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What are the standard Web SpeechSynthesis voices?(什么是标准的Web SpeechSynthesis语音?)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 14:33:06 36 4
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I would like to implement speech synthesis in different voices, but I want to have a list of the voices supported by all major browsers, similar to the “standard web fonts”.


What is this list in 2018?



Voices list below mentioned-


For Google Chrome, ["Microsoft David Desktop - English (United States)", "Microsoft Zira Desktop - English (United States)", "Google Deutsch", "Google US English", "Google UK English Female", "Google UK English Male", "Google español", "Google español de Estados Unidos", "Google français", "Google हिन्दी", "Google Bahasa Indonesia", "Google italiano", "Google 日本語", "Google 한국의", "Google Nederlands", "Google polski", "Google português do Brasil", "Google русский", "Google 普通话(中国大陆)", "Google 粤語(香港)", "Google 國語(臺灣)"]

对于谷歌Chrome,[“微软大卫桌面-英语(美国)”,“微软Zira桌面-英语(美国)”,“谷歌德语”,“谷歌美国英语”,“谷歌英国女性”,“谷歌英国男性”,“谷歌español”,“Google español de Estados Unidos”,“谷歌法语”,“谷歌हिन्दी”,“谷歌印度尼西亚”,“谷歌意大利”,“谷歌日本語”,“谷歌한국의”,“谷歌荷兰”,“谷歌波尔斯基”,“谷歌葡萄牙语S做巴西”,“谷歌русский”,“谷歌(普通话(中国大陆)”,“谷歌(粤語(香港)”,“谷歌國語(臺灣”]

For Mozilla, ["Microsoft David Desktop - English (United States)", "Microsoft Zira Desktop - English (United States)"]

对于Mozilla,[“Microsoft David Desktop-英语(美国)”、“Microsoft Zira Desktop-英语(美国)”]

The Google voices are still those listed above. There is no Arabic or Greek, for example. Although the languages are available and you can write texts in them. But no voices.
You can learn how to list them in the p5.js free tutorials. Under text-to-speech. There, you lean to list voices and languages.



I do not see the voices listed where you said. Can you please copypaste and include the results in your answer? I am looking for exactly the voices supported by all major browsers.

我没有看到你说的地方列出的声音。请你复印一下,并把结果包括在你的答案里好吗?我正在寻找的正是所有主要浏览器支持的声音。 here you will find the voices list [… and here you will find the browser compatibility


The first URL returns a 404 and the second URL is same as before - on the mobile phone I don’t see the voices listed in that table!


Can you please simply include the voices in the answer so I can accept it?


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