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can add subfolder to github repo(可以在github repo中添加子文件夹)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 23:43:09 26 4
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i have tried to add the Website folder to my github repo but when i click on it it wont open you can see here that its got a different icon than usually i have tried to use git add Website but that didn't work i also tried git add -i to add untracked files and it seemed to work when i went inside the Website folder itself but it wouldn't push to the origin unless i was in the original folder outside the Website subfolder and when i completed the push as you can see the commit says added untracked files but i still can look in the files. The folder has files in it

我已经尝试将网站文件夹添加到我的GitHub资源库,但当我点击它时,它不会打开,你可以在这里看到它得到了一个不同于通常图标的图标我尝试使用Git Add-I添加未跟踪的文件,但这不起作用,当我进入网站文件夹本身时,它似乎起作用了,但它不会推送到来源,除非我在WebSite子文件夹之外的原始文件夹中,当我完成推送时,如你所见,提交表示添加了未跟踪的文件,但我仍然可以在文件中查看。该文件夹中有文件


Is there anything in the Website folder? Or is it empty?


The Website directory seems to be a symlink.


@BenjaminW. Not a symlink — a nested repository.


@phd Symlinks and submodules seem to have the same visual representation on GitHub, but my submodules indicate the commit hash they point to (see here), so it still looks more like a symlink to me?


@BenjaminW. Seems you're right. My test is at



Try git add . , git commit -m 'message', and then git push?

试试Git Add吧。,Git Commit-m‘Message’,然后Git Push?


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