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MongoServerError: Cannot do exclusion on field date in inclusion projection(MongoServerError:无法在包含预测中对字段日期执行排除)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 16:53:24 32 4
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I was working with the MongoDB Atlas Server...
and encountered this error...
What does it mean...?
Can someone explain in simple words plz...

我在使用MongoDB Atlas服务器...并遇到了这个错误。这是什么意思…?有没有人能用简单的话解释一下…

This was the query i was trying...


db.posts.find({}, {title: 1, date: 0})

The structure of the posts in database is as follows:


_id: ObjectId("63739044de169f6d0h2e6a3d"),
title: 'Post 2',
body: 'a news post',
category: 'News',
likes: 1,
tags: [ 'news', 'events' ],
date: 'Tue Nov 15 2022 18:53:24 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)'
_id: ObjectId("63739271de179f5d0e31e5b2"),
title: 'Post 1',
body: 'hey there, hemant here',
category: 'random',
likes: 1,
tags: [ 'random', 'events' ],
date: 'Tue Nov 15 2022 18:41:24 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)'

But I got an error which says...


MongoServerError: Cannot do exclusion on field date in inclusion projection

I was trying to get all the document objects excluding the date parameter and including the title parameter but got an error...



db.posts.find({}, {title: 1}) Just run this to get the title alone. Rest all fields will be excluded.



According to the documentation, first argument in find is filter and second is projection. projection allows you to specify fields to return._id is the only field which you need to explicitly exclude in the projection. For all other fields you just need to state the inclusion. You will have to follow the below format.


db.posts.find({}, {title: 1, body:1, category:1, likes:1, tags:1})

Another possibility is that


Inside the 'posts' mongoose schema,
if we set the date key like this


date: {
type: string,
select: true

the select:true always returns the date key in all find queries


and passing {date:0} in projection or dot_select(.select) object will return this error:


Cannot do exclusion on field date in inclusion projection

This is a simple error to fix, and I will show you how. You need to understand how projection works.
But first, let's look at how the find() method works.
The find() method can take two parameters, which are 1. filter and 2. projection. There are two types of projection: 1. inclusion projection and 2. exclusion projection.


  1. Inclusion projection means specifying all fields to be included in result of querying a document. This is done by assigning 1 to all values of keys desired for inclusion in an object that is passed as the second parameter of the find method. Note that only the "_id" key can be added for exclusion when performing inclusion projection.

You can do this to perform inclusion projection for the title field on the post collection:


db.posts.find({}, {"title": 1})


db.posts.find({}, {"title": 1, "_id": 0})

and the result will be:


title: 'Post 1'
title: 'Post 2'

  1. Exclusion projection means specifying all fields to be excluded in result of querying a document. This is done by assigning 0 to all values of keys desired for excluded in an object that is passed as the second parameter of the find method.
    To achieve the same result as the inclusion projection above using the exclusion projection, you can do this:

db.posts.find({}, {"_id": 0, "body":0, "category":0, "likes":0, "tags":0, "date":0})

and the result will be:


title: 'Post 1'
title: 'Post 2'

Thank you for reading. I hope this gives you a deep understanding of projection.


This is a lot late, but here's something that might help you to get all except the date:


db.posts.find({}, {date: 0})


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