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Can the absolute position cause an image to get bigger than it originally was?(绝对位置会导致图像变得比原来更大吗?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 16:37:53 26 4
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I am trying to get #features div to overlap part of .title-image using z-index. When I set .title-image position to absolute, the image gets bigger than what it was previously. My question is, if .title-image is contained in a div called col-lg-6with sizing dimensions already added to it, would the sizing be thrown out even though the image was contained in a div? I used another image as the .title-image so that you would see what I am experiencing. What am I doing wrong?

我正在尝试让#Feature div使用z-index覆盖.title-Image的一部分。当我将.ITLITE-IMAGE位置设置为绝对时,图像变得比以前更大。我的问题是,如果.title-Image包含在名为ol-lg-6的div中,并且已经添加了大小尺寸,那么即使该图像包含在div中,大小也会被丢弃吗?我使用了另一个图像作为.title-图像,这样您就可以看到我正在经历的事情。我做错了什么?

#title {
background-color: #ff4c68;
color: #fff;

body {
font-family: 'Montserrat';
font-weight: normal;

h1 {
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h2 {
font-family: 'Montserrat';
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 3rem;
line-height: 1.5;

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font-family: 'Montserrat';
font-weight: bold;

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/* Title Image */

.title-image {
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transform: rotate(25deg);
position: absolute;

#features {
padding: 7% 15%;
background-color: #fff;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;

.features-box {
text-align: center;
padding: 5%;

.icon {
color: #ef8172;
margin-bottom: 1rem;

.icon:hover {
color: #ff4c68;

/* Testimonial Section */

#testimonials {
text-align: center;
background-color: #ef8172;
color: #fff;

.testimonial-image {
width: 10%;
border-radius: 100%;
margin: 20px;

#press {
background-color: #ef8172;
text-align: center;
padding-bottom: 3%;

.press-logo {
width: 15%;
margin: 20px 20px 50px;

.carousel-item {
padding: 7% 15%;

/* Pricing */

#pricing {
padding: 100px;

.sign-up {
margin-top: 35px;

.pricing-column {
padding: 3% 2%;

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That's the default behavior of the browser on absolute or fixed positioning. Although it's still inside the container div, the width: 60% on .title-image no longer affects it as it's unable to find any parent element with its position set to relative or absolute.


Remember that these values will be relative to the next parent element with relative (or absolute) positioning. If there is no such parent, it will default all the way back up to the element itself meaning it will be placed relative to the page itself.

The trade-off (and most important thing to remember) about absolute
positioning is that these elements are removed from the flow of
elements on the page. An element with this type of positioning is not
affected by other elements and it doesn’t affect other elements. This
is a serious thing to consider every time you use absolute
positioning. Its overuse or improper use can limit the flexibility of
your site.

If what you want is to position the .title-image relative to it's parent div you must set its (the parent div) position to relative or absolute.




Hope that helps!


just add




to the parent of title-img.
you are following the course full-stack course of angilia.


I was also having the same doubt


I had the same problem, and I wasted like a day trying to solve that issue on my own.
This problem is caused because of different version of bootstrap.


position: absolute; changes the size of the image depending on the size of its nearest ancestor, and its parent should have a position other than static.


You need to set the position of its parent to relative in order to solve this problem.


<div class="title-image-div col-lg-6">
<img class="title-image" src="" alt="iphone-mockup">

.title-image-div {
position: relative;

An element with position: absolute; is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor (instead of positioned relative to the viewport, like fixed).


However; if an absolute positioned element has no positioned ancestors, it uses the document body, and moves along with page scrolling.
I think you could try to position it relative and also reduce the rotation.


<div class="col-lg-6">
<img class="title-image" src="" alt="iphone-mockup">

try adding inline style to the parent of .title-image (col-lg-6) so it looks like this:


<div class="col-lg-6" style="position: relative;">
<img class="title-image" src="" alt="iphone-mockup">

The reason for this is, angela used Bootsrap 4 in her course which give col-lg-6 default position's value of relative. meanwhile, in Bootstrap 5 col-lg-6 has default position's value of static

这样做的原因是,Angela在她的课程中使用了Bootsrap 4,这给出了ol-LG-6的默认位置值Relative。同时,在Bootstrap 5中,ol-lg-6的默认位置值为Static



/* Title Images */
.title-image-con {
position: relative;

.title-image {
width: 60%;
transform: rotate(25deg);
position: absolute;


/* Features */
#features {
padding: 7% 15%;
background-color: white;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;

<div class="title-image-con col-lg-6">
<img class="title-image rotate" src="images/iphone6.png" alt="iphone-

Adding another class name to the element and make the position relative on css works for me.


css snippet



Thanks for your help!


Please give more information, try answering the questions made on the topic: Can the absolute position cause an image to get bigger than it originally was?, would the sizing be thrown out even though the image was contained in a div?, What am I doing wrong?, don't simply write a code, give some explanations and answers :)


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