You basically want to divide by 10, print the remainder (one digit), and then repeat with the quotient.
; assume number is in eax
mov ecx, 10
mov edx, 0
div ecx
; now eax <-- eax/10
; edx <-- eax % 10
; print edx
; this is one digit, which we have to convert to ASCII
; the print routine uses edx and eax, so let's push eax
; onto the stack. we clear edx at the beginning of the
; loop anyway, so we don't care if we much around with it
push eax
; convert dl to ascii
add dl, '0'
mov ah,2 ; 2 is the function number of output char in the DOS Services.
int 21h ; calls DOS Services
; now restore eax
pop eax
; if eax is zero, we can quit
cmp eax, 0
jnz loophere
As a side note, you have a bug in your code right here:
mov ax, 1 ;put 1 into ax
add ax, 2 ; add 2 to ax current value
mov ah,2 ; 2 is the function number of output char in the DOS Services.
mov dl, ax ; DL takes the value.
You put 2
in ah
, and then you put ax
in dl
. You're basically junking ax
before printing it.
You also have a size mismatch since dl
is 8 bits wide and ax
is 16 bits wide.
What you should do is flip the last two lines and fix the size mismatch:
mov ax, 1 ;put 1 into ax
add ax, 2 ; add 2 to ax current value
mov dl, al ; DL takes the value.
mov ah,2 ; 2 is the function number of output char in the DOS Services.
Just fixing the order of @Nathan Fellman 's code
PrintNumber proc
mov cx, 0
mov bx, 10
mov dx, 0
div bx ;divide by ten
; now ax <-- ax/10
; dx <-- ax % 10
; print dx
; this is one digit, which we have to convert to ASCII
; the print routine uses dx and ax, so let's push ax
; onto the stack. we clear dx at the beginning of the
; loop anyway, so we don't care if we much around with it
push ax
add dl, '0' ;convert dl to ascii
pop ax ;restore ax
push dx ;digits are in reversed order, must use stack
inc cx ;remember how many digits we pushed to stack
cmp ax, 0 ;if ax is zero, we can quit
jnz @@loophere
;cx is already set
mov ah, 2 ;2 is the function number of output char in the DOS Services.
pop dx ;restore digits from last to first
int 21h ;calls DOS Services
loop @@loophere2
PrintNumber endp
The basic algorithm is:
divide number x by 10, giving quotient q and remainder r
emit r
if q is not zero, set x = q and repeat
Note that this will yield the digits in the inverse order, so you are probably going to want to replace the "emit" step with something that stores each digit, so that you can later iterate in reverse over the stored digits.
Also, note that to convert a binary number between 0 and 9 (decimal) to ascii, just add the ascii code for '0' (which is 48) to the number.
mov dl, ax
This won't work as dl
and ax
have different bit sizes. What you want to do is create a loop in which you divide the 16 bit value by 10, remember the rest on the stack, and then continue the loop with the integer division result. When you reach a result of 0, clean up the stack digit by digit, adding 48 to the digits to turn them into ASCII digits, then print them.
The accepted answer is wrong in that it displays the result reversed! That's why I write this answer today. My answer demonstrates the better technique of outputting the result in one gulp (via DOS.function 09h).
被接受的答案是错误的,因为它显示的结果是相反的!这就是我今天写下这个答案的原因。我的回答展示了一次输出结果的更好技术(通过DOS.Function 09H)。
Your code
mov ah,2 ; 2 is the function number of output char in the DOS Services.
mov dl, ax ; DL takes the value.
int 21h ; calls DOS Services
Always load the DOS function number in the instruction right before the int 21h
Always check your sizes: you cannot move from a 16-bit register to an 8-bit register.
始终在INT 21h指令之前的指令中加载DOS功能编号。始终检查您的大小:您不能从16位寄存器转移到8位寄存器。
I think that dl
value should be in ASCII code, but I'm not sure how to convert ax
value after addition into ASCII.
Your numbers allow the use of the DOS.PrintCharacter function. To convert the value 3 into the character "3", you just need to add 48 so as to have an ASCII code in DL.
When I add two values in 16-bit assembly, what is the best way to print the result to console?
Your example for a single-digit result
; Sum
mov al, 1
add al, 2
; Print
add al, '0'
mov dl, al
mov ah, 02h ; DOS.PrintCharacter
int 21h
; Exit
mov ax, 4C00h ; DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
int 21h
Solution for a multi-digit result
; Sum
mov ax, 7346
add ax, 913
; Print
mov bx, Buffer + 5 ; Position of the mandatory '$' terminator
mov cx, 10
xor dx, dx
div cx
dec bx
add dl, '0' ; Convert to ASCII
mov [bx], dl
test ax, ax
jnz More
mov dx, bx
mov ah, 09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
; Exit
mov ax, 4C00h ; DOS.TerminateWithExitcode
int 21h
; Storage
Buffer: db '.....$'
NASM use mov bx, Buffer + 5
MASM use mov bx, OFFSET Buffer + 5
NASM使用MOV BX,缓冲区+5 MASM使用MOV BX,偏移缓冲区+5
I could be wrong, but I believe your code prints the numbers in reverse. E.g.: 123 prints 321
This prints in reverse order, least-significant digit first. Store into a buffer like *p-- = digit
, starting at the end and working backwards, to make a string. Or see Displaying numbers with DOS
@PeterCordes: I think that this is just what sidon wrote in his answer below:
Yes. I think I noticed the same thing after commenting here and moving on to look at the other answers. This one is accepted and significantly upvoted so it should still get fixed, so I decided to leave that comment in place.
@ErikEidt: 32-bit registers are accessible in 16-bit modes on a 386 or later. The question doesn't specify 8086, and some future readers might not have the same restriction. So that's not a showstopper, unlike printing numbers backwards which is why I downvoted it.
The push ax
/ pop ax
in the first loop is pointless, and distracting when combined with pushing digits in a loop. add dl, '0'
doesn't affect AX. (You moved the int 21h
call out of the first loop vs. Nathan's version but didn't take out the save/restore of AX). Two loops with digits on the stack is one way to do this, but storing backwards into a buffer is often good like Sep's answer shows.
第一个循环中的PUSH AX/POP AX是没有意义的,当与循环中的按下数字结合时会分散注意力。添加dl,‘0’不影响AX。(您将int 21h调用移出了第一个循环,而不是Nathan的版本,但没有删除AX的保存/恢复)。堆栈上有两个带数字的循环是实现这一点的一种方法,但向后存储到缓冲区通常是很好的,如Sep的答案所示。