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Is Bun really ~3 times faster than nodejs?(Bun真的比NodeJS快3倍吗?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 22:34:22 26 4
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I was looking at Bun Official Site there i noticed that they are claiming, bun is nearly 3 times faster than nodejs.
Is it really true or it is just a marketing strategy to promote bun over nodeJS?


Bun comparison with nodejs

Please let me know your thoughts.



This is not the thing to worry about. Bun is only ten months old, isn't particularly established, and has no developers working on it other than Jared. I don't want to be hasty or mean but it sounds like a vanity project, and certainly not something I'd want to use right now. Are you having issues with (apparently) node's inadequate 16K+ HTML request p/s?


uWebSocets in github is 12x faster than NodeJS. So it is possible to be between 12x and 1x. But this speed difference diminishes once the content grows.



I am trying to do bun install in my CRA react app for checking bun's performance

我正在尝试在我的CRA Reaction应用程序中安装BUN,以检查BUN的性能

bun install v0.1.4
🔍 @sentry/react [1608/1608]

it's maybe faster than node, but I think its not yet ready for everyday/production use.


maybe I am with WSL (Ubuntu) coz of that its not always working properly for me


I did quite some comparing between Node und Bun and the results are very mixed. Complex tasks like a huge Webpack project resulted in Node being 10% faster than Bun and express based servers resulted in Bun being 50% faster than Node.
As always: it depends!
What I actually like the most with Bun is btw how easy it is to run TypeScript code ;-)


Yes it is true. BunJS is actually faster than NodeJS. I wrote a tree-walk interpreter in JavaScript and ran it using both Node and BunJS. NodeJS took ~1 seconds were as Bun took ~0.73s the first time and even less the second time:


test run for node and bun

In this case, the increase is not much as the code was already quite optimised but for a server, Bun can be exponentially faster.



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