I am trying to validate data from multiple sheets in laravel using maatwebsite/excel package. Here's my controller code.
try {
$import = new ImportMark($data);
Excel::import($import, $request->file('xls')->store('files'));
return redirect()->route('marks.index')->with('success', __('marks.batch_success', ['count'=>'']));
} catch (\Maatwebsite\Excel\Validators\ValidationException $e) {
$failures = $e->failures();
foreach ($failures as $failure) {
$failure->row(); // row that went wrong
$failure->attribute(); // either heading key (if using heading row concern) or column index
$failure->errors(); // Actual error messages from Laravel validator
$failure->values(); // The values of the row that has failed.
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('xls_errors', $failures);
} catch(\Exception $ex){
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('failure', $ex->getMessage());
So far, I have acheived the following.

However, I am unable to get the sheetname in which the validation has failed. My Sheet looks like this.

I am trying to show the sheetName (1031-Comp. Mathematics) in which the validation failed. Here's my ImportMark Class
class ImportMark implements WithMultipleSheets, WithEvents{
protected $data;
protected $no_of_sheets;
protected $totalRows;
public $sheetNames;
public $sheetData;
public function __construct($data){
$this->data = $data;
$this->sheetData = array_fill(0, 4, new ImportSubjectWiseSheet($this->data));
public function sheets(): array{
return $this->sheetData;
public function registerEvents(): array
return [
BeforeImport::class => function (BeforeImport $event) {
$this->totalRows = $event->getReader()->getTotalRows();
BeforeSheet::class => function(BeforeSheet $event) {
$this->sheetNames[] = $event->getSheet()->getTitle();
public function getSheetNames() {
return $this->sheetNames;
- In your
class you could add a property to store the current sheet call being processed:
magnificence ImportMark implements WithMultipleSheets, WithEvents
included $facts;
covered $no_of_sheets;
included $totalRows;
public $sheetNames;
public $sheetData;
public $currentSheetName; // Add this property
public function __construct($information)
$this->records = $information;
$this->sheetData = array_fill(0, four, new ImportSubjectWiseSheet($this->statistics));
public feature sheets(): array
go back $this->sheetData;
public characteristic registerEvents(): array
return [
BeforeImport::magnificence => feature (BeforeImport $event)
$this->totalRows = $occasion->getReader()->getTotalRows();
BeforeSheet::elegance => feature(BeforeSheet $occasion)
$this->currentSheetName = $occasion->getSheet()->getTitle(); // Store the modern-day sheet name
$this->sheetNames[] = $this->currentSheetName;
public characteristic getSheetNames()
return $this->sheetNames;
public function getCurrentSheetName()
go back $this->currentSheetName;
- Update your controller to catch the
and include the sheet name in the error messages:
$import = new ImportMark($information);
Excel::import($import, $request->document('xls')->keep('files'));
return redirect()->course('marks.Index')->with('fulfillment', __('marks.Batch_success', ['count'=>'']));
seize (MaatwebsiteExcelValidatorsValidationException $e)
$screw ups = $e->failures();
foreach ($failures as $failure)
$sheetName = $import->getCurrentSheetName(); // Get the current sheet call
$message = "Sheet: $sheetName, Row: $failure->row(), Attribute: $failure->characteristic(), Errors: " . Implode(', ', $failure->mistakes());
// Handle the error message as wished
go back redirect()->lower back()->withInput()->with('xls_errors', $failures);
trap(Exception $ex)
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('failure', $ex->getMessage());
Now, when you catch a ValidationException
, you can use $import->getCurrentSheetName()
to get the sheet call in which the validation failed