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XCTestCase Multipart params with Alamofire using URLProtocolStub in Swift(在SWIFT中使用URLProtocolStub通过AlamoFire实现多部分参数XCTestCase)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 17:29:31 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

I would like to know how can I test multipart sending params with Alamofire (network stack). Ex: send a string with an image (Data type).


My issue is that when I receive a response, I get the URLRequest and I check the httpBody for getting my params. Unfortunately it is nil and I don’t know another way to get multipartData.

我的问题是,当我收到响应时,我会收到URLRequest,并检查http Body以获取我的Pars。不幸的是,它是空的,我不知道另一种获取多部分数据的方法。

(I’ve already do some search before asking here ;))


For Doing this, I create a stub URLProtocol (called URLProtocolStub)


final class URLProtocolStub: URLProtocol {
private struct Stub {
let data: Data?
let response: URLResponse?
let error: Error?
let requestObserver: ((URLRequest) -> Void)?

private static var _stub: Stub?
private static var stub: Stub? {
get { return queue.sync { _stub } }
set { queue.sync { _stub = newValue } }

private static let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "URLProtocolStub.queue")

static func stub(data: Data?, response: URLResponse?, error: Error?) {
stub = Stub(data: data, response: response, error: error, requestObserver: nil)

static func observeRequests(observer: @escaping (URLRequest) -> Void) {
stub = Stub(data: nil, response: nil, error: nil, requestObserver: observer)

override class func canInit(with request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
return true

override class func canonicalRequest(for request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest {
return request

override func startLoading() {
guard let stub = URLProtocolStub.stub else { return }

if let data = {
client?.urlProtocol(self, didLoad: data)

if let response = stub.response {
client?.urlProtocol(self, didReceive: response, cacheStoragePolicy: .notAllowed)

if let error = stub.error {
client?.urlProtocol(self, didFailWithError: error)
} else {


And I set it on the URLConfigurationSession for use a fake session on Alamaofire.


let configuration =
configuration.protocolClasses = [URLProtocolStub.self]

Finally, my test function for testing HTTP request with multipart data.


func test_uploadMultipart_with_params() async {
// 1
let httpURL = HTTPURLResponse(statusCode: 204)
let bodyParams = ["firstname": "mock", "lastname": "test"]
let imageData = UIColor.yellow.image(CGSize(width: 128, height: 128)).jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.7)

URLProtocolStub.stub(data: nil, response: httpURL, error: nil)

let exp = expectation(description: "Waiting to receive response")

// 2
let loggerDelegate = StubHTTPLoggerDelegate(didReceivedResponse: { request in
XCTAssertEqual(request?.httpBody.flatMap { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8) }, "firstname=mock&lastname=test")

// 3
let result = await makeSUT(loggerDelegate: loggerDelegate).requestMultipart(imageDatas: [imageData], pathType: anyPathType(.post, bodyParameters: bodyParams, urlParameters: nil))

do { try result.get() } catch { XCTFail("\(error)") }

wait(for: [exp], timeout: 1.0)

I explain this function step by step :


  1. I prepare my bodyParams & image for my multipart request.

  2. I create a listener for listen HTTP response when received.

  3. And I create my AlamofireHTTPClient (makeSUT function) by passing my listener and call my Alamorefire requestMultipart with my bodyParams & image. Then a execute my client.

My test is checking if I am sending the right parameters on a Alamofire multipart request.
This test failed because the httpBody from a request (URLRequest) is nil and I don't know how to get my multipart params to test it :(.


Thanks for helping me :).



Without seeing the underlying Alamofire call I can't be sure but Alamofire's multipart uploads use a URLSessionUploadTask from a file or memory, so the URLRequest that is performed will have no httpBody. Instead, it uses the httpBodyStream to stream the data from disk or memory, so you'll need to read that data to do your parsing and comparisons, taking into account the issues @Larme mentioned.


In multiform part data, the body is more or less a big data that can be separated into multiple subdata (that if we "split them": Data1+Data2+Data3...+DataN):


Data1 //Boundary
Data2 //SomeParam1
Data3 //Boundary
Data4 //SomeParam2
Data5 //Boundary

Now, NOT any Data value can be converted into UTF8 String. Some "bits combinaison" don't have UTF8 value, hence why you can get String(data: someData, encoding: .utf8) that can be nil.
And you can try it yourself since you have an image:
print("Image to Str: \(String(data: imageData, encoding: .utf8))") and it would be nil.

现在,不是任何数据值都可以转换为UTF8字符串。有些“位组合”没有UTF8值,因此您可以得到可以为空的字符串(data:ome Data,Coding:.utf8)。而且您可以自己尝试,因为您有一个图像:Print(“Image to Str:\(String(data:ImageData,Coding:.utf8))”),它将是空的。

So if you are trying to convert your big data into a String, it won't work since some part in the middle is the image and will be nil.


So in reality, you should split your body and retrieve each part.
The boundary should be in the Header so you should be able to retrieve it. , There are also usually a lot of "\n" and "\r" and "-" as separators.
Then, you have to iterate and find the desired value.



To continue on the first point, user can test it by removing the XCTAssertEqual(request?.httpBody.flatMap...) and expectation and print the content of httpBoyd instead with the help of…


@JonShier I received also nil on httpBodyStream


@TharsanE. to see the httpBodyStream that's added, you need to observe the task.currentRequest. That should be updated when URLSession adds the stream. See


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