I want to install sass in my Ubuntu Linux, I'm trying to install it using ruby, but then I got this output
我想在我的Ubuntu Linux中安装sass,我正尝试使用Ruby安装它,但我得到了以下输出
haphoera@Xubuntu:~$ gem install sass-embedded
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/3.0.0 directory.
I've tried installing sass using npm or node.js but it gave me the same output, I already closed the terminal I've used for that, so I can't really show what's the error I'm receiving when installing sass using npm. But it's kind of the same with gem, it's about the permissions. I've watched videos on youtube to solve the npm problem but all of them are not working.
So I'm trying to use ruby instead (if it's better, because I read online that installing sass using npm is slower).
How can I change the permission or fix this? Can't find anything useful on the internet.
Use some manager of Ruby versions like asdf, rbenv, rvm, chruby instead of using system Ruby. Or use docker