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Association for polymorphic belongs_to of a particular type(特定类型的多态归属物关联)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-26 20:11:24 27 4
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I'm relatively new to Rails. I would like to add an association to a model that uses the polymorphic association, but returns only models of a particular type, e.g.:


class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
# The true polymorphic association
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true

# Same as subject but where subject_type is 'Volunteer'
belongs_to :volunteer, source_association: :subject
# Same as subject but where subject_type is 'Participation'
belongs_to :participation, source_association: :subject

I've tried a vast array of combinations from reading about the associations on ApiDock but nothing seems to do exactly what I want. Here's the best I have so far:


class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :volunteer, class_name: "Volunteer", foreign_key: :subject_id, conditions: {notes: {subject_type: "Volunteer"}}
belongs_to :participation, class_name: "Participation", foreign_key: :subject_id, conditions: {notes: {subject_type: "Participation"}}

And I want it to pass this test:


describe Note do
context 'on volunteer' do
let!(:volunteer) { create(:volunteer) }
let!(:note) { create(:note, subject: volunteer) }
let!(:unrelated_note) { create(:note) }

it 'narrows note scope to volunteer' do
scoped = Note.scoped
scoped = scoped.joins(:volunteer).where(volunteers: {id:})
expect(scoped.count).to be 1
expect( eq

it 'allows access to the volunteer' do
expect(note.volunteer).to eq volunteer

it 'does not return participation' do
expect(note.participation).to be_nil


The first test passes, but you can't call the relation directly:


  1) Note on volunteer allows access to the volunteer
Failure/Error: expect(note.reload.volunteer).to eq volunteer
PG::Error: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "notes"
LINE 1: ...."deleted" = 'f' AND "volunteers"."id" = 7798 AND "notes"."s...
: SELECT "volunteers".* FROM "volunteers" WHERE "volunteers"."deleted" = 'f' AND "volunteers"."id" = 7798 AND "notes"."subject_type" = 'Volunteer' LIMIT 1
# ./spec/models/note_spec.rb:10:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'


The reason I want to do it this way is because I'm constructing a scope based on parsing a query string including joining to various models/etc; the code used to construct the scope is considerably more complex than that above - it uses collection.reflections, etc. My current solution works for this, but it offends me I can't call the relations directly from an instance of Note.


I could solve it by splitting it into two issues: using scopes directly


  scope :scoped_by_volunteer_id, lambda { |volunteer_id| where({subject_type: 'Volunteer', subject_id: volunteer_id}) }
scope :scoped_by_participation_id, lambda { |participation_id| where({subject_type: 'Participation', subject_id: participation_id}) }

and then just using a getter for note.volunteer/note.participation that just returns note.subject if it has the right subject_type (nil otherwise) but I figured in Rails there must be a better way?



The somewhat cryptic {notes: {subject_type: "Volunteer"}} clause has the notes: because otherwise it would query on non-existant volunteers.subject_type column, this makes it query on notes.subjects_type. I've settled on equivalent {'notes.subject_type': "Volunteer"} syntax; it also reminds me the notes should be a plural table name, not the (sometimes singular) association name...



I had bump into the similar problem. and I finally ironed out the best and most robust solution by using a self reference association like below.


class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
# The true polymorphic association
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true

# The trick to solve this problem
has_one :self_ref, :class_name => self, :foreign_key => :id

has_one :volunteer, :through => :self_ref, :source => :subject, :source_type => Volunteer
has_one :participation, :through => :self_ref, :source => :subject, :source_type => Participation

Clean & simple, only tested on Rails 4.1, but I guess it should work for previous versions.

I have found a hackish way of getting around this issue. I have a similar use case in a project of mine, and I found this to work. In your Note model you can add associations like this:


class Note
belongs_to :volunteer,
->(note) {where('1 = ?', (note.subject_type == 'Volunteer')},
:foreign_key => 'subject_id'

You will need to add one of these for each model that you wish to attach notes to. To make this process DRYer I would recommend creating a module like so:


 module Notable
def self.included(other)
->(note) {where('1 = ?', note.subject_type == other.to_s)},
{:foreign_key => :subject_id})

Then include this in your Volunteer and Participation models.




A slightly better lambda would be:


 ->(note) {(note.subject_type == "Volunteer") ? where('1 = 1') : none}

For some reason replacing the 'where' with 'all' does not seem to work. Also note that 'none' is only available in Rails 4.

