I have some code on my website that updates an element based on the value of a price slider.
The above code is working fine, and #te_li_yr_seats_html will always be a number between 2 and 8.
I want to update a second element based on this calculated value.
I've added my full code below and then a pseudo code snippet of what I'm trying to do. I hope that's clear.
Thank you in advance for any help.
var te_li_yr_price = document.getElementById("te_li_yr_price_base");
var te_li_yr_slider = document.getElementById("te_li_yr_slider");
te_li_yr_price.innerHTML = te_li_yr_slider.value;
te_li_yr_slider.oninput = function() {
te_li_yr_price.innerHTML = this.value;
$("#te_li_yr_price_html").html(te_li_yr_price.innerHTML.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","))
if $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 2 then
my_new_variable = 70
elseif $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 3 then
my_new_variable = 100
elseif $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 4 then
my_new_variable = 130
elseif $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 5 then
my_new_variable = 160
elseif $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 6 then
my_new_variable = 190
elseif $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 7 then
my_new_variable = 220
elseif $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html = 8 then
my_new_variable = 250
/* then apply to HTML */
To get the HTML value, use $("..").html()
. And to compare values use ===
(or just ==
if comparing "2"
with 2
- .html()
will return a string. In this case, just create a variable: var seats = te_li_yr_price.innerHTML/215
then $("#te_li_yr_seats_html").html(seats)
and if (seats === 2)
etc (or use a switch
要获取HTML值,请使用$(“..”).html()。如果将“2”与2-.html()进行比较将返回一个字符串,则使用=(或仅使用==)来比较值。在本例中,只需创建一个变量:var Seats=te_li_yr_price.innerHTML/215 Then$(“#te_li_yr_Seats_html”).html(Seats)和if(Seats=2)等(或者使用开关)
my_new_var = seats * 30 + 10
Thank you for both of these comments I think I have it working now.
The whole thing is hard to grasp, but here is a version that is easier to change. Note I have converted all the script to jQuery instead of mixing it with plain JS DOM access
I am using a ternary for the lookup to make sure that you do not get an error if the perSeat is larger than the lookup table
const $te_li_yr_price = $("#te_li_yr_price_base");
const $te_li_yr_slider = $("#te_li_yr_slider");
const $te_li_yr_price_html = $("#te_li_yr_price_html");
const $te_li_yr_price_form = $("#te_li_yr_price_form");
const $te_li_yr_seats_html = $("#te_li_yr_seats_html");
const $te_li_yr_seats_form = $("#te_li_yr_seats_form");
const $my_new_variable_html = $("#my_new_variable_html");
const lookup = [0, 0, 70, 100, 130, 160, 190, 220, 250];
$te_li_yr_slider.on("input", function() {
let val = this.value; // string
let formattedVal = val.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); // now with thousand separators
let perSeat = parseInt(val / 215);
// if perSeat is <2 or outside the lookup table, give default value
perSeat < 2 || perSeat >= lookup.length ? val : lookup[perSeat]
}).trigger("input"); // initialise
Thank you appreciate this. I think I have found a solution based on the first comment received which is more to my basic level ;)
I strongly recommend you look and try to understand what I coded since it will help you in the long run