I'm trying to obtain predicted probability of the source of my data (coded as 0 or 1, for source A and source B) from a glmer model.
Using example data:
Df <- data.frame(
source = sample(c(0, 1), n, replace = TRUE,
prob = c(0.719, 0.221)),
Response.number = sample(1:20, n, replace = TRUE),
Item.number = sample(1:40, n, replace = TRUE),
Ps.number = sample(1:40, n, replace = TRUE)
Model1 <- glmer(source ~ (1|Response.number/Item.number) +
data=Df, family = binomial,
As per https://sebastiansauer.github.io/convert_logit2prob/, the hand calculation (exp(b)/(1+(exp(b))
produces the predicted probability the same as the function below:
probability <- predict(Model1, type="response")
I tried it with multiple types of practice data and this generally works (in the above example, it's 0.23199). However, when I use my actual data, I'm getting a slightly different value from the predict function (0.59) than by hand (0.57). I know it's not a lot but this discrepancy doesn't occur when I use any other data.
source Response.number Item.number Ps.number
0 1 1 1
0 2 1 1
1 3 1 1
1 4 1 1
0 5 1 1
0 6 1 1
0 1 2 1
0 2 2 1
1 3 2 1
1 4 2 1
0 5 2 1
0 6 2 1
0 1 1 2
0 2 1 2
1 3 1 2
1 4 1 2
0 5 1 2
0 6 1 2
0 1 2 2
0 2 2 2
1 3 2 2
1 4 2 2
0 5 2 2
The data is nested, that is, there is roughly the same amount of participants per each value of response, the same amount of responses per each value of item, etc. Can this be the source of the discrepancy? If so, how to deal with it? Is the predict()
function appropriate?
We probably need to see your whole data set, or at least a subset that will allow us to repeat some computation exactly. plogis(x)
does the same thing as exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
and is likely to be slightly more reliable in cases of extremely large or small x
You haven't really shown us what you are doing "by hand". What x
value are you using? How are you getting a single number from predict
@BenBolker I presumed the OP was using b
as the intercept of the model (there are no fixed effect variables in the formula)
sorry, it's a mean of predicted values, corrected now. x in the formula you wrote is the intercept of the model, that's right
When you run predict
in glmer
, it uses the variables present in your original data (including random effects) to estimate the probability, so you predict
will not return a vector of values that are all the same as the single value you get by running exp(b)/(1 + exp(b))
on the fixed effect coefficient.
当你在glmer中运行predict时,它使用原始数据中存在的变量(包括随机效应)来估计概率,所以你的predict不会返回一个向量值,这些值与你通过对固定效应系数运行exp(b)/(1 + exp(b))得到的单个值相同。
To see this, let's try passing a little data frame of the random effect variables to the newdata
argument of predict
predict(Model1, newdata = data.frame(Item.number = 1,
Response.number = c(1, 2),
Ps.number = 1), type = 'response')
#> 1 2
#> 0.2261900 0.2405297
Since you don't have any fixed effects in your model, the overall probability (accounting for the random effects) would simply be:
b <- fixef(Model1)
exp(b)/(1 + exp(b))
#> (Intercept)
#> 0.2319048
As Ben Bolker points out in the comments, this is not the same as the raw proportion in the data due to the bias adjustment used in glmms. He also points out that we can remove the random effects from predict
using re.form = NA
, which will give you the same value as the transformed intercept:
mean(predict(Model1, type= 'response', re.form = NA)) == plogis(fixef(Model1))
#> (Intercept)
So it really depends on what you want to predict, i.e. whether you want the random variables taken into account or not. If you do, you can use predict
, otherwise you can hand calculate from the fixed effects or use re.form = NA
inside predict
As a side note, the base R function plogis
is probably the easiest way to convert log odds to probability, and it clearly works here - we can see that using type = "response"
is equivalent to plogis(predict(Model1, type = "link"))
plogis(predict(Model1, type = "link")) == predict(Model1, type = "response")
#> [1] TRUE
Calculating it by hand is fine, though you will get very small floating point differences:
b <- predict(Model1, type = "link")
hist(exp(b)/(1 + exp(b)) - predict(Model1, type = 'response'))
So the smart way to hand calculate the overall probability from your model is
#> (Intercept)
#> 0.2319048
I think there's an important point that you might be missing when comparing the means of the data with the means of the predictions. @AllanCameron's comment that plogis(mean(predict(model)))
is not the same as mean(plogis(predict(model)))
(this is Jensen's inequality).
n <- 7052
Df <- data.frame(
Response.number = sample(1:20, n, replace = TRUE),
Item.number = sample(1:40, n, replace = TRUE),
Ps.number = sample(1:40, n, replace = TRUE)
Df$source <- simulate(~(1|Response.number/Item.number) + (1|Ps.number),
family = binomial,
newdata = Df,
newparams = list(beta = qlogis(0.7), theta = c(1, 1, 1)))[[1]]
fit <- glmer(source ~(1|Response.number/Item.number) + (1|Ps.number),
family = binomial,
data = Df)
mean(Df$source) ## 0.6498866
(p1 <- predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(dummy = 1), re.form = NA)) ## 0.9280772
plogis(p1) ## 0.716685
(p2 <- predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(dummy = 1),
re.form = NA, type = "response")) ## 0.716685
emmeans(fit, ~ 1)
emmeans(fit, ~ 1)
## 1 emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
## overall 0.928 0.263 Inf 0.412 1.44
emmeans(fit, ~ 1, type = "response")
## 1 prob SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
## overall 0.717 0.0535 Inf 0.602 0.809
From emmeans vignette
来自EmMeans Vignette
vars <- sapply(VarCorr(fit), c)
total.SD <- sqrt(sum(vars^2))
emmeans(fit, ~ 1, type = "response", bias.adj = TRUE,
sigma = total.SD)
## 1 prob SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
## overall 0.614 0.0398 Inf 0.545 0.698
The bias correction isn't exact (it uses a delta method approximation) so that's not quite right, but it's closer.
This is a little better:
momentsLogitnorm(mu = fixef(fit), sigma = total.SD)
## mean var
## 0.65790176 0.06472473
mean(predict(fit, type = "response")) ## 0.6500409
This is a good answer, but there is a very important distinction to make. If we run a GLM (no random effect), the mean of the data will be the same as the back-transformed intercept: set.seed(101); x <- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = 0.2); g <- glm(x ~ 1, family = binomial); all.equal(unname(plogis(coef(g))), mean(x))
. However, this is not true for GLMMs; e.g. see cran.r-project.org/web/packages/emmeans/vignettes/…
Also, if you want random effects ignored, you can use predict(model, re.form = NA)
@BenBolker I think then that this is essentially the answer that the OP was looking for. mean(predict(Model1, type= 'response', re.form = NA))
is the same as plogis(fixef(Model1))
@BenBolker我认为这基本上就是行动所寻找的答案。Mean(Forecate(Model1,type=‘Response’,re.form=NA))与plogis(fix ef(Model 1))相同
Thanks! The "re.form = NA" part is what makes the difference between R and my hand calculations - but I don't think I want random effects ignored, they are the only effects I have in the model. So is it ok to use the value from R even though it doesn't match hand calculation and attribute the difference to random effects?
@Agata what difference though? The mean of the probability output given by predict