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Can't stage new project in Eclipse git(无法在Eclipse Git中暂存新项目)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 19:55:13 24 4
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I had a project in Eclipse, version controled in a local file system git repository. Because of other problems, I had to re-install Eclipse and took the opportunity to install the latest Eclipse update, Version: 2023-06 (4.28.0). Then, I "re-installed" the project in Eclipse. This project resides in the workspace directory of Eclipse. Before putting this project under git control again, I migrated the project to java modules. Next, I deleted the former project git directory in the git root directory in the file system. The git root directory and the Eclipse workspace directory are on the same level my users home directory.
So in the Eclipse Java view, I right clicked the project and selected Teams -> Share project. In the dialog I created a new git project at the same old git root location, having the same name as the old previous project.

我在Eclipse中有一个项目,版本控制在本地文件系统git存储库中。由于其他问题,我不得不重新安装Eclipse,并借此机会安装了最新的Eclipse更新,版本:2023-06(4.28.0)。然后,我在Eclipse中“重新安装”了该项目。该项目驻留在Eclipse的工作区目录中。在再次将该项目置于git控制之下之前,我将该项目迁移到了Java模块。接下来,我在文件系统的git根目录中删除了以前的项目git目录。Git根目录和Eclipse工作区目录位于同一级别的My USERS主目录中。因此,在Eclipse Java视图中,我右键单击项目并选择Teams->Share Project。在该对话框中,我在相同的旧git根位置创建了一个新的git项目,其名称与旧的前一个项目相同。

In the Java view the project has now the git master tag.


enter image description here.

When I now go to the Git Staging tab, irrespective of whether I do this in the git- or the Java view, I see as expected all the files of the project in the "Unstaged Changes" window. But clicking the double green plus icon, the single green cross icon, trying to move the files with drag and drop into the Staged Changes window, right click a file and select "Add to index" - nothing moves the files from Unstaged to Stage. Git remains stubborn and the Commit button disabled.

当我现在转到Git Staging选项卡时,无论我是在Git还是在Java视图中执行此操作,我都会在“Unstages Changes”窗口中看到项目的所有文件。但是,单击双绿色加号图标和单个绿色十字图标,尝试通过拖放将文件移动到暂存更改窗口,右键单击文件并选择“添加到索引”-没有任何操作会将文件从未暂存移动到暂存。Git仍然顽固,提交按钮被禁用。

enter image description here

On the file system all files were copied to the git project directory. I guess this is the base for the Unstaged file list.


I also don't see any kind of git error message. Is there a log file, and if so where? Maybe there is somewhere a git configuration file that is outdated and mixing up with my old and my new setup?!


The Git setup in Eclipse is:


enter image description here

Please let me know if you need further information. Thank you in advance.



It seems the logic of the UI changed from the Eclipse version I was used to?! Whenever I edit a file, it shows up in the lower Staged window. However, ifI then commit, the Staged window is not cleared, but all the files are still in Staged. I don't get this. Any guidance?


Is the issue maybe related to the "Unborn branch: This commit will create the branch master" ? Although the message doesn't disappear after I commit.



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