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Optional Dependency in VBA Module(VBA模块中的可选依赖项)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 19:58:09 26 4
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I am developing a VBA module (call it "Greg") for VBA developers of Excel UDFs. The purpose of Greg is to enhance the experience for the end user, who uses those UDFs in Excel.

我正在为Excel UDF的VBA开发人员开发一个VBA模块(称为“Greg”)。Greg的目的是增强终端用户的体验,他们在Excel中使用这些UDF。

The developer must simply copy a snippet into their own module (call it "Dev"). If Greg is loaded, the snippet enhances Dev's behavior. Otherwise, it has no impact on behavior, but it does prompt the Excel user to import Greg.bas.



Here is a simplified sketch of Greg.bas...


Attribute VB_Name = "Greg"

' Keep these functions invisible to Excel users.
Option Private Module

' Enhancement function.
Public Function Enhancer(Optional x)
' ...
End Function

' Assert the 'Greg' module is loaded.
Public Function IsLoaded() As Boolean
IsLoaded = True
End Function

...and of Dev.bas:


Attribute VB_Name = "Dev"

' Some UDF by the dev.
Public Function DevRegular()
' ...
End Function

' #############
' ## Snippet ##
' #############

' Use the enhancer, if available via the 'Greg' module.
Public Function DevEnhanced(Optional x)
If Enhance_IsSupported() Then
DevEnhanced = Greg.Enhancer(x)
DevEnhanced = DevRegular()

' Prompt the user to import the enhancer.
MsgBox "Import the 'Greg' module to enhance your experience."
End If
End Function

' Check if enhancement is supported via the 'Greg' module.
Private Function Enhance_IsSupported() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Fail
Enhance_IsSupported = Greg.IsLoaded()
Exit Function
Enhance_IsSupported = False
End Function


While this has worked sporadically on Windows, it has often failed there and always on Mac. The crux seems to be Enhance_IsSupported() within Dev:


Private Function Enhance_IsSupported() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Fail
Enhance_IsSupported = Greg.IsLoaded()
Exit Function
Enhance_IsSupported = False
End Function

I assumed that the line Greg.IsLoaded() would compile, even if there were no Greg module present...and it does! It only fails when a Greg module exists without a member called IsLoaded().


Unfortunately, it seems that VBA does not reliably refresh its "awareness" of a Greg module with an IsLoaded() function.


When I import Greg.bas and Dev.bas together, everything works as intended: Enhance_IsSupported() returns True, and it updates to False if Greg is removed.


But when I first import Dev.bas and run DevEnhanced(), and only afterwards import Greg.bas, then Enhance_IsSupported() apparently returns False despite the presence of Greg.



This latter workflow is absolutely essential: an Excel user must first run DevEnhanced() and see the prompt, in order to know about Greg.bas in the first place!


Failed Solutions

Unfortunately, no experimentation has availed. In Greg itself, I have tried using a constant...


Public Const IS_LOADED As Boolean = True

...and also a procedure:


Public Function IsLoaded() As Boolean
IsLoaded = True
End Function

In the snippet for Dev, I have implicitly tried Application.Evaluate()...


Private Function Enhance_IsSupported() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Fail
Enhance_IsSupported = [Greg.IsLoaded()]
' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
' Application.Evaluate("Greg.IsLoaded()")
Exit Function
Enhance_IsSupported = False
End Function

...but while this works for Enhance_IsSupported() itself, the same error simply crops up elsewhere — like whack-a-mole at other instances of Greg.* — and only a manual edit will "refresh" those procedures. I would also prefer to avoid unstable calls to any .Evaluate() method, even in the Worksheet scope.



  • What is the simplest way to "refresh" the Dev module, such that its procedures now recognize the calls to Greg.*?

  • Is this possible without resetting cached or Static variables in Dev?

  • Can this be done with an IS_LOADED constant rather than an IsLoaded() procedure?


  • Can this refreshment be done by some Sub like Dev.Refresh(), called automatically at the start of Enhance_IsSupported()?

  • Can this refreshment be done by some Sub like Greg.Refresh(), as run manually by the user in the VBA editor?

This project represents a great investment of my time and energy, and it is otherwise operational, so your help is greatly appreciated in conquering this final obstacle!



