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Can't delete or change the value of a cookie set on website with PHP(无法使用PHP删除或更改网站上设置的Cookie的值)

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So normally I have no problems with setting and unsetting cookies for my website. But for some reason I can't delete this cookie that was set on my website by Google AdSense. Basically I was asking my users for consent, so I could show them ads. But I made a fatal mistake and I would like to ask the users again. But AdSense placed a cookie on my website called FCCDCF.

因此,通常我在设置和取消设置我的网站的cookie时没有问题。但出于某种原因,我无法删除这个由Google AdSense在我的网站上设置的cookie。基本上,我是在征求我的用户的同意,这样我就可以向他们展示广告。但我犯了一个致命的错误,我想再问一次用户。但AdSense在我的网站上放了一个名为FCCDCF的cookie。

I use the following code to check for cookies and their value


if(isset($_COOKIE)) {
foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $val)
echo "cookie name: ".$key."<br /><br />Value: ".$val;

This returns the following (I changed the the numbers/letters for safety)


cookie name: FCCDCF


Value: [null,null,null,["WJGBHDKJKNKSFAAEPA1326467585AkCBIAAgAUgQAgFIIAwAIFAAAAA42567869675425AAAAQQAAAAAIAAAAAAAAEAQ7567464563AAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAA","1~","CP764359-1234-4321-1246-2SDFSDF34566"],null,null,[]]


Now I would normally think that I could easily delete this cookie by simply using setcookie("FCCDCF", "", time()-3600); - but this does not seem to be the case.


Apparently I do not know enough about cookies to find a solution for this. I have searched for hours now and tried a bunch of different solutions for deleting cookies for your website - but nothing worked so far.


My problem is that my mistake cost my 60% of my revenue for this particular site and if this does not get fixed, the website will close, because it's an expensive website to keep running.


Thank you


EDIT with more details about the cookie and the code I'm using to get rid of it (also see image)


Cookie details:








Path: /


Expires / Max-Age: 2024-10-04T20:35:11.000Z


Size: 343


Priority: Medium


Important: I have tried to overwrite the cookie by creating a new one


I have tried to create a new cookie to see if this would automatically overwrite the current one. It doesn't - it just creates a new cookie with the exact same name (see image further down). I created this cookie like this: setcookie("FCCDCF", "testcookie...", time() + (86400 * 30), "/");


So what code am I using to delete the cookies


First i simply tried this code: setcookie("FCCDCF", "", time() - (86400 * 30), "/"); - that didn't work.


Next @ProfessorAbronsius asked me to set the cookie with the same value but with the time in the past which I did like this:


$CookieValue = $_COOKIE['FCCDCF'];
setcookie("FCCDCF", $CookieValue, time() - (86400 * 30), "/");

This is not working either. The cookie is still there. BUT it deletes the testcookie I set.


enter image description here


THANK you for your time



Where do you run the setcookie? It must be before outputting anything. Are you just trying to delete the cookie?


set the cookie with the same parameters but with the time in the past.


@user3783243 - I know you think I'm crazy because this should be pretty straightforward. I am setting the new cookie before anything else. Yes I would just try to delete the cookie - but everything I do does not work for this exact cookie called "FCCDCF". Actually I just checked the console I can see that whenever I make a new cookie called "FCCDCF" - it doesn't change the first one but rather makes ANOTHER one so I have 2 cookies called the exact same thing but with different values.


Can you show the full code that you actually have to try to delete the cookie and the full details of the cookie please?


Is it possible that you successfully remove the cookie and AdSense recreates it? Can you temporarily switch off AdSense, try to remove the cookie and tell us whether the cookie goes missing then? Just a wild thought.



There is a somewhat similar issue to this over here.


The solution to delete the cookie provided in that post by Terry Burton is written in JavaScript and has a check to ensure the consent was given more than 12 months ago, but it may bring more insight as to how it should be done:


// Delete the Funding Choices cookie if consent is more than 12 months old
try {
const nm = "FCCDCF"; // Match name of Funding Choices cookie
const dm = ""; // Match domain of Funding Choices cookie
const pa = "/"; // Match path of Funding Choices cookie
let tc = ('; ' + document.cookie).split('; ' + nm + '=');
if (tc.length === 2) {
tc = decodeURIComponent(tc.pop().split(';').shift());
tc = JSON.parse(tc)[3][0].substring(1,9);
tc = Uint8Array.from(window.atob(tc), (v) => v.charCodeAt(0));
let dt = (tc[0] * 2**28) + (tc[1] * 2**20) + (tc[2] * 2**12) +
(tc[3] * 2**4) + (tc[4] >> 4);
if ( / 1000 - dt / 10 > 86400 * 365)
document.cookie = nm + "=;path=" + pa + ";domain=" + dm +
";expires=" + new Date(0).toUTCString();
} finally {}

The idea is to create a new cookie with the exact same data (name, domain, path, etc) and set its expiry to the current time so that it gets deleted.


