I create a case 02 for calculate the bill. function is running but the problem is when the output is coming as a 0. that's problem in my code. Further Information's I cannot find where is the error coming from I changed variables also but it not correct that way. I think calculation is correct problem's is value is always shown in the console is 0.
This is the code,
case 2: { // Create Bill
cout << "****** CREATE BILL ******" << endl;
// Prompt user for customer name and invoice ID
string customerName;
string invoiceID;
cout << "Enter Customer Name: ";
getline(cin, customerName);
cout << "Enter Invoice ID: ";
cin >> invoiceID;
// Display menu for choosing bill type
cout << "Choose Bill Type:" << endl;
cout << "1. Bakery Item Bill" << endl;
cout << "2. Package Bill" << endl;
cout << "\n****************" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
int billType;
cin >> billType;
// Initialize variables to store bill details
double totalBill = 0.0;
string billContents = "";
if (billType == 1) { // Bakery Item Bill
ifstream bakeryFile("bakery_items.txt");
if (!bakeryFile.is_open()) {
cout << "Data Base Error" << endl;
vector<string> selectedItems;
vector<int> selectedQuantities;
string line;
while (getline(bakeryFile, line)) {
cout << line << endl;
// Prompt user to select items and quantities
char addMoreItems;
do {
string selectedItem;
int quantity;
cout << "\nEnter the Item ID of the bakery item you want to add: ";
cin >> selectedItem;
// Validate if the selected item exists
ifstream bakeryFile("bakery_items.txt");
string bakeryLine;
bool itemFound = false;
while (getline(bakeryFile, bakeryLine)) {
stringstream ss(bakeryLine);
string itemID, itemName, itemCategory;
double itemPrice;
ss >> itemID >> itemName >> itemCategory >> itemPrice;
if (itemID == selectedItem) {
itemFound = true;
cout << "Enter the quantity: ";
cin >> quantity;
// Validate if the quantity is valid
if (quantity <= 0) {
cout << "Please enter a positive quantity." << endl;
double subtotal = itemPrice * quantity;
totalBill += subtotal;
// Append bill details for the selected item to billContents
billContents += "Item ID: " + itemID + " | Item Name: " + itemName + " | Quantity: " + to_string(quantity) + " | Subtotal: " + to_string(subtotal) + " GBP\n";
if (!itemFound) {
cout << "Please enter a valid Bakery Item ID." << endl;
cout << "Do you want to add more items? (Y/N): ";
cin >> addMoreItems;
} while (addMoreItems == 'Y' || addMoreItems == 'y');
else if (billType == 2) { // Package Bill
ifstream packageFile("packages.txt");
if (!packageFile.is_open()) {
cout << "Data Base Error" << endl;
// Initialize vector to store selected packages
vector<string> selectedPackages;
string line;
while (getline(packageFile, line)) {
cout << line << endl;
// Prompt user to select packages
char addMorePackages;
do {
string selectedPackage;
cout << "\nEnter the Package ID you want to add: ";
cin >> selectedPackage;
// Validate if the selected package exists
ifstream packageFile("packages.txt");
string packageLine;
bool packageFound = false;
while (getline(packageFile, packageLine)) {
stringstream ss(packageLine);
string packageID, packageName;
double packagePrice;
ss >> packageID >> packageName >> packagePrice;
if (packageID == selectedPackage) {
packageFound = true;
double subtotal = packagePrice;
totalBill += subtotal; // Add the subtotal to the totalBill
// Append bill details for the selected package to billContents
billContents += "Package ID: " + packageID + " | Package Name: " + packageName + " | Subtotal: " + to_string(subtotal) + " GBP\n";
if (!packageFound) {
cout << "Please enter a valid Package ID." << endl;
cout << "Do you want to add more packages? (Y/N): ";
cin >> addMorePackages;
} while (addMorePackages == 'Y' || addMorePackages == 'y');
else {
cout << "Invalid choice. Exiting..." << endl;
// Display the final bill
cout << "\n****** FINAL BILL ******" << endl;
cout << "Customer Name: " << customerName << endl;
cout << "Invoice ID: " << invoiceID << endl;
cout << "Bill Type: " << (billType == 1 ? "Bakery Item Bill" : "Package Bill") << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
cout << billContents;
cout << "\n------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Total Bill (GBP): " << totalBill << endl;
// Ask the user if they want to save the bill
char saveBillChoice;
cout << "\nDo you want to save the bill? (Y/N): ";
cin >> saveBillChoice;
if (saveBillChoice == 'Y' || saveBillChoice == 'y') {
ofstream billFile("bills.txt", ios::app);
if (billFile.is_open()) {
billFile << "Customer Name: " << customerName << endl;
billFile << "Invoice ID: " << invoiceID << endl;
billFile << "Bill Type: " << (billType == 1 ? "Bakery Item Bill" : "Package Bill") << endl;
billFile << "------------------------" << endl;
billFile << billContents;
billFile << "Total Bill (GBP): " << totalBill << endl;
billFile << "========================" << endl;
cout << "\n------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Bill saved successfully." << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
else {
cout << "Could not save the bill." << endl;
else {
cout << "\n[x] Bill not saved." << endl;
I want to fix that calculation issue in this code.
Simplify the code, remove parts of it, until it starts working as expected. Perhaps even start over from an empty case 2: break
. Then add one very small piece of code, perhaps even just a single line. Build with extra warnings enabled, treated as errors. When it builds cleanly, test all possible inputs. Then add another very small piece of code. And so on. That will make it much easier to isolate the parts that causes a problem, and to debug it.
Speaking of making things simpler and easier, use functions. If you have multiple cases as big and complicated as this in your main
function, then that code will just be too complex, too hard to get a good overview of, too hard to debug and definitely too hard to maintain.