Maybe using a solution using the Microsoft VBA Extensibility 5.3 library. I.e. Use the Extensibity library to search if the module exists etc.

也许使用使用Microsoft VBA Extensive5.3库的解决方案。即使用Extensibity库搜索模块是否存在等。

@M.Johnstone Regarding the Extensibility library, I'd prefer to keep things terminally simple for the Excel user. Mind you, the Dev UDFs are what they really want in Excel, so enhancing Dev should require minimal effort and expertise in VBA.


Is simply adding it to project references not an option?


@VictorK "Is simply adding it to project references not an option?" I've lightly explored this, and it would seem the most elegant and user-friendly solution. But when I go to Tools » References... » Browse... in the VBA editor, my only options are *.olb and *.tlb* and *.dll. How would I make available a .bas module like Greg.bas?


@Greg I would suggest the following approach ( I use it for all my projects): create an .xlam file (Excel add-in) and add Greg.bas to that file. Bonus points: save a read-only production version in a place that users can reach, for example on an network drive (read this answer for an example). Then go to Tools >> Reference >> Browse, change options to Microsoft Excel Files, find you .xlam file and click Open. Once .xlam file is added as a reference all of its Public functions/classes will be available (with some caveats).

@Greg我会建议以下方法(我在我的所有项目中都使用它):创建一个.xlam文件(Excel加载项),并将Greg.bas添加到该文件中。加分:将只读生产版本保存在用户可以到达的地方,例如在网络驱动器上(请阅读此答案以获取示例)。然后转到工具>>参考>>浏览,将选项更改为Microsoft Excel文件,找到您的.xlam文件并单击打开。一旦将.xlam文件添加为引用,它的所有公共函数/类都将可用(但有一些警告)。


The issue here is that the reference to the other module is stale. To update it you need the module to recompile.


Based on my experimentations, the VBE won't recompile the code in the module if there were no changes since the last compilation. And as you noticed, importing a VBA module with the manual method (Menu Bar > File > Import File > *Select file in dialog window*), won't trigger a recompilation of the other modules in the project.


enter image description here

Editing the line with the reference to the optional module (Greg) will force a recompilation of that specific function/sub. The function Enhance_IsSupported() should then return True as expected.


Adding or removing a member of the module


Another way of doing it is to add/remove a sub or module level variable/constant which causes the whole module to recompile. Knowing that, you could have a private variable at the top that could be quickly deleted manually to achieve this. Eg.:



Since your user will be using the VBE to import the module (Greg) manually anyway, it doesn't seem too much to ask them to delete a row at the top of the Dev module.


Exporting and re-importing the module with stale references


Exporting the content of the Dev module to a .bas file and re-importing it is another was to force the recompilation and that can also be done manually with the VBE interface.


My initial approach to make this more automated was to just export and re-import the Dev module with a VBA procedure. However this requires the user to have "Trust access to the VBA project object model" (VBOM access) enabled.


I saw in one of your comments that you cannot make the users enable that, so this won't solve your issue, but I'm just going to include the code here in case this is useful to someone.


Sub ResetModule()

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents

'Optional: Delete all module copies (Dev1, Dev2, etc.)
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 100
.Remove .Item("Dev" & i)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Dim ModuleTempLocation As String
ModuleTempLocation = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Dev.bas"

'Export and remove module
Dim md As Object 'CodeModule
Set md = .Item("Dev")
md.Export ModuleTempLocation
'Change name to avoid potential naming conflicts
md.Name = md.Name & "_OLD"
.Remove md

'Re-import module
.Import ModuleTempLocation
Kill ModuleTempLocation

End With

End Sub

Using the Insert File feature


It turns out that even if the regular Import file feature doesn't cause project-wide recompilation, the Insert File feature does. This feature can be used while a module is selected in the Project Explorer (make sure the module window is visible by double-clicking it). To use it, go Menu Bar > Insert > File... > *Select file in dialog window*.

事实证明,即使常规的导入文件功能不会导致项目范围的重新编译,插入文件功能也会。当在Project Explorer中选择一个模块时,可以使用该特性(确保通过双击该模块窗口是可见的)。要使用它,请转到菜单栏>插入>文件...>*在对话框窗口中选择文件*。

enter image description here

This feature can be used to load content from a .bas file to a module even if it already has some procedures in it. And for some reason, this forces a recompilation of the whole project.


