I have the following BNFC grammar:
layout toplevel ;
layout "let" ;
layout stop "in" ;
entrypoints Program;
-- A program is a list of functions --
ProgDef . Program ::= [FunctionDeclaration] ;
-- Types --
TypeBit . Type3 ::= "Bit" ;
TypeQbit . Type3 ::= "Qbit" ;
TypeState . Type3 ::= "State" ;
TypeUnitary . Type3 ::= "Unitary" ;
TypeUnit . Type3 ::= "()" ;
TypeNonLin . Type2 ::= "!" Type3 ;
TypeExp . Type2 ::= Type3 "**" Integer ;
TypeSum . Type1 ::= Type2 "+" Type1 ; -- right-associative
TypeTensr . Type1 ::= Type2 "*" Type1 ; -- right-associative
TypeFunc . Type ::= Type1 "->" Type ; -- right-associative
coercions Type 3 ;
-- Angle is a fraction of 2π --
Angle . Angle ::= Double ;
-- Basis States --
BasisStateZero . BasisState ::= "@0" ;
BasisStateOne . BasisState ::= "@1" ;
BasisStatePlus . BasisState ::= "@+" ;
BasisStateMinus . BasisState ::= "@-" ;
BasisStatePlusI . BasisState ::= "@+i" ;
BasisStateMinusI . BasisState ::= "@-i" ;
--- Bits ---
BitValue . Bit ::= Integer;
GateH . Gate ::= "H" ; -- Hadamard Gate
GateX . Gate ::= "X" ; -- Pauli X Gate
GateY . Gate ::= "Y" ; -- Pauli Y Gate
GateZ . Gate ::= "Z" ; -- Pauli Z Gate
GateID . Gate ::= "ID" ; -- Identity Gate
GateXRt . Gate ::= "ROOT_X" Integer ; -- Root of Pauli X gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateXRtDag . Gate ::= "ROOT_X_DAG" Integer ; -- Conjugate of Root of Pauli X gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateYRt . Gate ::= "ROOT_Y" Integer ; -- Root of Pauli Y gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateYRtDag . Gate ::= "ROOT_Y_DAG" Integer ; -- Conjugate of Root of Pauli Y gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateZRt . Gate ::= "ROOT_Z" Integer ; -- Root of Pauli Z gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateZRtDag . Gate ::= "ROOT_Z_DAG" Integer ; -- Conjugate of Root of Pauli Z gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateS . Gate ::= "S" ; -- S gate: sqrt of Z
GateSDag . Gate ::= "S_DAG" ; -- Conjugate of S gate
GateT . Gate ::= "T" ; -- T Gate: sqrt of S
GateTDag . Gate ::= "T_DAG" ; -- Conjugate of T gate
GateSqrtX . Gate ::= "SQRT_X" ; -- V gate: sqrt of X
GateSqrtXDag . Gate ::= "SQRT_X_DAG" ; -- Conjugate of V gate
GateSqrtY . Gate ::= "SQRT_Y" ; -- h gate: sqrt of Y
GateSqrtYDag . Gate ::= "SQRT_Y_DAG" ; -- Conjugate of h gate
GateRxTheta . Gate ::= "RX" Angle ; -- Single parametric rotation around X axis on the Bloch sphere
GateRyTheta . Gate ::= "RY" Angle ; -- Single parametric rotation around Y axis on the Bloch sphere
GateRzTheta . Gate ::= "RZ" Angle ; -- Single parametric rotation around Z axis on the Bloch sphere
GateU1 . Gate ::= "U1" Angle ; -- One parametric generic gate
GateU2 . Gate ::= "U2" "(" Angle "," Angle ")" ; -- Two parametric generic gate
GateU3 . Gate ::= "U3" "(" Angle "," Angle "," Angle ")" ; -- Thee parametric generic gate
GateSwp . Gate ::= "SWAP" ; -- Swap gate
GateSqrtSwp . Gate ::= "SQRT_SWAP" ; -- sqrt of Swap gate
GateSqrtSwpDag . Gate ::= "SQRT_SWAP_DAG" ; -- Conjugate of root of Swap gate
GateISwp . Gate ::= "ISWAP" ; -- ISwap gate
GateFSwp . Gate ::= "FSWAP" ; -- FSwap gate
GateSwpTheta . Gate ::= "SWAP_THETA" Angle ; -- Swap theta gate
GateSwpRt . Gate ::= "ROOT_SWAP" Integer ; -- Root of Swap gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
GateSwpRtDag . Gate ::= "ROOT_SWAP_DAG" Integer ; -- Conjugate of Root of Swap gate (root is specified as k in 1/2^k)
-- Names for Variables --
position token Var ((lower | '_') (letter | digit | '_' | '\'')*) ;
-- Declaring Control states --
CtrlBasisState . ControlBasisState ::= "[" BasisState "]" ;
