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How to debounce search suggestions in flutter's SearchPage Widget?(如何在Fighter的SearchPage Widget中去掉搜索建议?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 18:27:21 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I need to have Google Places search suggestions using the default flutter's SearchPage, whenever the user starts typing I need to give autocomplete suggestions and I achieve this Asynchronously using FutureBuilder, the problem now is that I need to debounce the dispatch of search requests for 500ms or more rather than wasting a lot of requests while the user is still typing


To summarize what I've done so far:


1) In my widget I call


showSearch(context: context, delegate: _delegate);

2) My delegate looks like this:


class _LocationSearchDelegate extends SearchDelegate<Suggestion> {   
List<Widget> buildActions(BuildContext context) {
return <Widget>[
tooltip: 'Clear',
icon: const Icon(Icons.clear),
onPressed: () {
query = '';

Widget buildLeading(BuildContext context) => IconButton(
tooltip: 'Back',
icon: AnimatedIcon(
icon: AnimatedIcons.menu_arrow,
progress: transitionAnimation,
onPressed: () {
close(context, null);

Widget buildResults(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder<List<Suggestion>>(
future: GooglePlaces.getInstance().getAutocompleteSuggestions(query),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<Suggestion>> suggestions) {
if (!suggestions.hasData) {
return Text('No results');
return buildLocationSuggestions(;

Widget buildSuggestions(BuildContext context) {
return buildResults(context);

Widget buildLocationSuggestions(List<Suggestion> suggestions) {
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListTile(
leading: Icon(Icons.location_on),
title: Text(suggestions[index].text),
onTap: () {
itemCount: suggestions.length,

3-I need to throttle / debounce searching until xxx Milliseconds have passed


I have 1 idea in mind, would there be an easy way to convert FutureBuilder to Stream and Use Stream builder, (which I read in some articles that it supports debouncing)?

我有一个想法,有没有一种简单的方法可以将FutureBuilder转换为Stream并使用Stream Builder(我在一些文章中读到了它支持去抖动)?

**I am aware that there are some 3rd party AutoComplete widgets like TypeAhead that's doing that (from scratch) but I don't wanna use this at the moment.



Have you solved your problem? I want to achieve the same above functionality but is not able to do ..



Update: I made a package for this that works with callbacks, futures, and/or streams. Using it would simplify both of the approaches described below, especially the stream based approach as no new classes would need to be introduced. Here's a dartpad example


There are at least two ways of doing this, a Future based approach, and a Stream based approach. Similar questions have gotten pointed towards using Streams since debouncing is built in, but let's look at both methods.


Future-based approach


Futures themselves aren't cancelable, but the underlying Timers they use are. Here's a simple class that implements basic debounce functionality, using a callback instead of a Future.


class Debouncer<T> {
Debouncer(this.duration, this.onValue);
final Duration duration;
void Function(T value) onValue;
T _value;
Timer _timer;
T get value => _value;
set value(T val) {
_value = val;
_timer = Timer(duration, () => onValue(_value));

Then to use it (DartPad compatible):


import 'dart:async';

void main() {
final debouncer = Debouncer<String>(Duration(milliseconds: 250), print);
debouncer.value = '';
final timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 200), (_) {
debouncer.value += 'x';
/// prints "xxxxx" after 1250ms.
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1000)).then((_) => timer.cancel());

Now to turn the callback into a Future, use a Completer. Here's an example that debounces the List<Suggestion> call to Google's API.