由于某种原因,用“all”代替“where”似乎不起作用。另外请注意,“none”仅在Rails 4中可用。



I'm not running rails 3.2 atm so I can't test, but I think you can achieve a similar result by using a Proc for conditions, something like:

我没有运行rails 3.2 ATM,因此无法进行测试,但我认为您可以通过对条件使用proc来实现类似的结果,如下所示:

belongs_to :volunteer, :foreign_key => :subject_id, 
:conditions => {['1 = ?', (subject_type == 'Volunteer')]}

Might be worth a shot


I was stuck on this sort of reverse association and in Rails 4.2.1 I finally discovered this. Hopefully this helps someone if they're using a newer version of Rails. Your question was the closest to anything I found in regard to the issue I was having.


belongs_to :volunteer, foreign_key: :subject_id, foreign_type: 'Volunteer'

You can do like so:


belongs_to :volunteer, -> {
where(notes: { subject_type: 'Volunteer' }).includes(:notes)
}, foreign_key: :subject_id

The includes do the left join so you have the notes relation with all volunteer and participation. And you go through subject_id to find your record.


I believe I have figured out a decent way to handle this that also covers most use cases that one might need.


I will say, it is a hard problem to find an answer to, as it is hard to figure out how to ask the question, and also hard to weed out all the articles that are just standard Rails answers. I think this problem falls into the advanced ActiveRecord realm.


Essentially what we are trying to do is to add a relationship to the model and only use that association if certain prerequisites are met on the model where the association is made. For example, if I have class SomeModel, and it has belongs_to association called "some_association", we might want to apply some prerequisite conditions that must be true on the SomeModel record that influence whether :some_association returns a result or not. In the case of a polymorphic relationship, the prerequisite condition is that the polymorphic type column is a particular value, and if not that value, it should return nil.


The difficulty of solving this problem is compounded by the different ways. I know of three different modes of access: direct access on an instance (ex: SomeModel.first.some_association), :joins (Ex: SomeModel.joins(:some_association), and :includes (Ex: SomeModel.includes(:some_association)) (note: eager_load is just a variation on joins). Each of these cases needs to be handled in a specific way.

解决这个问题的难度因不同的方法而变得更加复杂。我知道三种不同的访问模式:对实例的直接访问(例如:SomeModel.first st.Some_Association)、:Joins(Ex:SomeModel.joins(:SomeAssociation)和:Includes(Ex:SomeModel.Includes(:SomeAssociation))(注意:EAGER_LOAD只是JOINS的变体)。这些案件中的每一个都需要以特定的方式处理。

Today, as I've essentially been revisiting this problem, I came up with the following utility method that acts as a kind of wrapper method for belongs_to. I'm guessing a similar approach could be used for other association types.


  # WARNING: the joiner table must not be aliased to something else in the query,
# A parent / child relationship on the same table probably would not work here
# TODO: figure out how to support a second argument scope being passed
def self.belongs_to_with_prerequisites(name, prerequisites: {}, **options)
base_class = self
belongs_to name, -> (object=nil) {
# For the following explanation, assume we have an ActiveRecord class "SomeModel" that has a belongs_to
# relationship on it called "some_association"
# Object will be one of the following:
# * nil - when this association is loaded via an :includes.
# For example, SomeModel.includes(:some_association)
# * an model instance - when this association is called directly on the referring model
# For example: SomeModel.first.some_association, object will equal SomeModel.first
# * A JoinDependency - when we are joining this association
# For example, SomeModel.joins(:some_assocation)
if !object.is_a?(base_class)
where(base_class.table_name => prerequisites)
elsif prerequisites.all? {|name, value| object.send(name) == value}

That method would need to be injected into ActiveRecord::Base.


Then we could use it like:


  belongs_to_with_prerequisites :volunteer,
prerequisites: { subject_type: 'Volunteer' },
polymorphic: true,
foreign_type: :subject_type,
foreign_key: :subject_id

And it would allow us to do the following:



However, we'll get an error if we try to do this:



If we run that last bit of code, it will tell us that the column subject_type does not exist on the volunteers table.


So we'd have to add a scope to the Notes class and use as follows:


class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to_with_prerequisites :volunteer,
prerequisites: { subject_type: 'Volunteer' },
polymorphic: true,
foreign_type: :subject_type,
foreign_key: :subject_id
scope :with_volunteer, -> { includes(:volunteer).references(:volunteer) }

So at the end of the day, we don't have the extra join table that @stackNG's solution had, but that solution was definitely more eloquent and less hacky. Figured I'd post this anyway as it has been the result of a very thorough investigation and might help somebody else understand how this stuff works.


Here's a different option using a parameterized scope. Based on the foreign type, the scope will be set to either all or none so that the relation returns the related model if it's of the right type and nil otherwise:


class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true

belongs_to :volunteer,
-> (note) { note.subject_type == "Volunteer" ? all : none },
foreign_key: :subject_id

belongs_to :participation,
-> (note) { note.subject_type == "Participation" ? all : none },
foreign_key: :subject_id

I tried all the solutions listed here for Rails 7 and none of them worked so I thought I'd add yet another answer.

