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SimpleDateFormat giving error for the same input for Time(SimpleDateFormat为相同的时间输入提供错误)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 23:37:30 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I am really not able to understand why SimpleDateFormat is throwing error for the very similar inputs.


I am passing two values : "05:20 AM" & "05:50 AM"

我传递了两个值:“05:20 AM”和“05:50 AM”

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class FormateDate {

public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
String date_s = "05:20 AM";
//String date_s = "05:50 AM";
String date_ss;

SimpleDateFormat dt = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");
Date date = dt.parse(date_s);

// *** same for the format String below


The first value throws error :


Exception in thread "main" java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "05:20 AM"

and the second value one prints output : 05:50 AM

第二个值1打印输出:05:50 AM

NOTE: Let me be clear that it is not a typo error or copy/paste error. Both strings are coming from my backend in API and I was not able to figure out why the first one throws an error.



Do not delete this Question. This use of non-breaking space character is an important issue, as some localizations recently adopted the use of that character to keep the AM/PM next to time-of-day. I don’t recall details at the moment, but will soon try to find my sources again.



You've got non-ASCII unicode symbols in your input strings. Fortunately, you copy/pasted and, and pasted those too.

您的输入字符串中有非ASCII Unicode符号。幸运的是,您也复制/粘贴和粘贴了这些内容。

date_s is the following sequence of characters:


  • 0

  • 5

  • :

  • 2

  • 0

so far, so good.


  • 0xE280AF

  • A

  • M

What the heck are those 3 bytes before AM?


It's the UTF-8 encoding of the unicode symbol U+202F: The narrow no-break space.


Probably a browser where someone used   instead of a space.

可能是有人使用 ;而不是空格的浏览器。

SimpleDateFormat is obsolete. Do not use it; use the stuff in java.time instead (DateTimeFormatter). But, if you insist on using SDF, try:


String date_s = "05:20 AM".replaceAll("\\p{Z}", " ");

That weird incantation is using regexp to say: "replace all characters that fit in the unicode Z set (which is all whitespace codepoint) with an actual space". That actual space is something SDF can handle; those fancy unicode spaces aren't.

这个奇怪的咒语是使用regexp来表示:“用实际的空格替换适合Unicode Z集(全是空白码点)的所有字符”。SDF可以处理实际的空间;而那些花哨的Unicode空间则不能。


@HovercraftFullOfEels answers to questions that are caused by typos are inherently unuseful, as they hinder the effort to clean up the question.


@KarlKnechtel I usually agree with you on this except when I don't. Usually a typo question is a low quality affair that often attracts low quality answers, but occasionally you see a pretty decent answer that shows decent sleuthing and excellent exposition, sometimes enough to raise the utility of the question. This may be such a case. But as always, I encourage you to vote as you see fit, and I'll do the same.


@KarlKnechtel This is no mere typo. The non-breaking space has recently been adopted for some localizations of date-time formats. This choice makes sense as the AM/PM should indeed be kept with the time-of-day, not separated by a line break. I just read this week about this new adoption, likely related to the Unicode CLDR, but I cannot recall exactly. I’ll investigate tomorrow.

@卡尔·克内克特尔这不仅仅是打字错误。最近,日期-时间格式的一些本地化使用了不间断空格。这一选择是有意义的,因为AM/PM确实应该与一天中的时间保持一致,而不是用换行符分隔。我这周刚刚读到这一新的采用,可能与Unicode CLDR有关,但我记不清确切的情况了。我明天会调查的。

Let me be clear to you guys thats its not type error. Both the data is coming from my backend and I was unable to figure the difference in both the data. So I do want to try this answer


Thank you so much for the answer. It Worked. I spent hours and hours figuring out the difference between those two strings.


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