现在,要将回调变成未来,请使用补充器。下面的示例揭穿了对Google API的list 调用。

void main() {
final completer = Completer<List<Suggestion>>();
final debouncer = Debouncer<String>(Duration(milliseconds: 250), (value) async {
completer.complete(await GooglePlaces.getInstance().getAutocompleteSuggestions(value));

/// Using with a FutureBuilder.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder<List<Suggestion>>(
future: completer.future,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Text(;
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('${snapshot.error}');
} else {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());

Stream-based approach


Since the data in question arrives from a Future and not a Stream, we have to setup a class to handle query inputs and suggestion outputs. Luckily it handles debouncing the input stream naturally.


class SuggestionsController {
SuggestionsController(this.duration) {
.listen((query) async {
await GooglePlaces.getInstance().getAutocompleteSuggestions(query));

final Duration duration;
final _queryController = StreamController<String>();
final _suggestions = BehaviorSubject<List<Suggestion>>();

Sink<String> get query => _queryController.sink;
Stream<List<Suggestion>> get suggestions =>;

void dispose() {

To use this controller class in Flutter, let's create a StatefulWidget that will manage the controller's state. This part includes the call to your function buildLocationSuggestions().


class SuggestionsWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_SuggestionsWidgetState createState() => _SuggestionsWidgetState();

class _SuggestionsWidgetState extends State<SuggestionsWidget> {
final duration = Duration(milliseconds: 250);
SuggestionsController controller;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<List<Suggestion>>(
stream: controller.suggestions,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return buildLocationSuggestions(;
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('${snapshot.error}');
} else {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());

void initState() {
controller = SuggestionsController(duration);

void dispose() {

void didUpdateWidget(SuggestionsWidget oldWidget) {
controller = SuggestionsController(duration);

It's not clear from your example where the query string comes from, but to finish wiring this up, you would call controller.query.add(newQuery) and StreamBuilder handles the rest.




Since the API you're using yields Futures, it seems a little more straightforward to use that approach. The downside is the overhead of the Debouncer class and adding a Completer to tie it in to FutureBuilder.


The stream approach is popular, but includes a fair amount of overhead as well. Creating and disposing of the streams correctly can be tricky if you're not familiar.


I Simply did it this way no library required:


void searchWithThrottle(String keyword, {int throttleTime}) {
if (keyword != previousKeyword && keyword.isNotEmpty) {
previousKeyword = keyword;
_timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: throttleTime ?? 350), (timer) {
print("Going to search with keyword : $keyword");

Here's a simple alternative to the other answer.


import 'package:debounce_throttle/debounce_throttle.dart';

final debouncer = Debouncer<String>(Duration(milliseconds: 250));

Future<List<Suggestion>> queryChanged(String query) async {
debouncer.value = query;
return GooglePlaces.getInstance().getAutocompleteSuggestions(await debouncer.nextValue)

Widget buildResults(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder<List<Suggestion>>(
future: queryChanged(query),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<Suggestion>> suggestions) {
if (!suggestions.hasData) {
return Text('No results');
return buildLocationSuggestions(;

That's roughly how you should be doing it I think.


Here are a couple of ideas for using a stream instead, using the debouncer.


void queryChanged(query) => debouncer.value = query;

Stream<List<Suggestion>> get suggestions async* {
while (true)
yield GooglePlaces.getInstance().getAutocompleteSuggestions(await debouncer.nexValue);

Widget buildResults(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<List<Suggestion>>(
stream: suggestions,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<Suggestion>> suggestions) {
if (!suggestions.hasData) {
return Text('No results');
return buildLocationSuggestions(;

Or with a StreamTransformer.


Stream<List<Suggestion>> get suggestions => 
handleData: (value, sink) => sink.add(GooglePlaces.getInstance()

I had trouble getting @Jacob Phillip's debounce_throttle package to work, as the code that worked for him back in 2018 no longer seems to work with the latest versions of Flutter / Dart. It waits for the debounce time to be reached but then executes all of the attempts at once after instead of just the last one.