Knowing that you could tell your users to insert a new module, select it and use the Insert File feature to insert the content of Greg. This way you'll be sure that Dev will recompile.

知道您可以告诉您的用户插入一个新模块后,选择它并使用Insert File特性来插入Greg的内容。这样,您就可以确保Dev将重新编译。

Otherwise, you can always let them add the module with the Import File method and add a TriggerRecompilation() sub to recompile the project using the VBA equivalent of the Insert File method.


Basically, calling .InsertFile on a Module object seems to be the same as inserting a file from the GUI. It also causes a recompilation of the project and to make use of this, we can create a fictitious .bas file; import it; and delete it.


For example:


Sub TriggerRecompilation()

'Create fictitious .bas file
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "ForceRecompilation.bas"
Open FilePath For Output As #1
Print #1, "Attribute VB_Name = ""ForceRecompilation"""
Close #1

'Import and delete module
Dim ThisModule As Module
Set ThisModule = ThisWorkbook.Modules.Add
ThisModule.InsertFile FilePath
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set ThisModule = Nothing
Kill FilePath

End Sub

There might be a simpler method with VBA to force a recompilation, but that's the only consistent approach I could find that doesn't involve having VBOM access enabled.


I've got to say, I don't understand how someone could include a reference to a module in their project and forget to include the module itself, so this whole problem doesn't make any sense to me. But here is a possible solution. The only problem that I can think of in using this is that it requires a reference to VBA Extensibility.


Function ThisProjectIncludesModuleGreg() As Boolean
'This routine require a reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility".

Dim n As Long

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
For n = 1 To .Count
With .Item(n)
If .Type = 1 And .name = "Greg" Then
ThisProjectIncludesModuleGreg = True
Exit Function
End If
End With
End With
End Function

You already mentioned a constant, why not:


in module Greg:
Public Const GREG_IS_LOADED = True


and in module dev:


' Use the enhancer, if available via the 'Greg' module.
Public Function DevEnhanced(Optional x)
'If Enhance_IsSupported() Then
DevEnhanced = Greg.Enhancer(x)
DevEnhanced = DevRegular()

' Prompt the user to import the enhancer.
MsgBox "Import the 'Greg' module to enhance your experience."
'End If
#End If
End Function

I expected the #If-lines to be recompiled after a module was added. Obviously that does not work correctly.


What Office tool are you using?

I've tested the code below in Excel.


Public Function IsGregLoaded() As Boolean
Dim o As Object
IsGregLoaded = False
For Each o In ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
'Debug.Print o.Type, o.Name
If o.Name = "Greg" And o.Type = 1 Then
IsGregLoaded = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

In msaccess it would be:


    For Each o In Application.CurrentProject.AllModules
If o.Name = "Greg" And o.Type = 5 Then

But in msaccess, both a code module and a class module have type 5




Public Function IsGregLoaded()
IsGregLoaded = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.Run "Greg.IsLoaded()"
If Err.Number = 0 Then
MsgBox "'Greg' module is present."
IsGregLoaded = True
MsgBox "'Greg' module is NOT present."
End If
End Function


Thank you for all your work and effort on this! In particular, I appreciate you taking care to address the criteria in my question, and to do so in depth. I will test your TriggerRecompilation() solution very soon, and in the meantime, the manual method is an acceptable fallback solution, whose GUI nature is manageable for even VBA laity: remove Dev, and opt to export it as Dev.bas; then import that Dev.bas back into the workbook.


But TriggerRecompilation() does leave me with a burning question: if inserting a new module were enough to trigger recompilation, why doesn't it do so already, when one imports Greg.bas itself? Or is that only when .InsertFile specifically is used to import it?


@Greg "why doesn't it do so already, when one imports Greg.bas itself?" -- that's a mystery for me as well.


Good catch! Yeah, this explanation makes a lot of sense and it's consistent with the beginning of my answer regarding editing existing modules. I'll edit my answer to reflect this new information when I have the time.


@Greg - Regarding the compatibility with Mac, you could always use ThisWorkbook.Path instead of Environ("TEMP"). But then you might also want to do Kill FilePath at the end of TriggerRecompilation() to delete the .bas file as well.

