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AttributeError: module 'emoji' has no attribute 'get_emoji_regexp'(AttributeError:模块‘emoji’没有属性‘get_emoji_regexp’)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-26 20:24:23 58 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

This is the code I'm using in Google Colab

这是我在Google Colab中使用的代码

import re 
from textblob import TextBlob
import emoji

def clean_tweet(text):
text = re.sub(r'@[A-Za-z0-9]+', '', str(text)) # remove @mentions
text = re.sub(r'#', '', str(text)) # remove the '#' symbol
text = re.sub(r'RT[\s]+', '', str(text)) # remove RT
text = re.sub(r'https?\/\/S+', '', str(text)) # remove the hyperlink
text = re.sub(r'http\S+', '', str(text)) # remove the hyperlink
text = re.sub(r'www\S+', '', str(text)) # remove the www
text = re.sub(r'twitter+', '', str(text)) # remove the twitter
text = re.sub(r'pic+', '', str(text)) # remove the pic
text = re.sub(r'com', '', str(text)) # remove the com
return text

def remove_emoji(text):
return emoji.get_emoji_regexp().sub(u'', text)

When I make these calls



I'm getting the below error


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-20-9fe71f3cdb0c> in <module>
1 tweets['cleaned_text']=tweets['text'].apply(clean_tweet)
----> 2 tweets['cleaned_text']=tweets['cleaned_text'].apply(remove_emoji)

4 frames

<ipython-input-19-8c0d6ba00a5b> in remove_emoji(text)
25 def remove_emoji(text):
---> 26 return emoji.get_emoji_regexp().sub(u'', text)

AttributeError: module 'emoji' has no attribute 'get_emoji_regexp'

This is very strange. I have never seen this issue before. Could someone help me with this? Am I doing something wrong here?



What part of the error message is unclear? Where the code says emoji.get_emoji_regexp().sub(u'', text), why should this mean anything? In particular, why should the emoji.get_emoji_regexp part mean anything? The error message is telling you, very explicitly, that there is no get_emoji_regexp to be found within emoji. Do you think there should be? If so, why? What does the documentation say?


@KarlKnechtel this is my college project. When my profesor runs this in his local anoconda env, it is ok, but why not in colab?

@KarlKnechtel这是我的大学项目。当我的开发者在他的本地anoconda env中运行这个时,这是可以的,但为什么不是在colab中呢?


For anyone looking for an up-to-date solution,
pip install demoji, then try this function instead:


def remove_emojis(text):
return demoji.replace(text, '')

AttributeError: module 'emoji' has no attribute 'get_emoji_regexp' - get_emoji_regexp method was deprecated and subsequently removed in new versions of the package.

属性错误:模块“emoji”没有属性“get_emoji_regexp”- get_emoji_regexp方法已弃用,随后在新版本的软件包中被删除。

Uninstall the current version you have and use version 1.4.1


pip install emoji==1.4.1



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