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why does "Integer [ ] x = (Integer [ ]) new Object[100]; " compile?(为什么要编译“Integer[]x=(Integer[])new Object[100];”?)

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I compile:


Integer [ ] x = (Integer [ ]) new Object[100];

it succeeds.
and I don't know Why?



Because you lied to the compiler.


Casting is a convenience Java has given you to make the Java compiler trust you. So, it compiles but you are trying to abuse the convenience given to you. Remember Karma 😊


Note that casting a literal expression happens at compile time: int i = (int)(1.0+2.0); This is different than casting a reference type as the OP has. So the OP might be asking why the reference type is different than the literal type.

请注意,强制转换文字表达式在编译时发生:int i=(Int)(1.0+2.0);这不同于像OP那样强制转换引用类型。因此,OP可能会问为什么引用类型不同于文本类型。


It compiles. But it does not run. Try it - shove that in a main method and execute it. You'll get a ClassCastException.


There are a number of things going on here. Most of this is 'programming language archeology' - none of it makes sense and none of it is particularly consistent. If your aim is to learn the language better, there's a very simple rule you should apply to your java programming:


  1. Do not use arrays. At all. For anything. Except perhaps arrays of primitive types (int[], long[], etcetera) for performance reasons. There is no point to them. They aren't faster than lists and have all sorts of wonky downsides. Including effectively broken equals and hashCode and toString implementations (in that they do unexpected things; the spec properly explains these things, but an API that does what the spec says it does, but the spec says bizarro unexpected things, well, I'll let the reader come up with a term for it. I trust it won't be a particularly nice term), they are this useless amalgamation of immutable-ish (they can neither grow nor shrink) but not actually immutable (you can set values), and more.

  2. When casting arrays, assume that the compiler has no idea and you'll have to rely on runtime exceptions. Really, once you've reached this level (You're casting arrays), you need to back up and fix whatever got you into that mess.

There is really not much point in going any further if your aim is to be a good java coder.


But, hey, you asked - so, let's put on our brown hat, grab a whip, play the Indiana Jones themesong, and go spelunkin' into the depths of java's distant past!


Covariance, Contravariance, Invariance.

We need to cover the key problem first. An answer has already been posted by somebody who does not understand type systems, so, that's anecdotal proof this needs to be explained first.


Java's type system is itself 'covariant'. That means: Any type is a fine substitution for any of its supertypes. If you have a method that requires that you pass it a Number parameter, you can pass an expression of type Integer, no problem.


However, once you move up to listy things (be it generics, or arrays) this does not work. They should be invariant - Only the exact type required will do and no other type can substitute.


That's because you can actually both write and read from listy things and therein lies the problem. Here's a trivial example:


Integer i = 5;
Number n = i; // this is fine.

Integer[] is = new Integer[10];
Number[] ns = is; // fine, too? right? Maybe?
ns[0] = 5.5; // ... a double
Integer firstElement = is[0]; // BOOM!

That last line shows the problem. Because basic java types are covariant and will remain so, the ns[0] = 5.5 line has to compile - I'm assigning a Double to a place that requires a Number. Nevertheless this leads to a problem on the last line.

最后一行说明了问题。因为基本的java类型是协变的,并且将保持不变,所以ns[0] = 5.5行必须编译-我将Double分配给需要Number的地方。然而,这导致了最后一行的问题。

Generics gets this right. The generics equivalent is this:


List<Integer> is = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Number> ns = is; // This does not compile!

And gives you the tools you need to make nice APIs; you can ask for covariance (List<? extends Number>, where a List<Integer> is acceptable, but the compiler prevents you from writing to this list to ensure the 'whoops there is a double in my list of integers' problem cannot occur), and even contravariance (List<? super Integer>, where you can pass a List<Integer>, or List<Number>, or a List<Object>. You can write to it (any integer - which works fine regardless of which of those 3 kinds of lists is actually passed in), but the compiler prevents you from reading. Or rather, returns Object, given that List in general guarantees that whatever it stores, it's at least Object).

并为您提供了制作良好API所需的工具;您可以要求协方差(List<?extends Number>,其中List 是可以接受的,但编译器阻止您写入此列表,以确保不会发生'whoops there is a double in my list of integers'问题),甚至是逆变(List<?在这里你可以传递一个List ,或者List ,或者List 。你可以对它进行写操作(任何整数--不管实际传入的是这3种列表中的哪一种),但是编译器会阻止你读取。或者更确切地说,返回Object,因为List通常保证它存储的东西至少是Object)。

Here's a good tip: When you read List<? extends Number> you may be translating that: "A list, containing things whose type is Number or subtypes of Number - you know, things whose type is.. something, that extends Number". That is wrong. You're supposed to read it as: "A list, limited to contain some type that I simply do not know here (see the question mark? That means 'don't know'). All I know is: That restriction is Number or some subtype there of. It could be a list that is only supposed to store integers. Could be Doubles. Could be any Number. No idea. Everything I do with this list must be valid regardless of whether that's a List<Number> or a List<Integer> or a List<Double> or any other List<X> where X is a subtype of Number. It has to work for ALL of them or it is not valid java and the compiler will refuse it. Hence why list.add() doesn't work here - there is no value that is both Double and Integer and Number and SomeSubTypeOfNumberYouHaventEvenWrittenYet. Well, except the literal null which indeed you can actually pass, the only way to call add at all.