我尝试了这里列出的针对rails 7的所有解决方案,但它们都不起作用,所以我想我应该添加另一个答案。

class Note < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :subject, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :volunteer, -> { includes(:note).where(notes: { source_type: :Volunteer}) }, foreign_key: :subject_id, optional: true
belongs_to :participation, -> { includes(:note).where(notes: { source_type: :Participation}) }, foreign_key: :subject_id, optional: true

class Volunteer < ApplicationRecord
has_one :note, :as => :subject
#Do Participation same as Volunteer

With this solution if you call note.participation on a Note where the subject is actually a Volunteer you will get nil. Other solutions here will give an error or, horribly, a Participation. Also importantly if you join with this association it will work. Something like note.includes(:volunteer).where(volunteer: {volunteer_attribute: value}) will actually join the tables correctly.



This works well - thanks for sharing! It's a bit bizarre that this is necessary, really...


Unrelated to the question, but relevant to this answer: I believe using constants in association definitions is advised against. Instead of Volunteer and Participation, you'd want to use "Volunteer" or :Volunteer and "Participation" or :Participation. Discussion here:


Without self_ref: belongs_to : volunteer, foreign_key: : subject_id, foreign_type: : subject_type, class_name: Volunteer, polymorphic: true


Assignment doesn't work correctly this way. If you do Note.create(volunteer: Volunteer.create) then subject_id and subject_type will be nil, although you can still retrieve the volunteer from the read method.


@stackNG, this is a nice solution and probably the cleanest I've found on this problem. My one issue is that it adds an extra join that shouldn't be necessary. I wish it weren't necessary, and I am in the process of posting an alternative solution below, but it is not as simple, but does do away with extra queries.


Interesting hack, sadly Rails 3.2 doesn't seem to allow a scope as part of a belongs_to relation. :( (Upgrading to Rails 4 is on my todo list, but there so much other stuff to do first...) Great idea though!

有趣的黑客攻击,令人遗憾的是,rails 3.2似乎不允许将作用域作为beles_to关系的一部分。:(升级到Rails4在我的待办事项清单上,但首先还有很多其他事情要做……)不过,这主意太棒了!

@Benjie Edited answer with alternate method (might work in 3.2)


Thanks for the new attempt - sorry it's taken so long for me to try it out. Sadly it doesn't seem to work (undefined method subject_type), I think it's because: > Inside the proc, self is the object which is the owner of the association, unless you are eager loading the association, in which case self is the class which the association is within. --


For me this approach "runs" but the SQL resulting from joins doesn't actually constrain the subject_type [Rails 5.0]

对我来说,这种方法是“运行的”,但是连接产生的SQL实际上并不约束主题类型[rails 5.0]

@BeniCherniavsky-Paskin I stumbled upon the same problem, if there is another model with the same id, it just returns this event when the type doesn't match


To solve the problem of subject_type not being included on join, I made this workaround: belongs_to :volunteer, -> { where(notes: { subject_type: :Volunteer }) }, foreign_key: :subject_id, foreign_type: :Volunteer, optional: true I hope it may be useful

为了解决subject_type在加入时不包含的问题,我做了这个变通方案:belongs_to:volunteer,-> { where(notes:{ subject_type::Volunteer })},foreign_key::subject_id,foreign_type::Volunteer,optional:true我希望它可能有用

Doesn't work for rails 6.1 anymore. foreign_type not allowed to be used.

不再适用于rails 6.1。不允许使用FORENT_TYPE。

@DmitryPolushkin is there an equivalent way to accomplish in rails 6.x?

@DmitryPolushkin在rails 6.x中有没有类似的方法来实现?

didn't you need optional: true ?


I think you can use joins instead of includes – that should be enough.

我认为你可以使用joins而不是includes --这就足够了。

@Matt I tried it with joins (because of course that makes sense), but joins doesn't work exactly right, because it can result in duplicate rows being returned. I tried adding distinct afterward also, but that still didn't work. I don't know the details, but includes worked correctly, not returning duplicate records.


This doesn't work right when the Note's subject is a different type of object, but has the same ID as an existing Volunteer. E.g. for a Note (call it a_note) with attributes subject_type: "Participation", subject_id: 1, and given the database contains both a Participation and Volunteer record with id: 1, then a_note.volunteer will return the Volunteer record, rather than nil, even though a_note.subject_type is "Participation". Will update here if I figure out a fix for this


The best solution so far. Thank you.


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