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Problem with updating object as a state, each update stores diff from init version of object(将对象更新为状态的问题,每次更新存储的对象与初始版本的对象不同)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 18:19:54 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I have object with 2 props, each of it is an object with "value" prop and another prop which is callback to function for update the "value" prop.


Here is the full code:


export default function App() {

const initObj = {
name1: {
value: "",
callback: func1
name2: {
value: "",
callback: func2

const [obj, setObj] = useState(initObj);

function func1(val) {
const newName1 = {...obj.name1, value: val};
setObj({...obj, name1: newName1});

function func2(val) {
const newName2 = {...obj.name2, value: val};
setObj({...obj, name2: newName2});

return (
<button onClick={() => obj.name1.callback("value1")}>setValue1</button>
<button onClick={() => obj.name2.callback("value2")}>setValue2</button>

The result is as following.


First load:

Click on button [setValue1]:

Click on button [setValue2]:

And so on. The Obj will never have name1.value and name2.value filled together.


Howewer, if I change code to this:


<button onClick={() => func1("value1")}>setValue1</button>
<button onClick={() => func2("value2")}>setValue2</button>

It will work. But this is not what I need. Later I want to send all props to components:


<Button {...Obj.name1} /> <Button {...Obj.name2} />

and this also won't work.



You can change the functions like below and try


  function func1(val) {
const newObj = { ...obj };
newObj.name1.value = val;

function func2(val) {
const newObj = { ...obj };
newObj.name2.value = val;

Issue: Handling of closures and state updates in functional components in JS like here, when you define func1 and func2, they capture the obj value from the initial render. So, when you call func1 or func2, they use the obj value that was present at the time of their creation that is initObj, not the updated obj value.


Solution: Create a copy of obj as newObj, and then directly modify the value property of newObj. This approach works as expected because it doesn't rely on closures to capture the obj value, and it directly updates the properties.



It works, but doesn't it violates React principle not to mutate object in th state? newObj is not a full copy of obj. name1 and name2 still point to the same nested objects, so you directly modify it by newObj.name1.value = val


Here we're not directly mutating the state obj. Instead, we're creating a shallow copy of obj using the spread operator { ...obj } and then modifying the value property of newObj then updating the state. So, in our code, modifying newObj.name1.value or newObj.name2.value does not violate React principles


I have made changes in my project. Seems to work anyway. Thank you! )


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