I need to build a personaliced response to get one URL returned from API. In my function store i´m saving all data in my db ok. I have a personaliced class that this class have any method to connect API and return response, etc. In my function store, i have this call:
return redirect()->route('commercialautograph.precontract', ['precontract' => $precontract]);
This call return response from API:
$response = $this->client->request('POST', $url, [
'auth' => [config("viafirma.apiKey.username"), config("viafirma.apiKey.password")],
'json' => $json
return $response;
if i build mehtod in my controller to get link from API, return BASE64´s pdf that i i´m sending to API. that's why i´m building redirect to other route, to close other operations. But my problem it´s that when i´m doing redirect, laravel returned me HTML:
如果我在我的控制器中构建方法以从api获得链接,则返回我要发送给api的Base64‘S pdf。这就是为什么我正在建设重定向到其他路线,以关闭其他业务。但我的问题是,S,当我做重定向时,Laravel给我返回了Html:
{data: '<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n <html lang="en">\r\n <he…\n\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n </body>\r\n</html>', status: 200, statusText: 'OK', headers: {…}, config: {…}, …}
This example it´s a webrowser console.
My route is:
Route::get('autograph/{precontract}', [CommercialPreContractController::class, 'autograph'])->name('autograph.precontract');
this route call other function in my same controller, that in this moment i want to arrive to function:
* Function to digital signature precontract
public function autograph(Array $precontract)
echo "llego¿?";
I haven´t got any problem in logs.. And i don´t know that i´m doing wrong, but i can´t arrive to my function. I can´t to do $this->autograph
beacause i need return response from API and read it in VUE js
我在原木上没有任何问题..我不知道我做错了什么,但我不能到达我的功能。我不能做$This->签名,因为我需要从API返回响应,并以VUE js格式读取它
I hope that anybody can help me.
Sorry for my bad english and thanks you very much for readme.
route list:
GET|HEAD commercial/autograph/{precontract} commercialautograph.precontract › Commercial\CommercialPreContractCont…
You question is incomprehensible. You have to describe better what you want to achieve, what you have implemented and what is your problem, otherwise it will hard for anyone to help you. Show the result of php artisan route:list
So I spent some time reading the post and trying to figure out the process or the logic you're using. This is my conclusion: 1) A user submits a form with a PDF file.
2) The controller encodes the PDF content in BASE64.
3) An API request is sent with the BASE64-encoded PDF, along with authentication (user/password).
4) The API authenticates the request, saves the BASE64 PDF, and processes it on the server.
5) The API responds by providing a link.
6) The controller extracts the link from the API response ($response).
所以我花了一些时间阅读这篇文章,试图弄清楚你使用的过程或逻辑。我的结论是:1)用户提交包含PDF文件的表单。2)控制器对PDF内容进行Base64编码。3)API请求与Base64编码的PDF一起发送,并附带身份验证(用户/密码)。4)API对请求进行鉴权,保存Base64 PDF,并在服务器上进行处理。5)API通过提供链接进行响应。6)控制器从API响应($Response)中提取链接。
7) A redirection to another route occurs.
8) The target route's controller method is executed, handling the link and rendering an HTML view or performing other actions as needed.
Is it accurate?
@haruk1515 yes, it´s exactly
@Theofanis i updated my question with my route defined
You cannot send array of data as path parameters, it will not be mapped to any route. This will not work with any route method POST, GET, etc.
Remove {precontact}
from path param, give it a static name e.g. commercial/autograph/precontact
so this will be a static route. Send to that endpoint specific query (GET) parameters e.g. id, name ?id=...&name=...
Also public function autograph(Array $precontract)
does not work for any kind of data. Array $precontract
is invalid for controllers in Laravel. It should be replaced with public function autograph(Request $request)
see laravel docs. From there get the params like $request->input('id')
So after all these the redirect command will be
return redirect()->route('commercialautograph.precontract', ['id' => $precontract['id'], 'name' => $precontract['name']);