这里有一个很好的提示:当你阅读清单<?扩展数字>你可能会翻译成:“一个列表,包含类型是数字的东西或数字的子类型--你知道的,类型是..的东西,扩展数字的东西”。这是不对的。你应该把它读成:“一个列表,被限制为包含一些我在这里完全不知道的类型(参见问号?这意味着“不知道”)。我所知道的是:该限制是数字或其中的某个子类型。它可以是一个应该只存储整数的列表。可能是双打。可以是任何数字。不知道。我对这个列表所做的任何事情都必须有效,无论它是List 、List 、List 还是任何其他List ,其中X是Numbers的子类型。它必须对所有Java都有效,否则它就不是有效的Java,编译器将拒绝它。因此,list.add()在这里不起作用--没有同时是Double和Integer以及Numbers和SomeSubTypeOfNumberYouHaventEvenWrittenYet的值。好的,除了你实际上可以传递的空字面值,这是调用Add的唯一方法。

Arrays get this totally wrong.


Why? Well, generics is really complicated. The notion that you need 4 different types that all are List<Number> adjacent but subtly different is already quite complex:

为什么?嗯,仿制药真的很复杂。您需要4种不同的类型,它们都列出 相邻但略有不同,这一概念已经相当复杂:

  • List (raw/legacy type. Perhaps if java had had generics from v1.0 this would not be needed).

  • List<Number>

  • List<? extends Number>

  • List<? super Number>

and java was trying to 'keep things simple' so didn't add this. Generics didn't show up until java 1.5, over a decade later.

而Java试图让事情变得简单,所以没有添加这一点。十多年后,泛型直到Java 1.5才出现。

In some ways the designers of java were apparently (it's been a looong time, I haven't asked them) also not aware that the component type of a listy thing just cannot be covariant. Or, more likely, sometimes you want to write code that operates on arbitrary arrays and the language designers decided to just let the compiler get out of the way, turn java into more or less a dynamically typed (i.e. the compiler doesn't help you) situation where only the runtime exists to prevent problems from occurring.


Hence, you can do this stuff:


Object is = new Integer[10];
Number[] numbers = (Number[]) is;
is[0] = 5.5;

That code compiles, but when you run it.. the second line works, but the third line doesn't - fails with an ArrayStoreException. That's because arrays do know what their component type is, and thus the is[0] =.. assignment does check: Hey, what's the actual component type of the array object that the is variable is pointing at? Oh it's Integer[].. hmm, then, ArrayStoreException. It's a variant of ClassCastException in that sense.


Similarly, you can actually cast Object arrays to whatever array type you want, but the system is designed so that storing things into arrays might fail with an ArrayStoreException, but reading them never will. Because it's easier to reason about code when you know certain things aren't possible. Such as non-integers being in your Integer[] array.


To ensure that rule, when you cast an array, the runtime checks and won't let you if it means read operations could fail. Hence why arrays are covariant-ish:


Object xs = new Integer[100];
Number[] ns = (Number[]) xs; // allowed
xs = new Number[100];
Integer[] is = (Integer[]) xs; // not allowed

Where 'not allowed' means: Usually compiles fine, but at runtime results in a ClassCastException.


The only reason it works that way is that the 'allowed' line is still broken (in that you'd expect an array of type Number[] to allow you to write any Number to it, whereas here this one doesn't and will fail with an ArrayStoreEx unless it's an Integer), but allowed because it can't break when reading from it (whatever is in that array, it's at least a Number. Because all Integers are Numbers and the only thing that array can store is Integer objects). Whereas the second is not allowed, because if it had been allowed, reading from it could cause problems. ArrayStoreException exists; ArrayReadException does not.


Why was the choice made this way? At some point we've arrived at a dead end. The answer to that is: "Because the spec says so" and if you want to know why that is the case, the answer is: "Because the designers at the time wanted it that way". Any further 'but.. why?' questions should be directed directly at James Gosling and co.



1/5th through this answer and I already could tell who the author was. Contravariance/Covariance/Invariance are key topics that are not easy to understand. Well stated, and from all of us, thanks for well educating us. 1+


I'm not sure this answers the OP's question. Why does that line compile? The compiler will evaluate int i = 1.0 + 2.0; at compile time and throw an error. But I'm pretty sure both the cast (Integer[]) and the new keyword are never evaluated by the compiler like a literal is. (But I didn't double check that.) So there is no choice: both new and the cast are only evaluated at runtime.

我不确定这能不能回答特工的问题。为什么要编译这行代码?编译器将在编译时计算int i=1.0+2.0;并抛出错误。但是我非常确定CAST(Integer[])和new关键字都不会像文本那样由编译器进行计算。(但我没有仔细检查这一点。)因此别无选择:new和强制转换都只在运行时求值。

I guess in other words I'm interpreting the OP's question as asking "The type Object[] is right there, the cast (Integer[]) is right there, why can't the compiler evaluate that and spot the error immediately?" (Edit: but int i = (int)(1.0+2.0); is evaluated at compile time, so I guess casting references only happens at runtime, primitives can be evaluated at compile time; possibly this is also a source of confusion.)

我想换句话说,我将OP的问题解释为在问“类型对象[]就在那里,类型转换(Integer[])就在那里,为什么编译器不能立即对其求值并发现错误?”(编辑:但是int i=(Int)(1.0+2.0);是在编译时求值的,所以我猜强制转换引用只在运行时发生,原语可以在编译时求值;这可能也是混淆的一个来源。)

The problem will be with ns[0] = 5.5; // ... a double, not with Integer firstElement = is[0]; // BOOM!.

问题将是ns[0]=5.5;//...一个Double,不带Integer FirstElement=is[0];//轰!

@markspace The last line of the answer explains it: It's a one-word explanation: "Because". Spec says so. Doing it right is very complicated (see middle of answer: Co/Contra/Invariance), presumably java v1.0 design threw in the towel to try to make sense of it at compile time.

@markspace答案的最后一行解释了这一点:这是一个词的解释:因为。斯派克是这么说的。正确地做它是非常复杂的(参见答案的中间部分:CO/Contra/Invarance),大概是为了在编译时理解它而放弃了Java v1.0设计。

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