I have made a meme generator app and the following is the path for client to select a template:
Fetching the data:
const { data, isLoading, isFetching } = useQuery(
["images", pageNumber],
() => fetchImages(pageNumber),
keepPreviousData: true,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
select: 'Need help with this'
The response from the api is in the following format:
all_Images: (10) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
page: "0"
totalItems: 18
totalPages: 2
This is the first time I am using React query. What I would like to do is:
这是我第一次使用Reaction Query。我想做的是:
Utilising the 'select' option and be able to use the js filter() method to display images based on the category selected from a dropdown box.
使用‘SELECT’选项,并能够使用js Filter()方法根据从下拉框中选择的类别显示图像。
Here is an example code to give you an idea of what I want to achieve:
select: (images) => images.filter((img) => img.category.includes(cat)).
I will be very grateful to whoever takes the time to assist me with this.
What result did you get? Show debugging details
@LinDu So this is what I tried doing: select: (data) => data.all_Images.filter((img) => img.category.includes(cat)); This however changes the response immediately to render only the first page.