tableName + "_log.txt");

string command = string.Concat("sqlcmd -S . -d qb", Config.ClientName, " -U sa -P atiqf -i \"", tmpPathInput, "\" -o \"", tmpPathOutput, "\"");
ProcessStartInfo processInfo;
processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/c " + command);
processInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
processInfo.UseShellExecute = false;



Multiple SqlCMD processes runs when the rate of sqlCmd inserts is less than the rate at which the main thread fetches the ODBC data.


Solution required:
Have the the main thread keeps getting data of 96 tables at its own rate and have sqlCMD processes run one after the other.



As it stands your question is asking too much, what specifically are you stuck on?


Why not have a queue of data retrieved and a permanent second thread which monitors the queue - in fact you can flag to the thread every time you add a new table so that it doesn't have to poll.


Sounds like you want some pipeline behavior and may be interested in TPL DataFlow.


@Theodor Zoulias I am running it in .NET Framework. Thank you.

@Theodor Zoulias我正在.NET框架中运行它。谢谢。

Hell no! Never ever call Application.DoEvents(). If you have to do that to make your code work then you are setting yourself up for a lot of pain.



I think that a sufficient solution to your problem would be to parallelize the ExportOdbcToSQLDB and ExecuteQbInserts in this way: The ExportOdbcToSQLDB for the table i will be executed in parallel with the ExecuteQbInserts for the table i - 1. Assuming that one of the two operations is consistently slower than the other, the total amount of time for processing all tables will be equal with the sum of the slower operation. The faster operation will travel by hitchhiking, so to say, without affecting the total execution time.


The ParallelizeTwoActions method below implements this scheme in an abstract generic way:


/// <remarks>
/// Invokes two actions for each element in the source sequence, sequentially.
/// The action1 is invoked sequentially for one element at a time.
/// The action2 is also invoked sequentially for one element at a time.
/// The action1 for an element is invoked in parallel with the action2 for its
/// previous element.
/// </remarks>
public static async Task ParallelizeTwoActions<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Action<TSource> action1, Action<TSource> action2)

Task task1 = Task.CompletedTask;
Task task2 = Task.CompletedTask;
foreach (TSource item in source)
task1 = Task.Run(() => action1(item));
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2).ConfigureAwait(false);
task2 = Task.Run(() => action2(item));
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2).ConfigureAwait(false);

The marble diagram below illustrates how the action1 and action2 are invoked for six elements A, B, C, D, E and F.


action1: A------| B----------| C-----|    D---------| E-------| F-------|
action2: A----| B--------| C---| D----| E----| F----|

Notice how the action1(B) overlaps with the action2(A).


You could use the ParallelizeTwoActions like this:


private async void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
btnExecute.Enabled = false;

await ParallelizeTwoActions(tableNames, tableName =>
ExportOdbcToSQLDB(tableName, sqlCon, odbcCon);
}, tableName =>
btnExecute.Enabled = true;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;

For this to work, you must do a change at the bottom of the ExecuteQbInserts:


Process process = Process.Start(processInfo);
process.WaitForExit(); /* Block the current thread until the process terminates */

You must also remove all the Application.DoEvents(); lines, because both the ExportOdbcToSQLDB and the ExecuteQbInserts will be invoked on ThreadPool threads. You should avoid any interaction with UI controls inside these methods. It is strictly forbidden to interact with UI controls from any thread other than the UI thread.


In case you are not familiar with async/await, you might want to read some tutorials, like this or this. It's a really great way to keep your UI responsive by offloading work to background threads, without complicating your code with manual Thread management, or with awkward BackgroundWorkers etc.



Thank you for writing a solution to the question @Theodor Zoulias. I really appreciate. The solution you are proposing will cause my ODBC data extraction to run in multi-thread and i haven't yet tested if the ODBC driver will support or allow me to run concurent DataReaders via multi-threads. I will give it a try and will let you know.

感谢您为问题@Theodor Zoulias写下解决方案。我真的很感激。您提出的解决方案将导致我的ODBC数据提取在多线程中运行,我还没有测试ODBC驱动程序是否支持或允许我通过多线程运行并发DataReaders。我会试一试,然后告诉你。

the framework provides ways of interacting with the UI controls why still you are forbading to use ? UI controls are accessed via delegates like `` delegate void SetTextCallback(string text); private void SetText(string text) { if (this.txtLog.InvokeRequired) { SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText); form.Invoke(d, new object[] { text }); } else { this.txtLog.AppendText(text); } }`` so what could go wrong.

该框架提供了与UI控件交互的方式,为什么您仍然禁止使用它?用户界面控件是通过委托来访问的,比如``Delegate void SetTextCallback(字符串文本);Private void SetText(字符串文本){if(this.txtLog.InvokeRequired){SetTextCallback d=new SetTextCallback(SetText);form.Invoke(d,new Object[]{Text});}Else{this.txtLog.AppendText(Text);}}``所以可能会出什么问题。

as far as I have experienced multi-thread programming, all sub threads still depends or referr back to the Main thread of the PROCESS who started those as long as we are starting those multi-threads in one program. The best alternate to avoide at all using the UI in other threads will be to desing the software soultion that involves multiple EXE / PROCESS / CONSOLE apps which communicate via WinProc SendMessage strategry.

就我所经历的多线程编程而言,只要我们在一个程序中启动那些多线程,所有的子线程仍然依赖于或引用回启动这些线程的进程的主线程。避免在其他线程中使用UI的最佳替代方案是设计涉及多个EXE/进程/控制台应用程序的软件解决方案,这些应用程序通过WinProc SendMessage策略进行通信。

@AtiqUrRehman the technique in this answer will invoke the ExportOdbcToSQLDB method on thread-pool threads, but only one invocation will be active at a time. The invocations are sequential, not concurrent. Your ODBC driver shouldn't have any problem, unless it is thread-affine, which would be something unusual. You could give this solution a try, and report your observations.


your expalanations make sense. I will give it a try and update.


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