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Plotting ground Tracks with python only using trigonometry(仅使用三角函数用Python绘制地面轨迹)

转载 作者:bug小助手 更新时间:2023-10-25 14:12:26 29 4
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I'm trying to plot a ground track in Python from a TLE file without using explicit astropy or other packages. I've encountered a problem with the code that I can't figure out. The issue pertains to the continuity of the ground track path. The code appears to cut the path and then continues on the other side, creating a cross-like pattern. I think the problem has to do with the calculation of the longitude but I'm not sure. I leave my code and the plot below
enter image description here




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time

#TLE data for the satellite "Beesat9"
tle_line1 = "1 44412U 19038AC 23251.87820378 .00033749 00000+0 10095-2 0 9994"
tle_line2 = "2 44412 97.6799 235.5575 0014498 22.8588 337.3296 15.34383582230971"

# To get the individual values
tle_elements1 = tle_line1.split()
tle_elements2 = tle_line2.split()

# Extract the orbital elements values from tle_elements
m =float(tle_elements2[6]) #°
i = np.radians(float(tle_elements2[2])) # rad
w = np.radians(float(tle_elements2[5])) # rad
Omega = np.radians(float(tle_elements2[3])) # rad
e = float("0." + tle_elements2[4])
M_mo=round(float(tle_elements2[7]), 8) # rev/day
Epoch = str(float(tle_elements1[3]))[2:] # fraction day format xxx.xxxx
Epoch = float(Epoch)

# Get Julian Day
today =
jd = today.jd

#Julian Centuries converter
def JC_converter(jd):
t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525
return t
jc = JC_converter(jd)

# Siderial time for Greenwich
def greenW(jc):
Theta= 1.753368559 + 628.3319707 * jc + 0.0000067707 * jc**2
n = Theta / (2*np.pi)
n = np.floor(n)
Theta = Theta - n*2*np.pi
return Theta
Theta_k = greenW(jc)

# Next pass
w_sid= (2*np.pi) / 86164.0916 # angular siderial velocity
t_eqnx = (2*np.pi - Theta_k) / (w_sid) #in w_siderial seconds

# Transforms epoch to seconds rounding to eigth decimal since midnight
def utc(epoch):
n_epoch = round(epoch - int(epoch),8)
#days to sec
seconds = n_epoch*86400
return seconds
epoch_sec = utc(Epoch) # 75876.806592 sec

# Calculate the satellite's position at each time point
latitude = []
longitude = []

# M_0 from M = M_0 + n(t - tp), M_0 = mean_prime
mean_prime = np.radians(m)
motion_anomaly = M_mo / 86400 # to rev/sec

# Time of Periapsis passage
tp = epoch_sec - (mean_prime / motion_anomaly)

# Orbital Period T of the cubesat
orbital_period = (2*np.pi / M_mo )*86400 # 1 orbital period 86400 seconds in a day

time_elapsed = 0

for time in range(0, int(orbital_period),10):
# Calculate mean anomaly propagation
mean_anomaly = mean_prime + motion_anomaly * (time - tp)

# Calculate eccentric anomaly using Newton's method
E = mean_anomaly # Initial guess for Eccentric Anomaly
tolerance = 1e-8
max_iterations = 1000

for _ in range(max_iterations):
f_e = E - e * np.sin(E) - mean_anomaly
f_prime_e = 1.0 - e * np.cos(E)

E_new = E - f_e / f_prime_e

if abs(E_new - E) < tolerance:

E = E_new
# Calculation new Epoch and time of the position of the cubesat
t_new = tp + ((E - (e*np.sin(E))) /motion_anomaly)

#True Anomaly
true_anomaly = 2.0 * np.arctan2(
np.sqrt(1.0 + e) * np.sin(E / 2.0),
np.sqrt(1.0 - e) * np.cos(E / 2.0))

# Calculate satellite's latitude

satellite_latitude = np.arcsin(np.sin(i) * (np.sin(w + true_anomaly)))
satellite_latitude = np.degrees(satellite_latitude) # Converting to degrees

# Calculate satellite's longitude
alpha = np.arctan(np.cos(i) * np.tan(w + true_anomaly)) + Omega
satellite_longitude = alpha - w_sid*(t_new - t_eqnx)
satellite_longitude = np.degrees(satellite_longitude) # Converting to degrees

# Append latitude and longitude to the lists
# Update time elapsed
time_elapsed += 10

# one complete orbit has been completed
if time_elapsed >= orbital_period:

# Load background image
background_image_path = r'D:\Satellite Code\earth.jpg'
background_img = plt.imread(background_image_path)

# Create the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(15.2, 8.2))
plt.imshow(background_img, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90])

# Plot the ground track
plt.scatter(longitude, latitude, label="BEESAT 9 Ground Track", color='red', marker='o', s=4)
plt.xlabel("Longitude (degrees)")
plt.ylabel("Latitude (degrees)")
plt.title("BEESAT 9 Ground Track ")

# Show the plot
plt.grid(True, color='w', linestyle=":", alpha=0.4)




Not sure why you wouldn't want to use AstroPy or, but OK, that's your ground rules. :) I'm assuming you aren't too worried about accuracy since you are doing basic 2-body propagation of mean orbital elements.


These lines do look a bit suspect:


# Calculate satellite's longitude
alpha = np.arctan(np.cos(i) * np.tan(w + true_anomaly)) + Omega
satellite_longitude = alpha - w_sid*(t_new - t_eqnx)
satellite_longitude = np.degrees(satellite_longitude) # Converting to degrees

alpha is using arctan, not arctan2, so it will only return an angle between -pi/2 and pi/2. I would see if you can rewrite your equation using arctan2 to preserve the quadrant information.



Since Im studying aerospace engi I wanted to try to do it by myself :D Actually it worked with arctan2! But I had to add a line to keep the longitude between -180 and +180 > ' # Calculate satellite's longitude using arctan2 to keep the values -180° and +180°. alpha = np.arctan2(np.cos(i) * np.sin(w + true_anomaly) , np.cos(w + true_anomaly) ) + Omega satellite_longitude = alpha - w_sid*(t_new - t_eqnx) satellite_longitude = np.degrees(satellite_longitude) # Converting to degrees satellite_longitude = (satellite_longitude + 180) % 360 - 180'

因为我正在学习航空航天工程,所以我想试着自己来做:D事实上,它在Arctan2上是有效的!但我必须添加一行以保持经度在-180到+180之间>‘#使用arctan2计算卫星的经度以保持-180°和+180°的值。Alpha=np.arctan2(np.cos(I)*np.sin(w+TRUE_ANALIANY),np.cos(w+TRUE_ANALIANY))+Omega SPORTIAL_LONGATION=α-w_sid*(t_new-t_eqnx)SPORTAL_LONGONGE=np.Degrees(SATELATE_LONGATION)#转换为度数SATELITAL_LONGONCE=(SATELITE_LONGATION+180)%360-180‘

The problem That I have right now is with the inclination and the start of the ground track (satellite at periapsis) Is not accurate. The real ground track using beyond python package and the current TLE BEESAT 9 1 44412U 19038AC 23253.50851215 .00032377 00000+0 96568-3 0 9996 2 44412 97.6795 237.2542 0014075 17.3264 342.8456 15.34489469231220

我现在的问题是地面轨道(近地点的卫星)的倾斜度和起点不准确。真正的地面轨道使用Beyond Python包和当前的TLE BEESAT 9 1 44412U 19038AC 23253.50851215.00032377 00000+0 96568-3 0 9996 2 44412 97.6795 237.2542 17.3264 17.3264 15.34489469231220

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