I am trying to get the BitLocker rotation key to work with Azure Automation but I am stuck on the permission needed for it.
我正在尝试让BitLocker轮换密钥与Azure Automation一起工作,但我被困在了它所需的权限上。
I am following this article True BitLocker one-time key with Intune, everything works fine with the alert being fired wherever a user check the BitLocker Key on myaccount.microsoft.com, but the key is not getting rotated due to the error 401 Unauthorized, as far I understand 401 means you were able to access the service but does not have permission to perform the action which on this case is the BitLocker rotation.
我正在使用Intune跟踪这篇文章True BitLocker One-Time Key,只要用户在mycount t.microsoft.com上检查BitLocker密钥,一切都会正常工作,但密钥不会被轮换,因为错误401未经授权,据我所知,401意味着您能够访问服务,但没有权限执行操作,在这种情况下是BitLocker轮换。
Here is what I tried to so far.
Verified the necessary permission for Microsoft Graph which is DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, correctly assigned
Added Global Admin role
Added a license to enterprise application
已验证Microsoft Graph的必要权限,即DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All,正确分配添加的全局管理员角色将许可证添加到企业应用程序
But still no luck. As mentioned wherever I verify the BitLocker key under myaccounts the alert fire the runbook on the time I set it to run, but no rotation due to the error 401.
Furthermore, I also tried to manually run the command in graph using one of my GA accounts [enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZHCLv.jpg)and it worked.
Also one more point on the article mentioned above the script is using run as an account, but since it is no longer available I am using system managed identity.
另外,在上面提到的文章中,脚本使用的是Run as a Account,但由于它不再可用,所以我使用的是系统管理的身份。
Does anyone have any idea what could be the permission I am missing?
Thank you in advance.
I managed to get it sorted by making a different graph call, now wherever the alert is fired the key rotation is being called successfully.
Thanks everyone