@greg-关于与Mac的兼容性,您可以始终使用ThisWorkbook.Path而不是environ(“temp”)。但是,您可能还希望在TriggerRecompilation()的末尾执行Kill FilePath,以删除.bas文件。

You don't need the "VBA Extensibility". With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents is just fine.


@JohnWilliams "I don't understand how someone could include a reference to a module in their project and forget to include the module itself". It's possible I lack some understanding of project management in VBA. However, the idea is relatively straightforward, and I will set it out in the comment below:


(1) The Excel user wishes to use some Dev UDFs, so they import Dev.bas into the project. As of now, they remain unaware of Greg. (2) The Excel user runs DevEnhanced(), which defaults to the DevRegular() value, and sees the prompt "Import the 'Greg' module to enhance your experience.". (3) The Excel user visits the "Greg" repo (on GitHub) to download Greg.bas, and imports it into the project. (4) The Excel user runs DevEnhanced(), which should now return the value from Greg.Enhancer(). Alas, it errors instead.


Hi @hennep, thanks for suggesting an answer! But is this both dynamic and stable? I don't think the precompiled #If will update to the #Else once Greg is imported. In fact, this seems less dynamic than my current solution, which at least updates at runtime when Greg is removed. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee the nonexistence of a clashing GREG_IS_LOADED constant in Dev itself or in a different module entirely. By contrast, the syntax Greg.IsLoaded() or Greg.IS_LOADED is entirely unambiguous: a unique member of the Greg module.


@Greg That my first idea as well using a compiler constant. Maybe using the a solution using the Microsoft VBA Extensibility 5.3 library.

@Greg,这也是我的第一个想法,使用编译器常量。也许可以使用使用Microsoft VBA Extensive5.3库的解决方案。

@M.Johnstone Is it really compilation that's the issue? In my experience, everything compiles just fine, even when Greg is entirely absent as a module. My problem is that, when Greg.bas is imported after running Dev.Enhance_IsSupported(), then the Greg.* references do not update. Nonetheless, when Greg is initially present, then Dev.Enhance_IsSupported() successfully returns True, and after Greg is removed it successfully returns False. So the only issue is "updating" in one direction: when Greg is initially absent and then imported later.


@M.Johnstone Perhaps I should rework Greg as a class, whose objects can be late-bound after construction: first Set grg = CreateObject("Greg") and then grg.Enhancer(). Then Enhance_IsSupported() will simply test CreateObject("Greg") and catch any error as False.


Apologies, I should have mentioned: this is for Excel. I did consider the VBProject module in the past, but I cannot (and should not) force the user to fully trust the Dev module, enough to grant it access to the VBProject model. For a programmatic approach, my best bet is probably late-binding with a Greg object, imported via Greg.cls. But really, I'm just looking for an easy (manual?) trick in the VBA editor for Excel, which "refreshes" the project to recognize references to Greg.*. Closing and reopening, perhaps?


@Greg, With Application.Run there is no syntax check compile time. See the addition in my answer. Normally you'll get an error when the module does not exist.

@greg,with Application.Run没有语法检查编译时间。请看我答案中的加法。通常情况下,当模块不存在时会出现错误。

"With Application.Run there is no syntax check compile time. See the addition in my answer." I'm afraid I already tried this. See my Failed Solutions section. While Enhance_IsSupported() itself now works, the DevEnhanced() function fails. It fails specifically because Enhance_IsSupported() succeeds and returns True, and DevEnhanced() flows to the conditional where Greg.Enhancer(x) then fails—the Greg.* syntax has not "refreshed" in DevEnhanced().


"Normally you'll get an error when the module does not exist." My original Enhance_IsSupported() accounted for this—and indeed relied on it. Hence the On Error GoTo Fail. My problem comes when the module does exist, specifically when imported only after DevEnhanced() — and by extension Enhance_IsSupported() — have already run.

“通常情况下,当模块不存在时,您会收到错误。”我最初的Enhance_IsSupport()说明了这一点--并且确实依赖于它。因此,On Error Goto Failure。当模块确实存在时,我的问题就出现了,特别是在DevEnhanced()--扩展到Enhance_IsSupported()--已经运行之后才导入的时候。

I see what you mean. Sometimes programs require a restart when settings are changed. I guess this is something similar. Does it resolve the situation when you run the "end" statement in the immediate pane? That clears all memory, unfortunately you cannot use it in a function or it will end the program as well.


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