Is it possible for a VBA macro to loop through files in the download folder in order to import the last (most recent) CSV ?
ChatGPT has suggested the following.
Sub ImportLastCSVFile()
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strRawPath As String
' Replace with the correct download directory
strRawPath = "C:\Users\AlexandreBrandt\Downloads\"
strPath = strRawPath & "*.csv"
strFile = Dir(strPath, vbNormal)
' Find the last CSV file
While Len(strFile) <> 0
If FileDateTime(strRawPath & strFile) > FileDateTime(strRawPath & strPath) Then
strPath = strFile
End If
strFile = Dir() ' Get next file
' Set the workbook and worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Import")
If Not ws Is Nothing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
The VBE debugger is not accepting
If FileDateTime(strRawPath & strFile) > FileDateTime(strRawPath & strPath) Then
Is there a better way to write the loop through the files?
strRawPath & strPath
makes no sense, it contains the path twice. What do you want to compare to? If you need the last file by date, you would have to store the date and check each file against the stored date.
Hey Paul. In fact it needs to compare against todays date. Today's date and time would be the most resent.
This is way easier using Data, Get Data, From File, From Folder. Filter the filelist the correct path (by default PQ looks in all sub-folders too), filter for CSV extension, sort Descending on file date and then "Keep first row only" and expand the data. Done.
Import the Latest CSV File
Sub ImportLatestCSVFile()
' Define constants.
Const SRC_ROOT_FOLDER_PATH As String = "C:\Users\AlexandreBrandt\Downloads\"
Const SRC_FILE_PATTERN As String = "*.csv"
Const DST_SHEET_NAME As String = "Import"
Dim dwb As Workbook: Set dwb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Attempt to store the first file name in a variable ('CurrentFileName').
Dim CurrentFileName As String: CurrentFileName = Dir(DirPath)
If Len(CurrentFileName) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No files found.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
' Store the path of the latest file in a variable ('LatestFilePath').
' Declare additional variables used in the loop.
Dim CurrentFilePath As String, LatestFilePath As String
Dim CurrentDateTime As Date, LatestDateTime As Date
' Loop through all the files applying the logic...
Do While Len(CurrentFileName) > 0
CurrentFilePath = SRC_ROOT_FOLDER_PATH & CurrentFileName
CurrentDateTime = FileDateTime(CurrentFilePath)
If CurrentDateTime >= LatestDateTime Then ' greater than or equal to max
LatestDateTime = CurrentDateTime
LatestFilePath = CurrentFilePath
'Else ' less than max; do nothing
End If
CurrentFileName = Dir ' next file
' Attempt to delete the destination worksheet ('dws').
Dim dws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set dws = dwb.Sheets(DST_SHEET_NAME)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not dws Is Nothing Then ' the worksheet exists
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' delete without confirmation
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Else ' the worksheet doesn't exist; do nothing
End If
' Continue, e.g.:
' ' Copy the one and only worksheet in the source file ('.csv')
' ' as the last sheet in the destination workbook.
' Dim swb As Workbook: Set swb = Workbooks.Open(LatestFilePath)
' Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = swb.Sheets(1)
' sws.Copy After:=dwb.Sheets(dwb.Sheets.Count) ' copy as last sheet
' swb.Close SaveChanges:=False ' close without saving changes
' ' Reference and rename the destination worksheet and save
' ' the destination workbook.
' Set dws = dwb.Sheets(dwb.Sheets.Count)
' dws.Name = DST_SHEET_NAME
' 'dwb.Save
' ' Inform.
' MsgBox "Latest file imported.", vbInformation
End Sub
You will just need to store in a variable the latest date and in another variable the latest file. Whenever you find a newer file, just override them:
strFile = Dir(strPath, vbNormal)
Dim strLatestFile As String = ""
Dim currentDate As DateTime
Dim latestDate As DateTime
' Find the last CSV file
While Len(strFile) <> 0
If strLatestFile.Equals("") Then
strLatestFile = strFile
currentDate = = FileDateTime(strRawPath & strLatestFile)
latestDate = currentDate
End If
If currentDate > latestDate Then
strLatestFile = strFile
latestDate = currentDate
End If
strFile = Dir() ' Get next file
currentDate = FileDateTime(strRawPath & strFile)
Now, you can use strLatestFile
however you please.
It's close.. Replace the initial chunk of code (down to Wend) with:
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strLatestFile As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strRawPath As String
' Replace with the correct download directory
strRawPath = "C:\Users\AlexandreBrandt\Downloads\"
strPath = strRawPath & "*.csv"
strFile = Dir(strPath, vbNormal)
strLatestFile = strFile
' Find the last CSV file
While Len(strFile) <> 0
If FileDateTime(strRawPath & strFile) > FileDateTime(strRawPath & strLatestFile) Then
strLatestFile = strFile
Debug.Print "Latest file set to : " & strFile
End If
strFile = Dir() ' Get next file
strFile = strLatestFile
Hello there Thanks for the suggestion here. I'm wondering why would their be a section to delete the destination worksheet. Is this to delete it or rather to prevent it be overwritten with the the new CSV import?
The idea is that if you want the imported worksheet to be called Import
but another (previously imported?) worksheet is already named Import
, then you want to delete the existing worksheet and copy the new worksheet instead. Your posted code deletes a worksheet at the bottom. If that's not the functionality you're looking for, add more detail to your post.
Hey, ok I see! Yes I wanted to name it as Import
because the excel tabs are limited in their names length and so using the imported CSV full name could lead to issues. I imagine that Excel does truncate the name when the user imports via the Data -> From Text/CSV but that would be something that the VBA would need to specify.
嘿,好的,我明白了!是的,我想将其命名为导入,因为Excel选项卡的名称长度有限,因此使用导入的CSV全名可能会导致问题。我想,当用户通过Data->from Text/CSV导入时,Excel确实会截断名称,但这将是VBA需要指定的内容。
Hey there. Thanks for the suggestion. So this codes runs smooth but nothing actually happens. When going in break mode, I see the VBA is looping indefinitely here ' Find the last CSV file While Len(strFile) <> 0 If FileDateTime(strRawPath & strFile) > FileDateTime(strRawPath & strLatestFile) Then strLatestFile = strFile End If strFile = Dir() ' Get next file Wend
So it does not get out of that. I guess its not finding the file according to those parameters.
嘿你好啊。谢谢你的建议。因此,这些代码运行得很流畅,但实际上什么都没有发生。当进入中断模式时,我看到VBA无限循环在这里‘查找最后一个CSV文件,而LEN(StrFile)<>0 if FileDateTime(strRawPath&strFile)>FileDateTime(strRawPath&strLatestFile)Then strLatestFile=strFileEnd if strFile=Dir()’获取下一个文件Wend,这样它就不会退出。我猜它不是根据这些参数找到文件的。
I'm not sure how that gets stuck in a loop. It works fine on my machine, reading every CSV file and storing the latest in strFile
. You just need to (presumably) add some code to open it?
Hello. Ah, I see how this is working. Its looping though every CSV in the downloads folder. But will only store one value in strFile? Is there a way in the VBE to what values has been stored into the variables to see if this is getting stored correctly. The files do not have any passwords, they can be opened.
You can use the Watch Window, drag a variable into it from the code. Or you can Debug.Print strFile
in the code to see it output to your Immediate Window during runtime. I've added a Debug.Print
to the code as an example.
您可以使用“监视”窗口,将一个变量从代码拖到其中。或者,您可以在代码中Debug.Print strFile以查看它在运行时输出到您的即时窗口。我在代码中添加了一个Debug.Print作为示例。