I have this code :
function buy_with_stablecoins(uint _tid, uint _amount) public { // _tid = 1 = usdt, _tid = 2 = usdc
require(_tid == 1 || _tid ==2, "Invalid token id");
require(presale_time>=block.timestamp, "Presale ended");
// Calculate the amount of token to be sold.
if(_tid ==1 ){
require(usdt.allowance(msg.sender, address(this))>= _amount, "Does to have enough allownace to buy");
uint _token_amount = (rate * _amount)/(10*6);
total_sold += _token_amount;
usdt.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
token.transfer(msg.sender, _token_amount);
require(usdc.allowance(msg.sender, address(this))>= _amount, "Does to have enough allownace to buy");
uint _token_amount = (rate * _amount)/(10*6);
total_sold += _token_amount;
usdc.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
token.transfer(msg.sender, _token_amount);
_addParticipant(msg.sender); // Register participant
I don't know why it's not working it seems I have an error when I try to send USDT token to the presale contract the presale contract should send me my token contribution in exchange but not working...
I tried to deploy this contract with the function buy with stablecoin but I don't understand what is the issue ?
我试着用功能Buy with stablecoin部署这个合同,但我不明白有什么问题?
What is the exact issue you are facing?
Your code logic seems fine. Maybe you can Elaborate on your question.
If you thought it was code error, consider these points:token addresses, token allowance, rate calculation, token transfer function, gas limit, debugging, testing environment, transaction logs, contract deployment, external dependencies etc.