我很难让@Jacob Phillip的DEBEAKE_THROTTLE程序包工作,因为早在2018年为他工作的代码似乎不再适用于最新版本的Ffltter/DART。它等待达到去抖动时间,但随后立即执行所有尝试,而不是仅执行最后一次尝试。

I was able to get it working with some modifications. I would have posted this as a comment on his answer, but it's too long.


final _debouncer = Debouncer<String>(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), initialValue: '');
late String userQuery;

Future<Iterable<LocationModel>> onSearchChanged(TextEditingValue textEditingValue) async {
// Debounce for half a second, so we don't make unnecessary api calls as the user types.
_debouncer.value = userQuery = textEditingValue.text;
await _debouncer.nextValue;
if (textEditingValue.text != userQuery) {
return const Iterable<LocationModel>.empty();
// Only retrieve location suggestions if the user typed at least 4 characters...
if (textEditingValue.text.length < _userQueryMinSuggestionsLength) {
return const Iterable<LocationModel>.empty();

// Get user's location.
var position = await _locationService.getPosition();
// Get location suggestions.
var propertyMode = await _userSettingsService.propertyMode;
try {
_locationSuggestions = await _placesService.getLocationSuggestionsAsync(
propertyMode, textEditingValue.text, position.latitude, position.longitude,;
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, message: 'Error retrieving location suggestions');
return _locationSuggestions ?? [];

Timer can be used to debounce search input.


  Timer debounce;

void handleSearch(String value) {
if (debounce != null) debounce.cancel();
setState(() {
debounce = Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
//call api or other search functions here

whenever a new input is added to the text box the function cancels previous timer and start a new one. The search function will be only initiated after 2 seconds of inactivity


Adding the updated code for null safety in case anyone is looking for just copy paste. I know programmer can scroll two pages instead of just appending a '?' after the variables :)


class Debouncer<T> {
Debouncer({required this.duration, required this.onValue});
final Duration duration;
void Function(T value) onValue;
T? _value;
Timer? _timer;
T? get value => _value;
set value(T? val) {
_value = val;
_timer = Timer(duration, () => onValue(_value));


Thanks @jacob once I am back from vacation I will give your solution a try and marker it correct if it works, generally it sounds right, now speaking about "query" it's a property set on the delegate from the flutter team who created the SearchPage widget, it reoresents the text that's currently in the TextField, which I consider as a bad design, instead of explicitly sending it along with methods that are invoked to get suggestions, they just decided to keep it on a class level, there are indeed many other ways than doing it this way.


Yeah I kinda overdid this one while avoiding other work. It really bugged me the best answer I found was to convert it to a stream. Anyway, cheers!


Thanks again @Jacob Phillips, Please update the answer to indicate that I have to recreate a completer every time the method completes, otherwise It throws an exception, even though I use Completer in Rx, I didn't associate it to that right away, it took me a while to understand what's going on.

再次感谢@Jacob Phillips,请更新答案以指示我必须在每次方法完成时重新创建完成器,否则它会抛出异常,即使我在Rx中使用Completer,我也没有立即将其与之关联,我花了一段时间才理解发生了什么。

Okay will do tomorrow. The package helps mitigate that issue since it recreates the completer internally. Its link shows an example, I just havent changed the answer.


@Luca Just use the Debouncer class from simple_observable


But how to integrate this code with Widget buildResults(BuildContext context) or Widget buildSuggestions(BuildContext context)

但是如何将这些代码与Widget BuildResults(BuildContext Context)或Widget BuildSuggestions(BuildContext Context)集成呢?

This answer seems to be a bit outdated. Your simple_observable package no longer has a Debouncer class


yeah i moved it to a package named debounce_throttle


i tried to use your Future code but it still executes it more than once. shouldnt this be executed only once? e.g. 2 seconds. i type fast 3 numbers , it doesnt execute right away, only after 2 seconds have elapsed but still runs the function 3x.


@JacobPhillips yes chitgoks is right it is getting called 3x


This code not working as I expected, because it's still call a request multiple times based on total user character typing


But how to integrate this code with Widget buildResults(BuildContext context) or Widget buildSuggestions(BuildContext context)

但是如何将这些代码与Widget BuildResults(BuildContext Context)或Widget BuildSuggestions(BuildContext Context)集成呢?

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