CtrlBasisStates . ControlBasisStates ::= "[" BasisState "," [BasisState] "]" ;
separator nonempty BasisState "," ;
CtrlBit . ControlBit ::= "[" Integer "]" ;
CtrlBits . ControlBits ::= "[" Integer "," [Integer] "]" ;
separator nonempty Integer "," ;
-- Lambda token --
token Lambda '\\' ;
-- Declaring Tuples --
Tupl . Tuple ::= "(" Term "," [Term] ")" ;
-- Declaring Controls --
CtrlTerm . ControlTerm ::= "[" Term "]" ;
CtrlTerms . ControlTerms ::= "[" Term "," [Term] "]" ;
separator nonempty Term "," ;
-- Terms --
TermIfElse . Term1 ::= "if" Term "then" Term "else" Term ;
TermLetSingle . Term1 ::= "let" "{" LetVariable "=" Term "}" "in" Term ;
TermLetMultiple . Term1 ::= "let" "{" "(" LetVariable "," [LetVariable] ")" "=" Term "}" "in" Term ;
TermLetSugarSingle . Term1 ::= LetVariable "<-" Term ";" Term ;
TermLetSugarMultiple . Term1 ::= LetVariable "," [LetVariable] "<-" Term ";" Term ;
TermCase . Term1 ::= "case" Term "of" CaseExpression [CaseExpression] ;
TermLambda . Term1 ::= Lambda FunctionType "." Term ;
TermQuantumCtrlGate . Term2 ::= "with" ControlTerm "ctrl" ControlBasisState ;
TermQuantumCtrlsGate . Term2 ::= "with" ControlTerms "ctrl" ControlBasisStates ;
TermClassicCtrlGate . Term2 ::= "with" ControlTerm "ctrl" ControlBit ;
TermClassicCtrlsGate . Term2 ::= "with" ControlTerms "ctrl" ControlBits ;
TermApply . Term2 ::= Term2 Term3 ; -- left-associative --
TermDollar . Term1 ::= Term2 "$" Term1 ; -- right-associative --
TermCompose . Term2 ::= Term2 "." Term3 ; -- left-associative --
TermVariable . Term3 ::= Var ;
TermBasisState . Term3 ::= BasisState ;
TermGate . Term3 ::= Gate ;
TermTuple . Term3 ::= Tuple ;
TermUnit . Term3 ::= "()" ;
coercions Term 3 ;
LetVar . LetVariable ::= Var ;
separator LetVariable "," ;
-- Case Expressions --
CaseExp . CaseExpression ::= Term "->" Var ;
separator nonempty CaseExpression " " ;
-- Function Arguments --
FunArg . Arg ::= Var ;
separator Arg " " ;
-- Function Definition --
FunDef . FunctionDefinition ::= Var [Arg] "=" Term ;
_ . FunctionDefinition ::= FunctionDefinition ";" ; -- Semantic dummies: parser accepts extra semicolons
-- Type Definition --
FunType . FunctionType ::= Var "::" Type ;
_ . FunctionType ::= FunctionType ";" ; -- Semantic dummies: parser accepts extra semicolons
-- Function Declaration --
FunDecl . FunctionDeclaration ::= FunctionType ";" FunctionDefinition ";" ;
separator FunctionDeclaration "" ;
-- Format for specifying comments --
comment "--" ;
comment "{-" "-}" ;
and I am trying but failing to parse the next fragment of code:
balancedOracle' :: Qbit ** 3 -> Qbit ** 3
balancedOracle' qubits = q0, q1, q2 <- qubits;
(q0, q1, q2)
Oddly enough the next fragment of code is parsed correctly:
balancedOracle' :: Qbit ** 3 -> Qbit ** 3
balancedOracle' qubits = q0, q1, q2 <- qubits;
((q0), (q1), q2)
Parse Successful!
[Abstract Syntax]
ProgDef [FunDecl (FunType (Var ((1,1),"balancedOracle'")) (TypeFunc (TypeExp TypeQbit 3) (TypeExp TypeQbit 3))) (FunDef (Var ((2,1),"balancedOracle'")) [FunArg (Var ((2,17),"qubits"))] (TermLetSugarMultiple (LetVar (Var ((2,26),"q0"))) [LetVar (Var ((2,30),"q1")),LetVar (Var ((2,34),"q2"))] (TermVariable (Var ((2,40),"qubits"))) (TermTuple (Tupl (TermVariable (Var ((3,28),"q0"))) [TermVariable (Var ((3,34),"q1")),TermVariable (Var ((3,39),"q2"))]))))]
[Linearized tree]
balancedOracle' :: Qbit ** 3 -> Qbit ** 3;
balancedOracle' qubits = q0, q1, q2 <- qubits;
(q0, q1, q2);
Perhaps this should be a good enough hint for some, but I just cannot figure where is the problem. Any hint on how to better approach this problem would be appreciated.