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Trigger event right after Owl Carousel is loaded(Owl Carousel加载后立即触发事件)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 18:20:55 25 4
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I would like to know how do I run a function right after Owl Carousel is loaded. I read through their callback functions but was not able to see any such callback action which you can call right after Owl Carousel is loaded fully.

我想知道如何在加载Owl Carousel之后立即运行函数。我通读了他们的回调函数,但没有看到任何这样的回调操作,您可以在Owl Carousel完全加载后立即调用。

If any body can help. Thanks is advance.



Which version of Owl Carousel are you using? What do you mean by 'fully loaded'?

您使用的是哪个版本的Owl Carpet?什么叫“满载”?

I am using v1.3.2 and by fully loaded I mean when owl carousel is loaded and there is no further role of owl on that page.



You can try this


items: 1,
loop: true,
autoplay: `true,`
dots: false,
nav: false,
onInitialized: function() {
//.... do some thing like
alert("owl.carousel ready initialized") ;
console.log("owl.carousel ready initialized") ;


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