If I am misunderstanding and you already have tried this, do make sure that there are no other cookies saved on the browser with the name "FCCDCF", as they may interfere with your attempt at deleting the one created by AdSense.


I found a solution including both PHP and JavaScript.


January 16th, 2024 Google AdSense will introduce this new consent message and force it to all its accepted websites.


I don't know why PHP can't delete this cookie


As the user @Pmpkn already addressed in this question; people are already experiencing this problem and can't find a solution. See the thread here


Be aware!!


I only use this script because I made a fatal error at the beginning of the consent message. I won't force any of my users to consent. But I don't run a charity, so I can't let them use up resources that cost me a lot of money. So they can consent or leave the website.


As you might know, Google let this cookie expire after 13 months. So it's a lot of time with no possibility to ask the users for consent again.


I don't know if this is allowed in the ToS of Google AdSense - so beware of this. Use at own risk. On the other hand. Deleting a cookie on your OWN website should not be a problem in my opinion. I don't know though.

我不知道Google AdSense的ToS中是否允许这样做--所以要小心这一点。使用风险自负。从另一方面来说。在我看来,删除自己网站上的Cookie应该不是问题。不过,我不知道。

I introduce the solution


As simple as this script might seem - it's the only one working. I have tried every other PHP script - and my conclusion is clear: It just can't delete this specific cookie.


var domainName = window.location.hostname;
document.cookie = "FCCDCF=...; expires=Tue, 16 Apr 2019 11:31:56 GMT; path=/; domain=." + domainName;

var domainName = window.location.hostname; Creates a variable called domainName which will get the exact domain name of the current website.

Var domainName=window.location.host名称;创建一个名为domainName的变量,该变量将获得当前网站的确切域名。

In the next line you will actually create the cookie with the values you wish. document.cookie is telling the browser to create a cookie. The following is just values for the specific cookie. I wan't to delete the Cookie called FCCDCF and therefore I name the new cookie exactly that with the value ... like this: FCCDCF=...;


I end the value with a semicolon. After the semicolon, I can then put in another detail of the cookie. In this case I put in expires=Tue, 16 Apr 2019 11:31:56 GMT; So the date is 4 years ago and therefore the cookie should delete itself.

我以分号结束该值。在分号之后,我可以放入cookie的另一个细节。在本例中,我输入Expires=Tue,2019年4月16日11:31:56 GMT;因此日期是4年前,因此Cookie应该会自动删除。

Next I put in the path like this: path=/;


This next step is very important. I need to use the variable I created and put it in the cookie. But! Look out for the . before the variable. The . before the domain is very much needed, because AdSense creates the cookie with a dot before it, so the cookie also is included in sub domains.


So it should look like this: domain=." + domainName;


The problem with this script alone


So this script successfully deletes the cookie called FCCDCF and that's great. But the thing is that it deletes the cookie every single time the page is refreshed or the visitor is clicking around on the website. This could be pretty annoying to accept cookies on every page view.


I solved this by looking at the value of the FCCDCF-cookie when someone did consent and when someone didn't consent.


The value of the cookie when someone consents, is around ~800 characters long - give or take.


When someone does not consent** the value of the cookie is only around ~300 characters.


So with PHP I would simply take the value of the cookie and count the characters of this exact cookie. If the characters of the cookie are lower than 600 characters (which means that they did not consent) - I would show the consent message again.


The complete script that I made


$CookieValue = $_COOKIE['FCCDCF'];

$CookieChar = strlen($CookieValue);

if($CookieChar < "600") {
var domainName = window.location.hostname;
document.cookie = "FCCDCF=...; expires=Tue, 16 Apr 2019 11:31:56 GMT; path=/; domain=." + domainName;

I imagine you tried to delete it in Javascript :


document.cookie = "FCCDCF=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";

And what happens when you Application > Cookies > right-click on site url > clear in the browser inspector ?


enter image description here


Thank you for your answer. I have already tried this and it's not working either. I appreciate it though. It simply does not delete or edit anything which highly frustrates me.


Apparently, the following was meta-commentary and was edited out: "I am highly disappointed that I would get downvotes for this question. I don't understand why and as people can read and tell - I have tried a bunch of different stuff and done some research also. And trust me. January 16th, 2024 Google AdSense will introduce this new consent message and force it to all its accepted websites. And there will be a lot of people asking the same questions in the following months. I feel like this should be included though. Even in a comment. Even the editor didn't upvote this question.


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