I'm working on a macOS app that shows a list of items. A user can perform different actions on each item using either the toolbar or the main menu. Since they are are just different ways to perform the same actions, I want to re-use the code. What would be a good approach to accomplish it?
Here's an example to illustrate the problem:
struct MyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.commands {
struct ItemListView: View {
var body: some View {
List {
.toolbar {
ToolbarItemGroup {
Button("Button1", action: action1)
Button("Button2", action: action2)
Button("Button3", action: action3)
// Intent functions
func action1() { ... }
func action2() { ... }
func action3() { ... }
struct ItemCommands: Commands {
var body: some Commands {
CommandMenu("Item") {
// I want to re-use my intent functions here.
Button("Button1") { ... }
Button("Button2") { ... }
Button("Button3") { ... }
Up until this point I didn't need to have any view models in my project, but this seems like a good use case for it. I could move my intent functions to a view model and then pass it to MyItemListView
and MyItemCommands
It's also possible to pass an intent function from a view to a command as a focused value:
// View
someView.focusedValue(\.myAction1Func, myAction1Func)
// Commands
@FocusedValue(\.myAction1Func) private var myAction1Func
Button("Action1") { myAction1Func?() }
But this approach doesn't scale well when you need to pass many different values to implement a command.
Asking for a “… good approach to accomplish it” is a bit vague in my opinion and I also believe that finding the best solution very much depends on what data the functions depends upon which we don’t know.
If actions are to be executed at app level, then define them in App and pass then to the 2 views as parameters. But you can also define a model with the actions in it.
@PtitXav Thanks! But some actions depend on scene-specific state, so I can't define them at the app level.
So how do you except actio declared called in App to execute code depending on scène state ? You need to use a model owned by App then holds the Scene state and the execution of the actions.
Can you add code to your sample where you access this "scene state"? I would just create a MenuButtonsViewModel
that executed the logic (it might even return a some View
with all the buttons as a tupled view) and pass in all the scene/context specific data to either that function (so it's available in the scope) or pass the context individually within the enclosing view scope (i.e. in your example it's CommandMenu() { Button("1") { vm.action1(sceneSpecificState) }}
use ViewModel:
class ItemListViewModel: ObservableObject {
func action1() { ... }
func action2() { ... }
func action3() { ... }
In your main app structure and views, you'd do something like:
struct MyApp: App {
@StateObject var viewModel = ItemListViewModel()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ItemListView(viewModel: viewModel)
.commands {
ItemCommands(viewModel: viewModel)
struct ItemListView: View {
@ObservedObject var viewModel: ItemListViewModel
var body: some View {
Button("Button1", action: viewModel.action1)
struct ItemCommands: Commands {
var viewModel: ItemListViewModel
var body: some Commands {
CommandMenu("Item") {
Button("Button1", action: viewModel.action1)
Button("Button2", action: viewModel.action2)
Button("Button3", action: viewModel.action3)