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What are the cases when the smart cast doesn't work?(智能演员阵容不起作用的情况是什么?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 17:49:17 26 4
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Now i am reading the book which is called "Kotlin in action" and there is the following text:


The smart cast works only if a variable couldn’t have changed after the is check.
When you’re using a smart cast with a property of a class, as in this example, the property has to be a val and it can’t have a custom accessor. Otherwise, it would not be possible to verify that every access to the property would return the same value.

Here's the example from it:


interface Expr
class Num(val value: Int) : Expr
class Sum(val left: Expr, val right: Expr) : Expr

fun eval(e: Expr): Int {
if (e is Num) {
val n = e as Num
return n.value
if (e is Sum) {
return eval(e.right) + eval(e.left)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown expression")

fun main(){
println(eval(Sum(Sum(Num(1), Num(2)), Num(4))))

I tried a bunch of options: changed an object instance and one of its property after is check, used var properties instead of val and also used custom accessors. In all cases is check works great.


interface face1
class A(): face1{
var a = 1
get() = field
set(value){field = field+value}
class B(): face1{
var b = 1
get() = field
set(value){field = field + value}

fun Test(x: face1){
var value = x
if(value is A){
value = A()
value.a = 123
if(value is B)

fun main(args: Array<String>){
val x: face1 = A()

So what does this text mean ?




Even in the official kotlin docs it is written that:


Note that smart casts work only when the compiler can guarantee that the variable won't change between the check and its usage.

var properties: Never, because the variable can be modified at any time by other code.

but my second example shows that is a lie.



As the book specified, smart cast is possible if the compiler can guarantee the value didn't change between the check and use. In your case you used a local variable, there is no way anyone can modify this value in the meantime, so the smart cast is possible.


It becomes more complicated if we use properties, because then it all depends on the type of the property, how it was implemented, if it belongs to the same module or not, etc. However, the general rule is the same: if the compiler can guarantee no modifications, it will allow smart casts.




You seem to confuse properties and local variables. You quote documentation for properties, but there are no properties in your code - only local variables. The article you referenced is clear about the behavior for local variables:


var local variables - If the variable is not modified between the check and its usage, is not captured in a lambda that modifies it, and is not a local delegated property.

Which is exactly the behavior you observe.



I didn't read the book, so I can't say why they chose an example using a local variable. Isn't this the first example, showing what the smart cast even is and not going into more details yet?


excuse me, is parameter e in their example considered as a local variable ? I though local variables and parameters are different things. In that case can you show an example with is check and without local variables.


Yes, parameters passed to functions are represented inside them as local variables. Please see my updated answer.


If the variable is not modified between the check and its usage, but in my case it is


We don't smart cast a or b here, but value. If we don't check the type of a local variable, but of a property, e.g.: someObj.value and this prop wouldn't meet additional requirements, smart cast would not work and we couldn't do e.g.: someObj.value.a.

我们在这里不是巧妙地选择a或b,而是价值。如果我们不检查局部变量的类型,而是检查属性的类型,例如:ome Obj.Value,而这个道具不能满足额外的要求,则智能强制转换将不起作用,我们也不能执行例如:ome Obj.value.a。

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